VMD-L Mailing List
From: Anna Modzelewska (amodzelewska_at_iimcb.gov.pl)
Date: Mon Nov 07 2005 - 07:31:59 CST
- Next message: Vlad Cojocaru: "visualizing CCP4 maps in VMD"
- Previous message: Philip Fowler: "Re: help with modifying script"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: error when solvating protein/vmd1.8.4a22"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: error when solvating protein/vmd1.8.4a22"
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I wanted to put a protein in the water box with the VMD1.8.4a22 on Windows2000.
I did it as usually by typing in the TkConsole: "solvate arsmd.psf arfotwist.pdb -t 10" and I got an error:
"reading structure from psf file arsmd.psf
reading coordinates from pdb file arfotwist.pdb
reading structure from psf file e:/programy/vmd184/plugins/noarch/tcl/solvate1.2/wat.psf
Error processing bonds
MOLECULE DESTROYED BY FATAL ERROR! Use resetpsf to start over."
I tried the same with VMD1.8.3 and it worked.
Anyone know what is wrong?
Best Regards
Anna Modzelewska, M.Sc. amodzelewska_at_iimcb.gov.pl
International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
Trojdena 4, 02-109 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 5970721 fax: +48 22 5970715
- Next message: Vlad Cojocaru: "visualizing CCP4 maps in VMD"
- Previous message: Philip Fowler: "Re: help with modifying script"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: error when solvating protein/vmd1.8.4a22"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: error when solvating protein/vmd1.8.4a22"
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