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From: vivek sharma (vivek.sharma_at_helsinki.fi)
Date: Wed Aug 03 2005 - 00:33:17 CDT
- Next message: Robert Brunner: "Re: more precision in inverse trig functions"
- Previous message: Samuel Flores: "more precision in inverse trig functions"
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You can change the Tcl precision by using the statement in your script.
set tcl_precision 17
(17 is the no. of significant digits you need in your calculation)
Hope this helps.
Quoting Samuel Flores <samuel.flores_at_yale.edu>:
> Hi All,
> Does anyone know what I can do to get more precision in the calculation
> of
> inverse trig functions? I keep getting errors when I try to take the
> acos
> of some number like 1.0000007. I think this is the result of imprecision
> in
> an earlier mathematical step to take another arccosine.
> Help would be much appreciated!
> Thanks
> Sam
-- VIVEK SHARMA HBG BI "Basic research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." - Werner von Braun
- Next message: Robert Brunner: "Re: more precision in inverse trig functions"
- Previous message: Samuel Flores: "more precision in inverse trig functions"
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