VMD-L Mailing List
From: Miguel Valvano (miguel.valvano_at_rogers.com)
Date: Fri Jul 08 2005 - 11:20:35 CDT
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: problems to launch VMD 1.83 in MAC os x tiger"
- Previous message: Joseph Fernandez: "Error when running ied.py"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: problems to launch VMD 1.83 in MAC os x tiger"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: problems to launch VMD 1.83 in MAC os x tiger"
- Reply: Robert Brunner: "Re: problems to launch VMD 1.83 in MAC os x tiger"
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I installed Vmd 1.83 as per instructions. After copying .app file
into my directory and launching the application, a screen from Text
edit appears with the following:
# Determine the VMD.app bundle's path
set pwd="$PWD"
cd "$0:h/.."
set vmdappdir="$PWD"
cd "$pwd"
# XXX no longer needed, we have this coded into the libraries and
executable now
# setenv VMDDIR "$vmdappdir/vmd"
# setenv DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH "$vmdappdir/Frameworks"
# Set mac-specific environment variables to make vmd.sh work correctly
# setenv VMDMACEXEC "$vmdappdir/Resources/VMD.app/Contents/MacOS/VMD"
# source "$vmdappdir/vmd.sh"
# Launch vmd
"$vmdappdir/Resources/VMD.app/Contents/MacOS/VMD" $*
and nothing else happens.
Any advice?
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: problems to launch VMD 1.83 in MAC os x tiger"
- Previous message: Joseph Fernandez: "Error when running ied.py"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: problems to launch VMD 1.83 in MAC os x tiger"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: problems to launch VMD 1.83 in MAC os x tiger"
- Reply: Robert Brunner: "Re: problems to launch VMD 1.83 in MAC os x tiger"
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