VMD-L Mailing List
From: Amarda Shehu (shehua_at_is.rice.edu)
Date: Sun Apr 17 2005 - 18:14:21 CDT
- Next message: Michel Espinoza-Fonseca: "RE: criteria for detecting hydrogen bonds"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: "Draw" different things in different frames"
- In reply to: Jim Nettles: "Re: handling electron density maps (.mrc and .map files)"
- Next in thread: Amarda Shehu: "understanding NOE restraints"
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Hello all,
can anyone point me to the criteria for detecting hydrogen bonds? I am
trying to write a simple C program to detect hydrogen bonds in a protein
structure, but cannot seem to find good directions on the criteria to be
satisfied for reporting hydrogen bonds.
I know that there are at least two: distance separation and some sort of
alignment. I would really appreciate it if you can point me to a paper or
a well-established procedure that lists the conditions that need to be
-Amarda Shehu
Amarda Shehu,
Graduate Student, Computer Science,
Rice University.
- Next message: Michel Espinoza-Fonseca: "RE: criteria for detecting hydrogen bonds"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: "Draw" different things in different frames"
- In reply to: Jim Nettles: "Re: handling electron density maps (.mrc and .map files)"
- Next in thread: Amarda Shehu: "understanding NOE restraints"
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