VMD-L Mailing List
From: Arango, Andres Santiago (aarango2_at_illinois.edu)
Date: Fri Oct 25 2024 - 14:39:37 CDT
- Next message: Diego Gomes: "Re: CUDA Error with Quicksurf"
- Previous message: Joel Subach: "ffTK Water Int tab generated .inp Charge 0 Mult 1 INQUIRY?"
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- Reply: Diego Gomes: "Re: CUDA Error with Quicksurf"
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Dear VMD team,
My VMD sessions are crashing when I try to use quicksurf, this is the error message I get:
CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered, CUDAQuickSurf.cu line 1453
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'prodlib::AssertionFailure'
what(): Assertion failed: "m_resolvedSet.empty() : Scope destroyed while resolutions remain", file: <internal>, line: 254
Aborted (core dumped)
I'm running on Ubuntu with an A6000 on version 1.9.4a55 . Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Andres S. Arango
- Next message: Diego Gomes: "Re: CUDA Error with Quicksurf"
- Previous message: Joel Subach: "ffTK Water Int tab generated .inp Charge 0 Mult 1 INQUIRY?"
- Next in thread: Diego Gomes: "Re: CUDA Error with Quicksurf"
- Reply: Diego Gomes: "Re: CUDA Error with Quicksurf"
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