From: Samapika Sahu (P20CY011) (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2024 - 13:49:31 CDT

Dear developers

I am working with a coarse-grained MARTINI system. My system contains a
beta-sheet protein, which is modeled using an elastic network, and the
bilayer contains MARTINI-3 lipids. I am trying to visualize the protein
without an elastic network, for which I am giving the following commands in
the TK console:
vmd > source /home/user/scripts/cg_bonds.tcl
vmd > cg_bonds -top -topoltype "elastic"

But the error that crops up is: atomsel : setbonds: Need one bondlist for
each selected atom
Tried searching a lot in the web but did not get a clue.
How do I solve this? Any help in this regard would be really helpful.

Thanks and Regards