From: Diego Gomes (
Date: Wed Aug 07 2024 - 10:16:25 CDT

Thank you for (privately) sharing the sample file.
Now that I see your data, there is no direct way for VMD to display what
you want.

A workaround could be:
1) Fitting the ESP charges to the atoms and saving as to a format with
coordinates and charges. (PQR/MOL2...)
2) The VolMap tool with "coulomb/coulombmsm" (
Extensions->Analysis->VolMap Tool )

A MatLab solution would be saving Electron Density as a Function of
Position from CHGCAR to a density file in *.dx *format.;!!DZ3fjg!90fcAVnYpImIM23MvhezOIdKXe42tCWwr4abozbUWuqMjHrDgUK8ACBUlIYFmNW-6vSQg6yHXBDlPCUEmFOk$

>From this tutorial, I believe VASPKIT can do the job for you, writing the
density file *CHGDIFF.vasp.**density-related__;Iw!!DZ3fjg!90fcAVnYpImIM23MvhezOIdKXe42tCWwr4abozbUWuqMjHrDgUK8ACBUlIYFmNW-6vSQg6yHXBDlPL8tt7_p$

Have fun!

Friendly regards,

On Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 10:59 PM SKM <> wrote:

> Hi
> I have a CHGCAR file of a 'double-layered' graphene, which, i presume'
> obviously contains the charge density values at each volume grid point,
> declared during the VASP computation, within the crystal lattice. I want to
> visualize this data as a 2D image that shows the integrated charge
> densities along the z-direction of the crystal lattice. This means creating
> a 2D planar figure that effectively displays the charge densities projected
> onto the xy-plane.
> Now can VMD have this feature to display such image?
> Regards
> Sri

Diego Enry B. Gomes, PhD
Department of Physics at Auburn University &
NIH Center for Macromolecular Modeling and Visualization
Leach Science Center - Ste. 3182 - Auburn, AL