VMD-L Mailing List
From: Giacomo Fiorin (giacomo.fiorin_at_gmail.com)
Date: Tue Apr 30 2024 - 14:42:21 CDT
- Next message: Sefcikova, Jana: "RE: restarting calculations anytime within Equilibration and MD simulations steps in QwikMD"
- Previous message: Sefcikova, Jana: "restarting calculations anytime within Equilibration and MD simulations steps in QwikMD"
- In reply to: Sefcikova, Jana: "restarting calculations anytime within Equilibration and MD simulations steps in QwikMD"
- Next in thread: Sefcikova, Jana: "RE: restarting calculations anytime within Equilibration and MD simulations steps in QwikMD"
- Reply: Sefcikova, Jana: "RE: restarting calculations anytime within Equilibration and MD simulations steps in QwikMD"
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Hello Jana, it is a good idea to run things interactively from VMD using
QwikMD while learning. However, you will get the most out of the existing
resources if the MD simulation runs unattended in the form of chained batch
That means using the information from the log of your interrupted job to
estimate a number of steps that will fit within your job's walltime. You
can then for each new job set the value of outputName to something unique
to that job:
Then the next job will use binCoordinates, binVelocities and extendedSystem
to load the output file of that previous job, while using a distinct
outputName, and so on.
On Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 2:49 PM Sefcikova, Jana <
j.sefcikova_at_northeastern.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to restart calculations (either in Minimization or MD
> simulation step of QwikMD) from the last step? If so, HOW?
> I am running QwikMD on a university computer cluster with assigned/limited
> time and processors allocation. The cluster administrators assigned to my
> account 24 hours and 28 processors, which is not enough to finish either
> 500000-steps minimization or 500000-steps MD simulation. After 24 hours, my
> jobs are terminated including VMD.
> Thanks,
> Jana
- Next message: Sefcikova, Jana: "RE: restarting calculations anytime within Equilibration and MD simulations steps in QwikMD"
- Previous message: Sefcikova, Jana: "restarting calculations anytime within Equilibration and MD simulations steps in QwikMD"
- In reply to: Sefcikova, Jana: "restarting calculations anytime within Equilibration and MD simulations steps in QwikMD"
- Next in thread: Sefcikova, Jana: "RE: restarting calculations anytime within Equilibration and MD simulations steps in QwikMD"
- Reply: Sefcikova, Jana: "RE: restarting calculations anytime within Equilibration and MD simulations steps in QwikMD"
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