VMD-L Mailing List
From: Maud Jusot (maud.jusot_at_iktos.com)
Date: Wed Feb 21 2024 - 08:24:02 CST
- Next message: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: bug when starting VMD on MACOS ARM"
- Previous message: Joel Subach: "Re: Re: ffTK Parameter Selection i.e. just Scan and Opt Torsion Selection Viable?"
- Next in thread: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: bug when starting VMD on MACOS ARM"
- Reply: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: bug when starting VMD on MACOS ARM"
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It seems there is a bug when starting VMD (version 1.9.4 on MACOS ARM). It
was working fine a few days ago but not anymore and was the same for a few
colleagues. When running the application I got the following error:
Applications/VMD\ 1.9.4a57-arm64-Rev12.app/Contents/MacOS/startup.command ;
zsh: no such file or directory: Applications/VMD
It seems the path is not recognized correctly anymore. To solve it, I
simply edit the `startup.command` as follow:
#!/bin/sh # startup.command # This is the script executed by VMDLauncher to
actually start VMD. p=`dirname "$0"`
/"$p/../Resources/VMD.app/Contents/MacOS/VMD" $* '''
Hope this can help,
- Next message: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: bug when starting VMD on MACOS ARM"
- Previous message: Joel Subach: "Re: Re: ffTK Parameter Selection i.e. just Scan and Opt Torsion Selection Viable?"
- Next in thread: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: bug when starting VMD on MACOS ARM"
- Reply: Isralewitz, Barry: "Re: bug when starting VMD on MACOS ARM"
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