VMD-L Mailing List
From: Cassiano Langini (c.langini_at_bioc.uzh.ch)
Date: Mon Oct 23 2023 - 05:17:56 CDT
- Next message: Josh: "Re: ffTK Opt Torsions Refine Section i.e. PERIODICITY, PHASE SHIFT Values?"
- Previous message: Bill McIntyre: "Script to Build Cyclic Peptides"
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Dear all,
I have been experiencing several issues with VMD on MacOS after upgrading to Sonoma 14.0. They affect many of the graphical windows, especially plugins (e.g. RMSD trajectory tool and RMSD visualizer tool) and can be summarized in being unresponsive/not receiving clicks/not receiving keyboard input. After some searching, it seems to affect other Tcl/Tk applications and it is related to incompatibilities with Tcl/Tk8.5.x, and it should improve with an upgrade to Tcl/Tk8.6.x (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/Anjok07/ultimatevocalremovergui/issues/840__;!!DZ3fjg!9l4BrVzmgEi3VkCVQfo961522g-iPaJQh7Y-r07cOACSNo2gUobgjECxb-LE6RNo-MDsUo48y2oJ5Rnos48xLYi9$ ).
Is there any on-going plan for a prepackaged binary with Tcl/Tk 8.6.x? Has anyone been able to have a properly working version on MacOS 14.0?
I have found this older message on the VMD-list about the topic: https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/mailing_list/vmd-l/27320.html
Has anything changed since then?
Thanks and best regards,
- Next message: Josh: "Re: ffTK Opt Torsions Refine Section i.e. PERIODICITY, PHASE SHIFT Values?"
- Previous message: Bill McIntyre: "Script to Build Cyclic Peptides"
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