VMD-L Mailing List
From: GAGANJYOT KAUR BAKSHI (gaganjyot.bakshi_at_s.amity.edu)
Date: Wed Jan 18 2023 - 02:01:29 CST
- Next message: Diego Gomes: "get "x y z" from smoothed coordinates"
- Previous message: Hocine el khaoudi enyoury: "PCA/NMA/Secondary structure analysis with bigdcd"
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Hii all,
I have 10,000 frames in my trajectory and NetworkView is giving only 10 frames in the adjacency.dcd file. I want atleast 10% of the frames (i.e., 1000) to be used in the network analysis.
Please help me how can I make changes in the tcl files for this.
Gagan Jyot Kaur
- Next message: Diego Gomes: "get "x y z" from smoothed coordinates"
- Previous message: Hocine el khaoudi enyoury: "PCA/NMA/Secondary structure analysis with bigdcd"
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