VMD-L Mailing List
From: Jason Smith (jason_smith_18_at_sfu.ca)
Date: Sun Dec 04 2022 - 15:25:23 CST
- Next message: Arsene Marian Alain: "Issue install VMD 1.9.3 Spack"
- Previous message: Raag Saluja: "Question about code"
- In reply to: Raag Saluja: "Question about code"
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VMD has a function called draw. You can draw lines, cylinders, spheres, text etc. There are tutorials available for the different methods. EG https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/vmd-1.7.1/ug/node169.html and others.
Tutorials and Examples<https://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/vmd-1.7.1/ug/node169.html>
Tutorials and Examples
Jason Smith
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Robert N. Young Lab, Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5A-1S6
From: owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu <owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu> on behalf of Raag Saluja <raag_at_dei.ac.in>
Sent: Sunday, 4 December 2022 11:43:40 AM
To: vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu
Subject: vmd-l: Question about code
Is there a code that I could use to draw a line connecting certain amino acids to each other, in my PDB file, instead of my having to manually draw the lines, please?
Looking forward to your reply,
- Next message: Arsene Marian Alain: "Issue install VMD 1.9.3 Spack"
- Previous message: Raag Saluja: "Question about code"
- In reply to: Raag Saluja: "Question about code"
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