VMD-L Mailing List
From: Chenbo Yan (ychenbo_at_umich.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 18 2022 - 21:31:59 CDT
- Next message: Efthymiou, Christos: "CaFE VMD Plugin Errors at PB Calculation Step"
- Previous message: Efthymiou, Christos: "Re: CaFE Plugin - Didn't Find vDW Parameter for Atom Type HT1 Error"
- Next in thread: Pang, Yui Tik: "Re: Error in FFTK charges optimization (Run Optimization)"
- Reply: Pang, Yui Tik: "Re: Error in FFTK charges optimization (Run Optimization)"
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I am trying to parameterize the *Alexa* Fluor *594* dye following the FFTK
tutorial with ORCA. I am stuck at the Run Optimization step in the charges
optimization section due to the following error:
atomselect set: 0 data items doesn't match 1 selected atoms.
atomselect set: 0 data items doesn't match 1 selected atoms.
while executing
"$temp set x [lindex [lindex $molCoords $i] 0]"
(procedure "::ForceFieldToolKit::ChargeOpt::optimize" line 194)
invoked from within
(procedure "::ForceFieldToolKit::gui::coptRunOpt" line 55)
invoked from within
"::ForceFieldToolKit::gui::coptRunOpt "
invoked from within
".fftk_gui.hlf.nb.chargeopt.runOpt invoke "
invoked from within
".fftk_gui.hlf.nb.chargeopt.runOpt instate {pressed !disabled} {
.fftk_gui.hlf.nb.chargeopt.runOpt state !pressed;
.fftk_gui.hlf.nb.chargeopt.runOpt in..."
(command bound to event)
I have read in a previous thread that this error could be caused by
non-converge water interaction calculations, so I have made sure all the
ORCA output files result in convergence, but the error still persists.
The output files are in the link below, any help would be greatly
- Next message: Efthymiou, Christos: "CaFE VMD Plugin Errors at PB Calculation Step"
- Previous message: Efthymiou, Christos: "Re: CaFE Plugin - Didn't Find vDW Parameter for Atom Type HT1 Error"
- Next in thread: Pang, Yui Tik: "Re: Error in FFTK charges optimization (Run Optimization)"
- Reply: Pang, Yui Tik: "Re: Error in FFTK charges optimization (Run Optimization)"
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