VMD-L Mailing List
From: juan.velasquez (juan.velasquez_at_antares.qi.ub.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 19 2021 - 04:58:18 CDT
- Next message: Sergio Perez: "Re: Problems MacOS Big Sur"
- Previous message: Andreas Kukol: "Using QwikMD with latest CHARMM36 force fields"
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I'm using VMD 1.9.4a48-Catalina-Rev7 on macOS Catalina Version 10.15.7.
When I try to render the image with:
·Render the current scene using
·Render Command
It says that does not found such file or directory.
1.9.4a48-Catalina-Rev7.app/Contents/vmd/tachyon_MACOSXX86_64: No such
file or directory
I only obtain the dat file. I do not obtain the tga file.
¿What I can do?
Thank you in advance
- Next message: Sergio Perez: "Re: Problems MacOS Big Sur"
- Previous message: Andreas Kukol: "Using QwikMD with latest CHARMM36 force fields"
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