From: Michael Robinson (
Date: Thu Jul 23 2020 - 21:56:31 CDT

Hi Miro,

I've just checked on Gadi, and I could use the 'display resize' commands
without VMD exiting, and the resizing occurred as appropriate. This is with
a completely fresh version of VMD - perhaps you've got some settings that
are causing issues. You might be able to try making a backup of your
.vmdrc, and then changing the settings there/resetting it.

Kind regards,
Michael Robinson

On Fri, 24 Jul 2020 at 11:37, Miro Astore <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to render some movies using scripts on my cluster and I'm
> noticing vmd exits when run
> display resize
> This seems rather odd to me, no error messages are printed. Any one
> interested in helping me debug this?
> System is nci gadi but I'm not sure what technical details would be
> relevant.
> Best, Miro
> --
> Miro A. Astore (he/him)
> PhD Candidate | Computational Biophysics
> Office 434 A28 School of Physics
> University of Sydney