VMD-L Mailing List
From: Giacomo Fiorin (giacomo.fiorin_at_gmail.com)
Date: Sun Mar 01 2020 - 10:19:15 CST
- Next message: Bassam Haddad: "Re: Minmax command"
- Previous message: Yogesh Sharma: "Minmax command"
- In reply to: Yogesh Sharma: "Minmax command"
- Next in thread: Bassam Haddad: "Re: Minmax command"
- Reply: Bassam Haddad: "Re: Minmax command"
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The values returned by minmax are explained here:
So this will only give you the "maximum" diameter, I think. Perhaps you
can look into a distribution of atom distances from its center, using the
g(r) plugin?
On Sun, Mar 1, 2020 at 10:10 AM Yogesh Sharma <yogesh.rma13_at_gmail.com>
> hi,
> I have a basic question.
> I am trying to get minimum and maximum diameter of a asymmetric molecule
> from its pdb file? is it possible to calculate it using minmax command and
> if it is can you please explain what does the {X, Y ,Z} values in output
> indicate?
-- Giacomo Fiorin Associate Professor of Research, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA Research collaborator, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD http://goo.gl/Q3TBQU https://github.com/giacomofiorin
- Next message: Bassam Haddad: "Re: Minmax command"
- Previous message: Yogesh Sharma: "Minmax command"
- In reply to: Yogesh Sharma: "Minmax command"
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- Reply: Bassam Haddad: "Re: Minmax command"
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