VMD-L Mailing List
From: Paula Mihaljevic-Juric (paula.mihaljevic-juric_at_polytechnique.edu)
Date: Tue May 21 2019 - 09:46:53 CDT
- Next message: Takeru KAMEDA: "psfgen problems of many segment complex"
- Previous message: Fotis Baltoumas: "Re: CG Martini File for Cholesterol"
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Dear VMD people,
I would like to add magnesium ions to my ribosome structure, but I am not sure based on what do I choose the number of ions I want to add.
Is there any special procedure for it? I read many papers about different magnesium-motifs in RNA, so there are number of possibilities.
I would appreciate your help.
All best,
- Next message: Takeru KAMEDA: "psfgen problems of many segment complex"
- Previous message: Fotis Baltoumas: "Re: CG Martini File for Cholesterol"
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