VMD-L Mailing List
From: Villalain Boullon, Jose (jvillalain_at_umh.es)
Date: Mon Feb 11 2019 - 10:35:46 CST
- Next message: Ern Ong: "Cannot merge psf and pdb files using psfgen"
- Previous message: alberto: "minimal distance between atoms in all frame"
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Dear all,
I have been trying to obtain the two-dimensional mean squared displacement (MSD)-based diffusion coefficient of a lipid in a membrane using the VMD Diffusion Coefficient Tool (https://github.com/tonigi/vmd_diffusion_coefficient/tree/master/doc#).
However, I have several trajectories (65 trajectories, 300 ns) and I have not found the way to concatenate the results for each one of them and obtain the MSD.
Could you please point me how to do it or a link where I could obtain the MSD throughout all the trajectories?.
Thanks a lot.
- Next message: Ern Ong: "Cannot merge psf and pdb files using psfgen"
- Previous message: alberto: "minimal distance between atoms in all frame"
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