VMD-L Mailing List
From: Adriano Santana Sanchez (adriano.santanasanchez_at_kaust.edu.sa)
Date: Sat Aug 18 2018 - 08:54:38 CDT
- Next message: amin sagar: "Network Path Backtraces"
- Previous message: fan li: "Re: Atomselection with the position selected conditions inside the loop is not working properly"
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Dear all,
I want to do h-bond analysis with VMD tool on a selected group of
water molecules, instead of the whole water box. These water molecules
I have them located by the LAMMPS REGION command.
Is it possible to make a .psf file that picks the selected water molecules
instead of
the whole box?.
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- Next message: amin sagar: "Network Path Backtraces"
- Previous message: fan li: "Re: Atomselection with the position selected conditions inside the loop is not working properly"
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