VMD-L Mailing List
From: fan li (fanliqmul_at_gmail.com)
Date: Tue May 22 2018 - 11:43:38 CDT
- Next message: Mani Kandan: "How autoionzie plugin works?"
- Previous message: Rinky Parakra: "RMSF_Calculation_Error_Using script"
- Next in thread: Vermaas, Joshua: "RE: How can I redefine fragments in VMD"
- Reply: Vermaas, Joshua: "RE: How can I redefine fragments in VMD"
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Hi every one
I downloaded a psf and a pdb file online. But the fragments are completely
wrong because it is not biological system, also the chain is not right,but
the connection and atom type are correct. So I wander how can delete the
default fragments and redefine fragments in vmd?
The system has two layers and ion between them so I want to define the
first layer as fragment 1 and second layer as fragment 2 and define ions as
fragment 3.
Can I do that in VMD?
- Next message: Mani Kandan: "How autoionzie plugin works?"
- Previous message: Rinky Parakra: "RMSF_Calculation_Error_Using script"
- Next in thread: Vermaas, Joshua: "RE: How can I redefine fragments in VMD"
- Reply: Vermaas, Joshua: "RE: How can I redefine fragments in VMD"
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