VMD-L Mailing List
From: Bennion, Brian (bennion1_at_llnl.gov)
Date: Mon Apr 23 2018 - 12:34:18 CDT
- Next message: SM Bargeen A Turzo: "RESP PATH"
- Previous message: Sonibare, Kolawole: "Re: Calculating Diffusion Coefficient Using VMD"
- In reply to: McGuire, Kelly: "Re: PDB Question"
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there might be certain END records after each chain in the biomolecule. VMD would interpret these as separate frames and not just one molecule.
From: owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu <owner-vmd-l_at_ks.uiuc.edu> on behalf of McGuire, Kelly <mcg05004_at_byui.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 10:05:44 AM
To: jrhau lung
Cc: VMD Mailing LIst
Subject: Re: vmd-l: PDB Question
I tried that last night, and VMD opened the structure models as 4 frames. I had to save the coordinates of each frame and then merge them back together as one structure. Is there a different way to open it so that VMD recognizes the models as different peptides instead of frames?
Kelly L. McGuire
PhD Scholar
Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology
Brigham Young University
LSB 3050
Provo, UT 84602
From: jrhau lung <jrhaulung_at_gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 5:56:53 AM
To: McGuire, Kelly
Cc: VMD Mailing LIst
Subject: Re: vmd-l: PDB Question
Hi Kelly:
If you download 5C02, it does contain only one chain. But if you download the biological assembly, it will have four chains as a homotetramer structure.
2018-04-23 7:40 GMT+08:00 McGuire, Kelly <mcg05004_at_byui.edu<mailto:mcg05004_at_byui.edu>>:
Sometimes when I download a PDB from pdb.org<http://pdb.org> or request one through QwikMD, only a part of the protein is loaded. For example, 5C02 is a homotetramer crystal structure, but when I download the pdb or request it through QwikMD, I only get one of the peptides, not all 4 i.e. not the whole structure. What is causing that?
Kelly L. McGuire
PhD Scholar
Department of Physiology and Developmental Biology
Brigham Young University
LSB 3050
Provo, UT 84602
- Next message: SM Bargeen A Turzo: "RESP PATH"
- Previous message: Sonibare, Kolawole: "Re: Calculating Diffusion Coefficient Using VMD"
- In reply to: McGuire, Kelly: "Re: PDB Question"
- Next in thread: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: PDB Question"
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