VMD-L Mailing List
From: Karteek Kumar (karthik3327_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Dec 15 2017 - 15:23:39 CST
- Next message: Monika Madhavi: "Re: Same starting configuration gives two values of backbone RMSD"
- Previous message: Windle,Stephen: "Cycling between files using the same output file"
- In reply to: Rabeta Yeasmin: "distance between two groups of atoms"
- Next in thread: Souvik Sinha: "Re: distance between two groups of atoms"
- Reply: Souvik Sinha: "Re: distance between two groups of atoms"
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You can write a small tcl script something like this.
set group1 [ atomselect top { selection }]
set group2 [ atomselect top { selection }]
set com1 [ measure center $group1 ]
set com2 [ measure center $group2 ]
set distance [ vecdist $com1 $com2 ]
puts $distance
write it in a script and execute using Tkconsole. Or else simply type in
the Tk console
Hope this helps !!!!
On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 3:39 PM, Rabeta Yeasmin <rabetayeasmin_at_gmail.com>
> Dear VMD users,
> I am wondering if there is any way in VMD to calculate distance between
> two groups of atoms.
> Thanks.
> Rabeta Yeasmin
- Next message: Monika Madhavi: "Re: Same starting configuration gives two values of backbone RMSD"
- Previous message: Windle,Stephen: "Cycling between files using the same output file"
- In reply to: Rabeta Yeasmin: "distance between two groups of atoms"
- Next in thread: Souvik Sinha: "Re: distance between two groups of atoms"
- Reply: Souvik Sinha: "Re: distance between two groups of atoms"
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