VMD-L Mailing List
From: Vermaas, Joshua (Joshua.Vermaas_at_nrel.gov)
Date: Thu Nov 30 2017 - 13:15:38 CST
- Next message: t.shivam_at_iitg.ernet.in: "Re: creation of psf"
- Previous message: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: Changing the format of atom labels from %f.3 to something else"
- In reply to: t.shivam_at_iitg.ernet.in: "creation of psf"
- Next in thread: t.shivam_at_iitg.ernet.in: "Re: creation of psf"
- Reply: t.shivam_at_iitg.ernet.in: "Re: creation of psf"
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I’m pretty sure BSA (assuming its bovine serum albumin) is a monomer, not a dimer. This means that the second copy in the crystal structure is a duplicate relative to the native state, which nicely solves your math problem.
Josh Vermaas
Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
On Nov 27, 2017, at 1:40 AM, t.shivam_at_iitg.ernet.in<mailto:t.shivam_at_iitg.ernet.in> wrote:
Dear vmd users,
I am using psfgen for creating psf for BSA protein, so when i am using the
procedure given in the psfgen tutorial (that is creating separate pdbs for
fragments present in the pdb file and building separate segment for each
segment) i am getting the total charge of -34 on the final structure which
is exactly twice the value reported in the literature (-17) as the protein
had two fragments each has a charge of -17 (i checked it),
but when i am building the whole protein under single segment (following
the NAMD basics tutorial) i am getting the correct charge that is -17.
so which procedure is the correct one or am i making any mistake?
- Next message: t.shivam_at_iitg.ernet.in: "Re: creation of psf"
- Previous message: Giacomo Fiorin: "Re: Changing the format of atom labels from %f.3 to something else"
- In reply to: t.shivam_at_iitg.ernet.in: "creation of psf"
- Next in thread: t.shivam_at_iitg.ernet.in: "Re: creation of psf"
- Reply: t.shivam_at_iitg.ernet.in: "Re: creation of psf"
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