VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ashar Malik (asharjm_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Jun 28 2017 - 13:37:28 CDT
- Next message: Ghosh, Shreya: "PSF and PDB files do not show up"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: pdb download bug"
- In reply to: Ghosh, Shreya: "PSF and PDB files do not show up"
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Windows users do run into this problem (not sure why) probably because of
rights (i think!).
You should make a working directory either on your desktop or in a drive
where you have more control (probably where windows isn't sitting).
The above assumes you are using windows. If this doesn't help write back.
On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 5:45 AM, Ghosh, Shreya <SHG67_at_pitt.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> After working with VMD, I have saved the pdb and psf files in a particular
> folder. On typing "ls" in the Tk console, the list of files in that
> folder are displayed. However, when I navigate to the same folder, not
> through the console, I do not see them. I checked if the hidden files
> option is activated, but it is not. All files and folders except the pdb
> and psf files show up. What should I do?
> Thanks,
> Shreya
-- Best, /A
- Next message: Ghosh, Shreya: "PSF and PDB files do not show up"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: pdb download bug"
- In reply to: Ghosh, Shreya: "PSF and PDB files do not show up"
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