VMD-L Mailing List
From: Remya Ann (remya.mathewskl_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jul 04 2016 - 01:39:17 CDT
- Next message: Matic Kisovec: "Re: Installing VMD-1.9.2 in Ubuntu 16.04-32bit"
- Previous message: Mr Bernard Ramos: "On CHARMM angle bending potential"
- Next in thread: Matic Kisovec: "Re: Installing VMD-1.9.2 in Ubuntu 16.04-32bit"
- Reply: Matic Kisovec: "Re: Installing VMD-1.9.2 in Ubuntu 16.04-32bit"
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Hi , is VMD-1.9.2 (which is 64-bit) supported in a 32-bit Ubuntu OS(16.04).
I downloaded the "vmd-1.9.2.bin.LINUXAMD64-RHEL5.opengl" version of VMD and
followed the instructions given in the manual. After Installation, I run
vmd and get the
/usr/local/bin/vmd: 480: exec: /usr/local/lib/vmd/vmd_LINUX: not found
I checked the previous mails in the thread, where it was said that the
64bit software run on the 32-bit OS gives such an error. But it doesn't
give a solution for it. Any help would be appreciated. Please suggest which
version of the software is to be downloaded and how to install.
- Next message: Matic Kisovec: "Re: Installing VMD-1.9.2 in Ubuntu 16.04-32bit"
- Previous message: Mr Bernard Ramos: "On CHARMM angle bending potential"
- Next in thread: Matic Kisovec: "Re: Installing VMD-1.9.2 in Ubuntu 16.04-32bit"
- Reply: Matic Kisovec: "Re: Installing VMD-1.9.2 in Ubuntu 16.04-32bit"
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