VMD-L Mailing List
From: Nuno Sousa Cerqueira (nscerqueira_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Apr 08 2016 - 09:56:57 CDT
- Next message: Sebastian Schneider: "VMD with VRPN 7.33 and Phantom Omni on Windows 7"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Clonerep GUI issue with VMD CVS"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: Clonerep GUI issue with VMD CVS"
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Hello to all,
About the tcl and tk 8.6 versions I think that the one present in VMD should be updated.
There is an issue regarding the addition of buttons on text widgets on VMD. When scrolling down the text widget, they will appear as I show in the figure (blurred).
The script with the buttons embedded on the text widget can be found at: http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~saul/personal/archives/Tcl-Tk_stuff/tcl_examples/
I thought that it was a problem of tk8.6 and I contacted the tcl/tk development team. However, they told me that this issue was corrected a long time ago and if we update the tk8.6 it no longer exists. This is true on the operating system (my case mac ) but not in VMD where the problem remains.
I would suggest therefore that the tk8.6 version on VMD should be update.
Maybe it would also correct some minor errors on the widgets.
Nuno M. F. Sousa A. Cerqueira
Chemistry Department
Faculty of Sciences
University of Porto
Rua do Campo Alegre, s/n
4169-007 Porto
Tel: +351 220402501
Fax: +351 220 402 009
email: nscerque_at_fc.up.pt <mailto:nscerque_at_fc.up.pt>
website: http://www.fc.up.pt/pessoas/nscerque <http://www.fc.up.pt/pessoas/nscerque>
> On 08 Apr 2016, at 15:14, John Stone <johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu> wrote:
> I can't check now, but
- Next message: Sebastian Schneider: "VMD with VRPN 7.33 and Phantom Omni on Windows 7"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Clonerep GUI issue with VMD CVS"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: Clonerep GUI issue with VMD CVS"
- Next in thread: Jérôme Hénin: "Re: Clonerep GUI issue with VMD CVS"
- Reply: Jérôme Hénin: "Re: Clonerep GUI issue with VMD CVS"
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