From: Ф¸»¹ó (
Date: Wed May 01 2013 - 14:25:37 CDT

Dear all,
I followed the steps in the tutorial of "residue-based coarse graining using MARTINI force field in NAMD" and i tried to repeat the tutorial of "membrane protein".
The website of the tutorial is :
Everything went fine before i ionized the system, and the error is:
Unable to open topology file
Molecule destroyed by fatal error! Use resetpsf to start over.
I checked the whose content is:

27 1

MASS 1 Qa 72.0
MASS 2 Qd 72.0

!Na+ ion
RESI NA 1.00
ATOM NA Qd 1.00

!K+ ion
RESI K 1.00
ATOM K Qd 1.00

!Cl- ion
RESI CL -1.00
ATOM CL Qa -1.00

!Mg++ ion
RESI MG 2.00
ATOM MG Qd 2.00

!Ca++ ion
RESI CA 2.00
ATOM CA Qd 2.00

!ZN++ ion
RESI ZN 2.00
ATOM ZN Qd 2.00

! end of ions

So it seems that there is no problem in the, could anyone give me a suggestion?