VMD-L Mailing List
From: Gkourmpis, Thomas (Thomas.Gkourmpis_at_borealisgroup.com)
Date: Thu Apr 26 2012 - 03:51:45 CDT
- Next message: amin_at_imtech.res.in: "Problem with generating psf using CGENFF"
- Previous message: Hitesh Patel: "Re: how to center protein?"
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Hello everyone
I've just started using VMD and I have a question regarding how to build a polymer for subsequent molecular dynamics runs.
I can build (or obtain) monomer units in pdb format but how can I tell the computer to put them in a specific sequence in a random manner as to create an actual coiled chain?
For example I want to build a polyethylene chain and I need two CH3 units (chain ends) and a CH2 unit (monomer). I need a way to put the CH3 units in the end and the CH2 units connected with the torsion rotations in a random manner.
Thank you very much in advance
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- Next message: amin_at_imtech.res.in: "Problem with generating psf using CGENFF"
- Previous message: Hitesh Patel: "Re: how to center protein?"
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