VMD-L Mailing List
From: Steven S Plotkin (steve_at_physics.ubc.ca)
Date: Wed Nov 03 2010 - 08:25:15 CDT
- Next message: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: Running VMD from the terminal on MacBook Pro"
- Previous message: Jérôme Hénin: "Re: IED 2.02 and VMD 1.8.7"
- Next in thread: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: Running VMD from the terminal on MacBook Pro"
- Reply: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: Running VMD from the terminal on MacBook Pro"
- Reply: Shore, Jay: "Re: Running VMD from the terminal on MacBook Pro"
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I want to run vmd from the terminal on my macbook pro like I've done on
my linux workstation. I'm new to the mac so apologies for the basic
I have downloaded VMD 1.8.7 and dragged the icon to the applications
folder. I can open vmd by simply double clicking the applications folder
icon, and view molecules.
However I there is no terminal vmd command that links to the executable.
I've found some threads on the list that are related, e.g.
http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/mailing_list/vmd-l/15371.html but
these don't seem to answer my specific question.
By control-clicking on the "VMD 1.8.7" icon in the Applications folder,
and going to Show package contents -> Contents/MacOS/ , I see there is
both a startup.command file and a startup.command.csh file. I think
these somehow have to be linked or aliased to "vmd" at the terminal
prompt, but I'm not sure how or which file. Again sorry for the basic
- Next message: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: Running VMD from the terminal on MacBook Pro"
- Previous message: Jérôme Hénin: "Re: IED 2.02 and VMD 1.8.7"
- Next in thread: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: Running VMD from the terminal on MacBook Pro"
- Reply: Leonardo Trabuco: "Re: Running VMD from the terminal on MacBook Pro"
- Reply: Shore, Jay: "Re: Running VMD from the terminal on MacBook Pro"
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