VMD-L Mailing List
From: Meyer-Almes, Franz-Josef, Prof. Dr. (franz-josef.meyer-almes_at_h-da.de)
Date: Sun Sep 12 2010 - 13:18:46 CDT
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Visualization problem with aromatic bromo atom?"
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Dear all,
I use VMD 1.8.7 under Windows XP.
When I load the following .gro file, the bromo atom is depicted as a tiny single point and not connected to the aromatic C2 atom as it should. The distance is not too far from the expected distance between a bromo atom and the corresponding C atom.
After energy minimization of the drug molecule the distance between BR1 and C2 is 1.89 Angstrom. Even the minimized structure is not depicted correctly.
Do you have a remedy for the observed behaviour?
Thank you in advance,
1DRG C1 1 8.555 5.270 -3.838
1DRG C2 2 8.529 5.317 -3.967
1DRG BR1 3 8.392 5.231 -4.068
1DRG C3 4 8.602 5.424 -4.019
1DRG O1 5 8.580 5.472 -4.145
1DRG HAA 6 8.507 5.419 -4.189
1DRG C4 7 8.700 5.485 -3.941
1DRG C5 8 8.725 5.438 -3.812
1DRG C6 9 8.653 5.331 -3.760
1DRG C7 10 8.681 5.281 -3.619
1DRG C8 11 8.788 5.172 -3.616
1DRG N1 12 8.913 5.205 -3.598
1DRG O2 13 8.945 5.341 -3.583
1DRG HAB 14 9.044 5.351 -3.570
1DRG C9 15 8.736 5.032 -3.632
1DRG O3 16 8.619 5.004 -3.652
1DRG N2 17 8.828 4.932 -3.624
1DRG HAD 18 8.925 4.956 -3.626
1DRG C10 19 8.790 4.792 -3.610
1DRG C11 20 8.903 4.690 -3.629
1DRG S1 21 8.838 4.520 -3.654
1.11480 1.11480 1.11480
Prof. Dr. F.-J. Meyer-Almes
Hochschule Darmstadt
Fachbereich Chemie- und Biotechnologie
Schnittspahnstr. 12
64287 Darmstadt
Email: franz-josef.meyer-almes_at_h-da.de
Tel.: +49-(0)6151-168406
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Visualization problem with aromatic bromo atom?"
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