VMD-L Mailing List
From: FX (fxcoudert_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon Nov 24 2008 - 17:05:26 CST
- Next message: Anton Arkhipov: "Re: CG bead definition"
- Previous message: Ondrej Marsalek: "Re: unloading volumetric data"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: [patch] Autodetection of formats supported by openbabel"
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> Thanks for sending the patch. Have you done significant testing
> with this patch and current revs of openbabel?
I have tested it on quite a few different formats with 2.2.0, it works
fine so far (except for ShelX, but it's due to OpenBabel not correctly
reading the files I have, so it's not a bug in the plugin).
> I'm just trying to
> gauge how much testing will be required before I can safely apply this
> patch to the CVS tree
Of course I'm not to be trusted because I'm the patch author :)
Nevertheless, I'd say I'm pretty confident it's quite safe for OB >=
2.2.0, aside from the VMDBABELBIN issue which I mentionned (and which
I believe is an issue in my own build). Older versions of OB don't
recognize the "-L formats read" option, so they reliably won't work.
For now, this has to be selected at compile time. Another option,
which can be worked out, is to use "babel -V" (available since 2.0.0)
to determine the version and then use either a fixed format list or
I can work on such an amended patch if asked to, but it might be some
time before I get to it. On the other hand, it's not very hard to
Best regards,
PS: currently, unit cell information is not output by OpenBabel when
exporting to PDB format; I have submitted a patch to OpenBabel to
change that behaviour (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=428742&aid=2023510&group_id=40728
), which has now been imported into the development version. The
plugin does correctly use this information if the devel OpenBabel
version is used.
- Next message: Anton Arkhipov: "Re: CG bead definition"
- Previous message: Ondrej Marsalek: "Re: unloading volumetric data"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: [patch] Autodetection of formats supported by openbabel"
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