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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 2008-2009 The Board of Trustees of the
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved
00006  *cr
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00011  *
00012  *      $RCSfile: msmpot.h,v $
00013  *      $Author: johns $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00014  *      $Revision: 1.3 $      $Date: 2010/06/03 20:07:09 $
00015  *
00016  ***************************************************************************/
00024 #ifndef MSMPOT_H
00025 #define MSMPOT_H
00027 #ifdef __cplusplus
00028 extern "C" {
00029 #endif
00031   /* struct Msmpot_t; */
00033   typedef struct Msmpot_t Msmpot;
00036   Msmpot *Msmpot_create(void);
00039   void Msmpot_destroy(Msmpot *);
00099   int Msmpot_compute(Msmpot *pm,
00100       float *epotmap,               /* electrostatic potential map */
00101       int mx, int my, int mz,       /* map lattice dimensions */
00102       float lx, float ly, float lz, /* map lattice lengths */
00103       float x0, float y0, float z0, /* map origin (lower-left corner) */
00104       float vx, float vy, float vz, /* periodic cell lengths along x, y, z;
00105                                        set to 0 for non-periodic direction */
00106       const float *atom,            /* atoms stored x/y/z/q (length 4*natoms) */
00107       int natoms                    /* number of atoms */
00108       );
00156   int Msmpot_compute_exact(Msmpot *pm,
00157       float *epotmap,               /* electrostatic potential map */
00158       int mx, int my, int mz,       /* map lattice dimensions */
00159       float lx, float ly, float lz, /* map lattice lengths */
00160       float x0, float y0, float z0, /* map origin (lower-left corner) */
00161       float vx, float vy, float vz, /* periodic cell lengths along x, y, z;
00162                                        set to 0 for non-periodic direction */
00163       const float *atom,            /* atoms stored x/y/z/q (length 4*natoms) */
00164       int natoms                    /* number of atoms */
00165       );
00168   /*
00169    * Use CUDA GPU acceleration for Msmpot_compute().
00170    *   devlist - available devices, listed in decreasing order of preference
00171    *   listlen - length of devlist array
00172    *   cuda_optional - 1 indicates fall back on CPU if device or CUDA kernel
00173    *     can't be used to compute desired result, 0 indicates hard failure
00174    * No checking is done for actual device existence until Msmpot_compute().
00175    * However, an error is returned if the MSMPOT build lacks CUDA support
00176    * or if devlist and listlen do not together indicate at least one device.
00177    */
00178   int Msmpot_use_cuda(Msmpot *, const int *devlist, int listlen,
00179       int cuda_optional);
00182 #if 0
00183   /*
00184    * Establish a callback indicating progress of Msmpot_compute().
00185    * Function "progress" is provided by user to accept four ints:
00186    *   numphases - number of phases
00187    *   phasecnt  - which phase
00188    *   numunits  - number of work units for this phase
00189    *   unitcnt   - which work unit
00190    * A nonzero return value from progress() will result in early
00191    * termination of the Msmpot_compute() call.
00192    */
00193   int Msmpot_callback_status(Msmpot *,
00194       int (*progress)(int numphases, int phasecnt, int numunits, int unitcnt));
00195 #endif
00198   /*@brief Return the error message string for a particular return code. */
00199   const char *Msmpot_error_string(int retcode);
00201   /*
00202    * Configure the MSM parameters to improve accuracy or performance.
00203    *
00204    *   interp - choose interpolant (MSMPOT_INTERP_*);
00205    *     set less than 0 for default
00206    *   split - choose splitting (MSMPOT_SPLIT_*);
00207    *     set less than 0 for optimal choice based on interp
00208    *   nlevels - maximum number of levels for lattice hierarchy;
00209    *     set less than or equal to 0 to use maximum possible levels
00210    *   cutoff - length of short-range cutoff for atomic interactions;
00211    *     set less than or equal to 0 for default
00212    *   hmin - minimum spacing for MSM h-level lattice, hmax = (3/2)*hmin;
00213    *     for periodic boundaries, we can choose h, hmin <= h <= hmax;
00214    *     for non-periodic boundaries, h = hmin;
00215    *     set less than or equal to 0 for optimal choice based on cutoff
00216    *   binszmin - minimum bin size for geometric hashing;
00217    *     for periodic, binsize = L / floor(L / binszmin);
00218    *     for non-periodic boundaries, binsize = binszmin;
00219    *     set less than or equal to 0 for default
00220    *
00221    * Set any option less than 0 to 
00222    */
00223   int Msmpot_configure(Msmpot *,
00224       int interp,     /* which interpolant */
00225       int split,      /* which splitting */
00226       float cutoff,   /* cutoff distance (in Angstroms) */
00227       float hmin,     /* minimum spacing MSM h-level lattice */
00228       int nlevels,    /* maximum number of levels */
00229       float density,  /* expected density of system */
00230       float binfill,  /* ratio for bin fill, between 0 and 1 */
00231       float errtol,   /* error tolerance for convergence of periodic
00232                          #Msmpot_compute_exact() calculation */
00233       int usecuda     /* Use CUDA GPU acceleration? */
00234       );
00236   /*
00237    * MSM interpolation methods.  (Default is CUBIC.)
00238    */
00239   enum {
00240     MSMPOT_INTERP_CUBIC = 0,   /* C1 cubic (numerical Hermite) */
00241     MSMPOT_INTERP_QUINTIC,     /* C1 quintic (linear blend of quartics) */
00242     MSMPOT_INTERP_QUINTIC2,    /* C2 quintic */
00243     MSMPOT_INTERP_SEPTIC,      /* C1 septic (linear blend of sextics) */
00244     MSMPOT_INTERP_SEPTIC3,     /* C3 septic */
00245     MSMPOT_INTERP_NONIC,       /* C1 nonic (linear blend of octics) */
00246     MSMPOT_INTERP_NONIC4,      /* C4 nonic */
00247     MSMPOT_INTERPMAX           /* (for internal use) */
00248   };
00250   /*
00251    * MSM potential splitting methods.  (Default is TAYLOR2.)
00252    */
00253   enum {
00254     MSMPOT_SPLIT_TAYLOR2 = 0,  /* C2 Taylor splitting of s^(1/2), s = r^2 */
00255     MSMPOT_SPLIT_TAYLOR3,      /* C3 Taylor splitting of s^(1/2), s = r^2 */
00256     MSMPOT_SPLIT_TAYLOR4,      /* C4 Taylor splitting of s^(1/2), s = r^2 */
00257     MSMPOT_SPLIT_TAYLOR5,      /* C5 Taylor splitting of s^(1/2), s = r^2 */
00258     MSMPOT_SPLIT_TAYLOR6,      /* C6 Taylor splitting of s^(1/2), s = r^2 */
00259     MSMPOT_SPLIT_TAYLOR7,      /* C7 Taylor splitting of s^(1/2), s = r^2 */
00260     MSMPOT_SPLIT_TAYLOR8,      /* C8 Taylor splitting of s^(1/2), s = r^2 */
00261     MSMPOT_SPLITMAX            /* (for internal use) */
00262   };
00269   typedef enum MsmpotRetcode_t {
00270     MSMPOT_SUCCESS = 0,        
00271     MSMPOT_ERROR_ASSERT,       
00272     MSMPOT_ERROR_MALLOC,       
00273     MSMPOT_ERROR_PARAM,        
00274     MSMPOT_ERROR_SUPPORT,      
00281     MSMPOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN       
00282   } MsmpotRetcode;
00285 #ifdef __cplusplus
00286 }
00287 #endif
00289 #endif /* MSMPOT_H */

Generated on Tue Feb 11 02:43:36 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002