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00001 #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
00003 // This file is part of the Collective Variables module (Colvars).
00004 // The original version of Colvars and its updates are located at:
00005 //
00006 // Please update all Colvars source files before making any changes.
00007 // If you wish to distribute your changes, please submit them to the
00008 // Colvars repository at GitHub.
00010 #include "colvarcomp.h"
00012 colvar::linearCombination::linearCombination(std::string const &conf): cvc(conf) {
00013     // Lookup all available sub-cvcs
00014     for (auto it_cv_map = colvar::get_global_cvc_map().begin(); it_cv_map != colvar::get_global_cvc_map().end(); ++it_cv_map) {
00015         if (key_lookup(conf, it_cv_map->first.c_str())) {
00016             std::vector<std::string> sub_cvc_confs;
00017             get_key_string_multi_value(conf, it_cv_map->first.c_str(), sub_cvc_confs);
00018             for (auto it_sub_cvc_conf = sub_cvc_confs.begin(); it_sub_cvc_conf != sub_cvc_confs.end(); ++it_sub_cvc_conf) {
00019                 cv.push_back((it_cv_map->second)(*(it_sub_cvc_conf)));
00020             }
00021         }
00022     }
00023     // Sort all sub CVs by their names
00024     std::sort(cv.begin(), cv.end(), colvar::compare_cvc);
00025     for (auto it_sub_cv = cv.begin(); it_sub_cv != cv.end(); ++it_sub_cv) {
00026         for (auto it_atom_group = (*it_sub_cv)->atom_groups.begin(); it_atom_group != (*it_sub_cv)->atom_groups.end(); ++it_atom_group) {
00027             register_atom_group(*it_atom_group);
00028         }
00029     }
00030     // Show useful error messages and prevent crashes if no sub CVC is found
00031     if (cv.size() == 0) {
00032         cvm::error("Error: the CV " + name +
00033                    " expects one or more nesting components.\n");
00034         return;
00035     } else {
00036         // TODO: Maybe we can add an option to allow mixing scalar and vector types,
00037         //       but that's a bit complicated so we just require a consistent type
00038         //       of nesting CVs.
00039         x.type(cv[0]->value());
00040         x.reset();
00041         for (size_t i_cv = 1; i_cv < cv.size(); ++i_cv) {
00042             const auto type_i = cv[i_cv]->value().type();
00043             if (type_i != x.type()) {
00044                 cvm::error("Error: the type of sub-CVC " + cv[i_cv]->name +
00045                           " is " + colvarvalue::type_desc(type_i) + ", which is "
00046                           "different to the type of the first sub-CVC. Currently "
00047                           "only sub-CVCs of the same type are supported to be "
00048                           "nested.\n");
00049                 return;
00050             }
00051         }
00052     }
00053     use_explicit_gradients = true;
00054     for (size_t i_cv = 0; i_cv < cv.size(); ++i_cv) {
00055         if (!cv[i_cv]->is_enabled(f_cvc_explicit_gradient)) {
00056             use_explicit_gradients = false;
00057         }
00058     }
00059     if (!use_explicit_gradients) {
00060         disable(f_cvc_explicit_gradient);
00061     }
00062 }
00064 cvm::real colvar::linearCombination::getPolynomialFactorOfCVGradient(size_t i_cv) const {
00065     cvm::real factor_polynomial = 1.0;
00066     if (cv[i_cv]->value().type() == colvarvalue::type_scalar) {
00067         factor_polynomial = cv[i_cv]->sup_coeff * cv[i_cv]->sup_np * cvm::pow(cv[i_cv]->value().real_value, cv[i_cv]->sup_np - 1);
00068     } else {
00069         factor_polynomial = cv[i_cv]->sup_coeff;
00070     }
00071     return factor_polynomial;
00072 }
00074 colvar::linearCombination::~linearCombination() {
00075     // Recall the steps we initialize the sub-CVCs:
00076     // 1. Lookup all sub-CVCs and then register the atom groups for sub-CVCs
00077     //    in their constructors;
00078     // 2. Iterate over all sub-CVCs, get the pointers of their atom groups
00079     //    groups, and register again in the parent (current) CVC.
00080     // That being said, the atom groups become children of the sub-CVCs at
00081     // first, and then become children of the parent CVC.
00082     // So, to destruct this class (parent CVC class), we need to remove the
00083     // dependencies of the atom groups to the parent CVC at first.
00084     remove_all_children();
00085     // Then we remove the dependencies of the atom groups to the sub-CVCs
00086     // in their destructors.
00087     for (auto it = cv.begin(); it != cv.end(); ++it) {
00088         delete (*it);
00089     }
00090     // The last step is cleaning up the list of atom groups.
00091     atom_groups.clear();
00092 }
00094 void colvar::linearCombination::calc_value() {
00095     x.reset();
00096     for (size_t i_cv = 0; i_cv < cv.size(); ++i_cv) {
00097         cv[i_cv]->calc_value();
00098         colvarvalue current_cv_value(cv[i_cv]->value());
00099         // polynomial combination allowed
00100         if (current_cv_value.type() == colvarvalue::type_scalar) {
00101             x += cv[i_cv]->sup_coeff * (cvm::pow(current_cv_value.real_value, cv[i_cv]->sup_np));
00102         } else {
00103             x += cv[i_cv]->sup_coeff * current_cv_value;
00104         }
00105     }
00106 }
00108 void colvar::linearCombination::calc_gradients() {
00109     for (size_t i_cv = 0; i_cv < cv.size(); ++i_cv) {
00110         cv[i_cv]->calc_gradients();
00111         if (cv[i_cv]->is_enabled(f_cvc_explicit_gradient)) {
00112             cvm::real factor_polynomial = getPolynomialFactorOfCVGradient(i_cv);
00113             for (size_t j_elem = 0; j_elem < cv[i_cv]->value().size(); ++j_elem) {
00114                 for (size_t k_ag = 0 ; k_ag < cv[i_cv]->atom_groups.size(); ++k_ag) {
00115                     for (size_t l_atom = 0; l_atom < (cv[i_cv]->atom_groups)[k_ag]->size(); ++l_atom) {
00116                         (*(cv[i_cv]->atom_groups)[k_ag])[l_atom].grad = factor_polynomial * (*(cv[i_cv]->atom_groups)[k_ag])[l_atom].grad;
00117                     }
00118                 }
00119             }
00120         }
00121     }
00122 }
00124 void colvar::linearCombination::apply_force(colvarvalue const &force) {
00125     for (size_t i_cv = 0; i_cv < cv.size(); ++i_cv) {
00126         // If this CV us explicit gradients, then atomic gradients is already calculated
00127         // We can apply the force to atom groups directly
00128         if (cv[i_cv]->is_enabled(f_cvc_explicit_gradient)) {
00129             for (size_t k_ag = 0 ; k_ag < cv[i_cv]->atom_groups.size(); ++k_ag) {
00130                 (cv[i_cv]->atom_groups)[k_ag]->apply_colvar_force(force.real_value);
00131             }
00132         } else {
00133             // Compute factors for polynomial combinations
00134             cvm::real factor_polynomial = getPolynomialFactorOfCVGradient(i_cv);
00135             colvarvalue cv_force = force.real_value * factor_polynomial;
00136             cv[i_cv]->apply_force(cv_force);
00137         }
00138     }
00139 }
00141 colvar::customColvar::customColvar(std::string const &conf): linearCombination(conf) {
00142     use_custom_function = false;
00143     // code swipe from colvar::init_custom_function
00144     std::string expr_in, expr;
00145     size_t pos = 0; // current position in config string
00146 #ifdef LEPTON
00147     std::vector<Lepton::ParsedExpression> pexprs;
00148     Lepton::ParsedExpression pexpr;
00149     double *ref;
00150 #endif
00151     if (key_lookup(conf, "customFunction", &expr_in, &pos)) {
00152 #ifdef LEPTON
00153         use_custom_function = true;
00154         cvm::log("This colvar uses a custom function.\n");
00155         do {
00156             expr = expr_in;
00157             if (cvm::debug())
00158                 cvm::log("Parsing expression \"" + expr + "\".\n");
00159             try {
00160                 pexpr = Lepton::Parser::parse(expr);
00161                 pexprs.push_back(pexpr);
00162             } catch (...) {
00163                 cvm::error("Error parsing expression \"" + expr + "\".\n", COLVARS_INPUT_ERROR);
00164             }
00165             try {
00166                 value_evaluators.push_back(new Lepton::CompiledExpression(pexpr.createCompiledExpression()));
00167                 // Define variables for cvc values
00168                 for (size_t i = 0; i < cv.size(); ++i) {
00169                     for (size_t j = 0; j < cv[i]->value().size(); ++j) {
00170                         std::string vn = cv[i]->name + (cv[i]->value().size() > 1 ? cvm::to_str(j+1) : "");
00171                         try {
00172                             ref = &value_evaluators.back()->getVariableReference(vn);
00173                         } catch (...) {
00174                             ref = &dev_null;
00175                             cvm::log("Warning: Variable " + vn + " is absent from expression \"" + expr + "\".\n");
00176                         }
00177                         value_eval_var_refs.push_back(ref);
00178                     }
00179                 }
00180             } catch (...) {
00181                 cvm::error("Error compiling expression \"" + expr + "\".\n", COLVARS_INPUT_ERROR);
00182             }
00183         } while (key_lookup(conf, "customFunction", &expr_in, &pos));
00184         // Now define derivative with respect to each scalar sub-component
00185         for (size_t i = 0; i < cv.size(); ++i) {
00186             for (size_t j = 0; j < cv[i]->value().size(); ++j) {
00187                 std::string vn = cv[i]->name + (cv[i]->value().size() > 1 ? cvm::to_str(j+1) : "");
00188                 for (size_t c = 0; c < pexprs.size(); ++c) {
00189                     gradient_evaluators.push_back(new Lepton::CompiledExpression(pexprs[c].differentiate(vn).createCompiledExpression()));
00190                     for (size_t k = 0; k < cv.size(); ++k) {
00191                         for (size_t l = 0; l < cv[k]->value().size(); l++) {
00192                             std::string vvn = cv[k]->name + (cv[k]->value().size() > 1 ? cvm::to_str(l+1) : "");
00193                             try {
00194                                 ref = &gradient_evaluators.back()->getVariableReference(vvn);
00195                             } catch (...) {
00196                                 cvm::log("Warning: Variable " + vvn + " is absent from derivative of \"" + expr + "\" wrt " + vn + ".\n");
00197                                 ref = &dev_null;
00198                             }
00199                             grad_eval_var_refs.push_back(ref);
00200                         }
00201                     }
00202                 }
00203             }
00204         }
00205         if (value_evaluators.size() == 0) {
00206             cvm::error("Error: no custom function defined.\n", COLVARS_INPUT_ERROR);
00207         }
00208         if (value_evaluators.size() != 1) {
00209             x.type(colvarvalue::type_vector);
00210         } else {
00211             x.type(colvarvalue::type_scalar);
00212         }
00213 #else
00214         cvm::error("customFunction requires the Lepton library, but it is not enabled during compilation.\n"
00215                    "Please refer to the Compilation Notes section of the Colvars manual for more information.\n",
00216                     COLVARS_INPUT_ERROR);
00217 #endif
00218     } else {
00219         cvm::log("Warning: no customFunction specified.\n");
00220         cvm::log("Warning: use linear combination instead.\n");
00221     }
00222 }
00224 colvar::customColvar::~customColvar() {
00225 #ifdef LEPTON
00226     for (size_t i = 0; i < value_evaluators.size(); ++i) {
00227         if (value_evaluators[i] != nullptr) delete value_evaluators[i];
00228     }
00229     for (size_t i = 0; i < gradient_evaluators.size(); ++i) {
00230         if (gradient_evaluators[i] != nullptr) delete gradient_evaluators[i];
00231     }
00232 #endif
00233 }
00235 void colvar::customColvar::calc_value() {
00236     if (!use_custom_function) {
00237         colvar::linearCombination::calc_value();
00238     } else {
00239 #ifdef LEPTON
00240         for (size_t i_cv = 0; i_cv < cv.size(); ++i_cv) {
00241             cv[i_cv]->calc_value();
00242         }
00243         x.reset();
00244         size_t l = 0;
00245         for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
00246             for (size_t i_cv = 0; i_cv < cv.size(); ++i_cv) {
00247                 const colvarvalue& current_cv_value = cv[i_cv]->value();
00248                 for (size_t j_elem = 0; j_elem < current_cv_value.size(); ++j_elem) {
00249                     if (current_cv_value.type() == colvarvalue::type_scalar) {
00250                         *(value_eval_var_refs[l++]) = cv[i_cv]->sup_coeff * (cvm::pow(current_cv_value.real_value, cv[i_cv]->sup_np));
00251                     } else {
00252                         *(value_eval_var_refs[l++]) = cv[i_cv]->sup_coeff * current_cv_value[j_elem];
00253                     }
00254                 }
00255             }
00256             x[i] = value_evaluators[i]->evaluate();
00257         }
00258 #else
00259         cvm::error("customFunction requires the Lepton library, but it is not enabled during compilation.\n"
00260                    "Please refer to the Compilation Notes section of the Colvars manual for more information.\n",
00261                     COLVARS_INPUT_ERROR);
00262 #endif
00263     }
00264 }
00266 void colvar::customColvar::calc_gradients() {
00267     if (!use_custom_function) {
00268         colvar::linearCombination::calc_gradients();
00269     } else {
00270 #ifdef LEPTON
00271         size_t r = 0; // index in the vector of variable references
00272         size_t e = 0; // index of the gradient evaluator
00273         for (size_t i_cv = 0; i_cv < cv.size(); ++i_cv) { // for each CV
00274             cv[i_cv]->calc_gradients();
00275             if (cv[i_cv]->is_enabled(f_cvc_explicit_gradient)) {
00276                 const colvarvalue& current_cv_value = cv[i_cv]->value();
00277                 const cvm::real factor_polynomial = getPolynomialFactorOfCVGradient(i_cv);
00278                 for (size_t j_elem = 0; j_elem < current_cv_value.size(); ++j_elem) { // for each element in this CV
00279                     for (size_t c = 0; c < x.size(); ++c) { // for each custom function expression
00280                         for (size_t k = 0; k < cv.size(); ++k) { // this is required since we need to feed all CV values to this expression
00281                             const cvm::real factor_polynomial_k = getPolynomialFactorOfCVGradient(k);
00282                             for (size_t l = 0; l < cv[k]->value().size(); ++l) {
00283                                 *(grad_eval_var_refs[r++]) = factor_polynomial_k * cv[k]->value()[l];
00284                             }
00285                         }
00286                         const double expr_grad = gradient_evaluators[e++]->evaluate();
00287                         for (size_t k_ag = 0 ; k_ag < cv[i_cv]->atom_groups.size(); ++k_ag) {
00288                             for (size_t l_atom = 0; l_atom < (cv[i_cv]->atom_groups)[k_ag]->size(); ++l_atom) {
00289                                 (*(cv[i_cv]->atom_groups)[k_ag])[l_atom].grad = expr_grad * factor_polynomial * (*(cv[i_cv]->atom_groups)[k_ag])[l_atom].grad;
00290                             }
00291                         }
00292                     }
00293                 }
00294             }
00295         }
00296 #else
00297         cvm::error("customFunction requires the Lepton library, but it is not enabled during compilation.\n"
00298                    "Please refer to the Compilation Notes section of the Colvars manual for more information.\n",
00299                     COLVARS_INPUT_ERROR);
00300 #endif
00301     }
00302 }
00304 void colvar::customColvar::apply_force(colvarvalue const &force) {
00305     if (!use_custom_function) {
00306         colvar::linearCombination::apply_force(force);
00307     } else {
00308 #ifdef LEPTON
00309         size_t r = 0; // index in the vector of variable references
00310         size_t e = 0; // index of the gradient evaluator
00311         for (size_t i_cv = 0; i_cv < cv.size(); ++i_cv) {
00312             // If this CV us explicit gradients, then atomic gradients is already calculated
00313             // We can apply the force to atom groups directly
00314             if (cv[i_cv]->is_enabled(f_cvc_explicit_gradient)) {
00315                 for (size_t k_ag = 0 ; k_ag < cv[i_cv]->atom_groups.size(); ++k_ag) {
00316                     (cv[i_cv]->atom_groups)[k_ag]->apply_colvar_force(force.real_value);
00317                 }
00318             } else {
00319                 const colvarvalue& current_cv_value = cv[i_cv]->value();
00320                 colvarvalue cv_force(current_cv_value.type());
00321                 const cvm::real factor_polynomial = getPolynomialFactorOfCVGradient(i_cv);
00322                 for (size_t j_elem = 0; j_elem < current_cv_value.size(); ++j_elem) {
00323                     for (size_t c = 0; c < x.size(); ++c) {
00324                         for (size_t k = 0; k < cv.size(); ++k) {
00325                             const cvm::real factor_polynomial_k = getPolynomialFactorOfCVGradient(k);
00326                             for (size_t l = 0; l < cv[k]->value().size(); ++l) {
00327                                 *(grad_eval_var_refs[r++]) = factor_polynomial_k * cv[k]->value()[l];
00328                             }
00329                         }
00330                         cv_force[j_elem] += factor_polynomial * gradient_evaluators[e++]->evaluate() * force.real_value;
00331                     }
00332                 }
00333                 cv[i_cv]->apply_force(cv_force);
00334             }
00335         }
00336 #else
00337         cvm::error("customFunction requires the Lepton library, but it is not enabled during compilation.\n"
00338                    "Please refer to the Compilation Notes section of the Colvars manual for more information.\n",
00339                     COLVARS_INPUT_ERROR);
00340 #endif
00341     }
00342 }
00344 #endif // __cplusplus >= 201103L

Generated on Fri Feb 14 02:43:30 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002