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FileRenderer Class Reference

This is the base class for all the renderers that go to a file and are on the render list. There are five operations available to the outside world. More...

#include <FileRenderer.h>

Inheritance diagram for FileRenderer:

DisplayDevice ANARIDisplayDevice ArtDisplayDevice GelatoDisplayDevice LibGelatoDisplayDevice LibTachyonDisplayDevice MayaDisplayDevice OptiXDisplayDevice OSPRay2DisplayDevice OSPRayDisplayDevice POV3DisplayDevice PSDisplayDevice R3dDisplayDevice RadianceDisplayDevice RayShadeDisplayDevice RenderManDisplayDevice SnapshotDisplayDevice STLDisplayDevice TachyonDisplayDevice Vrml2DisplayDevice VrmlDisplayDevice WavefrontDisplayDevice X3DDisplayDevice List of all members.

Public Methods

 FileRenderer (const char *public_name, const char *public_pretty_name, const char *default_file_name, const char *default_command_line)
 create the renderer; set the 'visible' name for the renderer list. More...

virtual ~FileRenderer (void)
const char * visible_name (void) const
const char * pretty_name (void) const
const char * default_filename (void) const
const char * default_exec_string (void) const
const char * saved_exec_string (void) const
void set_exec_string (const char *)
int has_antialiasing () const
 Supports anti-aliasing? More...

int set_aasamples (int newval)
 Get/set the AA level; return the new value. Must be non-negative. More...

int set_aosamples (int newval)
 Get/set the AO samples; return the new value. Must be non-negative. More...

int has_imagesize () const
 Supports arbitrary image size? More...

int set_imagesize (int *w, int *h)
 Get/set the image size. Return success and places the current values in the passed-in pointers. May fail if the renderer is not able to specify the image size (e.g. snapshot). Passing 0,0 just returns the current values. More...

float set_aspectratio (float aspect)
 Set the aspect ratio. Negative values ignored. Returns the new value. Also updates image size if it has been set. More...

int numformats () const
 Number of output formats. More...

const char * format (int i) const
 get/set formats. More...

const char * format () const
int set_format (const char *format)
virtual void set_background (const float *)
 copy in the background color. More...

virtual void set_backgradient (const float *top, const float *bot)
 set gradient colors. More...

virtual int open_file (const char *filename)
 open the file; don't write the header info return TRUE if opened okay if file already opened, complain, and close previous file this will also reset the state variables. More...

virtual int do_define_light (int n, float *color, float *position)
 virtual routines to deal with light sources, return success/failure. More...

virtual int do_activate_light (int n, int turnon)
virtual int do_define_adv_light (int n, float *color, float *position, float constant, float linear, float quad, float *spotdir, float fallstart, float fallend, int spoton)
virtual int do_activate_adv_light (int n, int turnon)
virtual int prepare3D (int)
 ready to draw 3D. More...

virtual void render (const VMDDisplayList *)
 process list of draw commands. More...

virtual void update (int)
 don't need to override this (unless you want to do so). More...

Protected Methods

virtual void update_exec_cmd ()
 Renderer-specific function to update execCmd based on the current state of aasamples, image size, etc. Default implementation is to do nothing. More...

virtual void do_use_colors ()
virtual void write_header (void)
 write the header info. This is an alias for prepare3D. More...

void reset_state (void)
virtual void write_trailer (void)
 write any trailer info. This is called by update. More...

virtual void close_file (void)
 close the file. This is called by update, and exists due to symmetry. Also, is called for case when open is called when a file was already open. More...

void super_load (float *cmdptr)
virtual void load (const Matrix4 &)
void super_multmatrix (const float *cmdptr)
virtual void multmatrix (const Matrix4 &)
 multiply transformation matrix. More...

void super_translate (float *cmdptr)
virtual void translate (float, float, float)
void super_rot (float *cmdptr)
virtual void rot (float, char)
void super_scale (float *cmdptr)
void super_scale (float)
virtual void scale (float, float, float)
float scale_factor (void)
 return the current scaling factor to use with large batches of geometry. More...

float scale_radius (float)
 apply current scaling factor to radius. More...

void super_set_color (int index)
 only calls set_color when index changes. More...

virtual void set_color (int)
 set the color index. More...

int nearest_index (float r, float g, float b) const
 compute nearest index in matData using given rgb value XXX We shouldn't be doing this; a better approach would be to store the new color in the matData color table and return the new index, rather than trying to match a 17 color palette. More...

void super_set_material (int index)
 only call set_material on idx chg. More...

virtual void set_material (int)
 change material index. More...

virtual void start_clipgroup ()
 emit clipping plane group. More...

virtual void end_clipgroup ()
 terminate clipping plane group. More...

virtual void set_line_width (int new_width)
virtual void set_line_style (int)
 called by super. More...

virtual void set_sphere_res (int)
 called by super. More...

virtual void set_sphere_style (int)
 called by super. More...

void super_materials (int on_or_off)
virtual void activate_materials (void)
 if previous is TRUE. More...

virtual void deactivate_materials (void)
 if super is FALSE. More...

virtual void cone (float *xyz1, float *xyz2, float radius, int resolution)
 draw a single-radius cone (pointy top). More...

virtual void cone_trunc (float *, float *, float, float, int)
 draw a two-radius truncated cone. More...

virtual void cylinder (float *base, float *apex, float radius, int filled)
 draw a cylinder, with optional caps. More...

virtual void line (float *a, float *b)
 draw a single line. More...

virtual void line_array (int num, float thickness, float *points)
 draw a set of lines with the same color and thickness. More...

virtual void polyline_array (int num, float thickness, float *points)
 draw a set of connected lines with the same color and thickness. More...

virtual void point (float *xyz)
 draw an unlit point. More...

virtual void point_array (int num, float size, float *xyz, float *colors)
 draw an unlighted point array. More...

virtual void point_array_lit (int num, float size, float *xyz, float *norm, float *colors)
 draw a lighted point array. More...

virtual void cube_array (int num, float *centers, float *radii, float *colors)
 draw a lattice cube array. More...

virtual void sphere (float *xyzr)
 draw a sphere. More...

virtual void sphere_array (int num, int res, float *centers, float *radii, float *colors)
 draw a sphere array. More...

virtual void square (float *norm, float *a, float *b, float *c, float *d)
 draw a quadrilateral. More...

virtual void cube (float *xyzr)
 draw an axis-aligned lattice site cube. More...

virtual void triangle (const float *, const float *, const float *, const float *, const float *, const float *)
 single color triangle with interpolated surface normals. More...

virtual void tricolor (const float *xyz1, const float *xyz2, const float *xyz3, const float *n1, const float *n2, const float *n3, const float *c1, const float *c2, const float *c3)
 triangle with interpolated surface normals and vertex colors. More...

virtual void trimesh_n3f_v3f (float *n, float *v, int numfacets)
 triangle mesh built from a vertex array. More...

virtual void trimesh_n3fopt_v3f (float *n, float *v, int numfacets)
 flat-shaded triangle mesh built from a vertex array, if this routine isn't overridden, it has the same behavior as trimesh_n3f_v3f(), but if it is, the FileRenderer subclass can choose to skip storing surface normals in favor of on-the-fly facet normal calculation or something similar, for greater memory efficiency. More...

virtual void trimesh_n3b_v3f (signed char *n, float *v, int numfacets)
virtual void trimesh_c3f_n3f_v3f (float *c, float *n, float *v, int numfacets)
 triangle mesh built from a vertex array. More...

virtual void trimesh_c4n3v3 (int, float *cnv, int numfacets, int *facets)
 triangle mesh built from a vertex array and facet vertex index arrays. More...

virtual void trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f (unsigned char *c, float *n, float *v, int numfacets)
 triangle mesh built from a vertex array. More...

virtual void trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f (unsigned char *c, signed char *n, float *v, int numfacets)
 triangle mesh built from a vertex array. More...

virtual void trimesh_singlecolor (int cindex, int, float *nv, int numfacets, int *facets)
 triangle mesh built from a vertex array and facet vertex index arrays. More...

virtual void tristrip (int, const float *cnv, int numstrips, const int *vertsperstrip, const int *facets)
 triangle strips built from a vertex array and vertex index arrays. More...

virtual void tristrip_singlecolor (int, const float *nv, int numstrips, const int *stripcolindex, const int *vertsperstrip, const int *facets)
 single-color triangle strips built from a vertex array and vertex index arrays. More...

virtual void trifan_singlecolor (int, const float *nv, int numfans, const int *fancolindex, const int *vertsperfan, const int *facets)
 single-color triangle fans built from a vertex array and vertex index arrays. More...

virtual void define_volume_texture (int ID, int xs, int ys, int zs, const float *xplaneeq, const float *yplaneeq, const float *zplaneeq, unsigned char *texmap)
 define a volumetric texture map. More...

virtual void volume_texture_on (int texmode)
 enable volumetric texturing, either in "replace" or "modulate" mode. More...

virtual void volume_texture_off (void)
 disable volumetric texturing. More...

virtual void wiremesh (int, float *cnv, int numlines, int *lines)
 wire mesh built from a vertex array and an vertex index array. More...

virtual void beginrepgeomgroup (const char *)
 start a new representation geometry group, used to preserve some of the original scene hierarchy when loading VMD scenes into tools like Maya, 3DS Max, etc. More...

virtual void comment (const char *)
 Comment describing representation geometry. More...

virtual void text (float *pos, float size, float thickness, const char *str)
 draw text at specified location. More...

virtual void pick_point (float *, int)
 here for completeness, only VRML or 'token' renderers would likely use it. More...

Protected Attributes

char * publicName
 scripting name of renderer (no spaces). More...

char * publicPrettyName
 name of renderer for use in GUIs. More...

char * defaultFilename
 default output filename. More...

char * defaultCommandLine
 default rendering command. More...

char * execCmd
 current version of the post-render command. More...

FILE * outfile
 the current file. More...

int isOpened
 is the file opened correctly. More...

char * my_filename
 the current filename. More...

int has_aa
 supports antialiasing; off by default. More...

int aasamples
 antialiasing samples, -1 if unsupported. More...

int aosamples
 ambient occlusion samples, -1 if unsupported. More...

int has_imgsize
 True if the renderer can produce an arbitrary-sized image; false by default. More...

int warningflags
 If set, emit a warning message that this subclass doesn't support all of the render features in use by the current scene. More...

int imgwidth
int imgheight
 desired size of image. More...

float aspectratio
 Desired aspect ratio. More...

NameList< int > formats
 Output formats supported by this renderer. More...

int curformat
 Currently selected format. More...

LightState lightState [DISP_LIGHTS]
 state of all lights. More...

AdvancedLightState advLightState [DISP_LIGHTS]
 state of advanced lights. More...

float matData [MAXCOLORS][3]
 color state, copied into here when do_use_colors is called. More...

float backColor [3]
 background color, copied into here with set_background is called. More...

float backgradientenabled
 flag indicating background gradient use. More...

float backgradienttopcolor [3]
 top edge color of background gradient. More...

float backgradientbotcolor [3]
 bottom edge color of background gradient. More...

Stack< Matrix4transMat
 current transformation matrix for the display (NOT the projection matrix). More...

int colorIndex
 active color index. More...

int materialIndex
 active material index. More...

float mat_ambient
 active ambient value. More...

float mat_diffuse
 active diffuse value. More...

float mat_specular
 active specular value. More...

float mat_shininess
 active shininess value. More...

float mat_mirror
 active mirror value. More...

float mat_opacity
 active opacity value. More...

float mat_outline
 active outline factor. More...

float mat_outlinewidth
 active outline width. More...

float mat_transmode
 active transparency mode. More...

float clip_center [VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE][3]
 clipping plane center. More...

float clip_normal [VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE][3]
 clipping plane normal. More...

float clip_color [VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE][3]
 clipping plane CSG color. More...

int clip_mode [VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE]
 clipping plane mode. More...

int lineWidth
 drawing characteristics ... line style, sphere resolution, etc. More...

int lineStyle
 drawing characteristics ... line style, sphere resolution, etc. More...

int pointSize
int sphereResolution
int sphereStyle
int materials_on

Detailed Description

This is the base class for all the renderers that go to a file and are on the render list. There are five operations available to the outside world.

Definition at line 44 of file FileRenderer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FileRenderer::FileRenderer const char *    public_name,
const char *    public_pretty_name,
const char *    default_file_name,
const char *    default_command_line

create the renderer; set the 'visible' name for the renderer list.

Definition at line 35 of file FileRenderer.C.

References aasamples, aosamples, aspectratio, curformat, defaultCommandLine, defaultFilename, execCmd, FILERENDERER_NOWARNINGS, has_aa, has_imgsize, imgheight, imgwidth, isOpened, my_filename, NULL, outfile, publicName, publicPrettyName, stringdup, and warningflags.

FileRenderer::~FileRenderer void    [virtual]

Definition at line 67 of file FileRenderer.C.

References close_file, defaultCommandLine, defaultFilename, execCmd, my_filename, publicName, and publicPrettyName.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void FileRenderer::activate_materials void    [inline, protected, virtual]

if previous is TRUE.

Definition at line 315 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by super_materials.

virtual void FileRenderer::beginrepgeomgroup const char *    [inline, protected, virtual]

start a new representation geometry group, used to preserve some of the original scene hierarchy when loading VMD scenes into tools like Maya, 3DS Max, etc.

Reimplemented in MayaDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 786 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render.

void FileRenderer::close_file void    [protected, virtual]

close the file. This is called by update, and exists due to symmetry. Also, is called for case when open is called when a file was already open.

Reimplemented in LibTachyonDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 238 of file FileRenderer.C.

References isOpened, my_filename, NULL, and outfile.

Referenced by open_file, update, and ~FileRenderer.

virtual void FileRenderer::comment const char *    [inline, protected, virtual]

Comment describing representation geometry.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 789 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::cone float *    xyz1,
float *    xyz2,
float    radius,
int    resolution
[inline, protected, virtual]

draw a single-radius cone (pointy top).

Reimplemented in ArtDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 322 of file FileRenderer.h.

References cone_trunc.

void FileRenderer::cone_trunc float *   ,
float *   ,
float   ,
float   ,
[protected, virtual]

draw a two-radius truncated cone.

Reimplemented in RadianceDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 790 of file FileRenderer.C.

References cross_prod, CYLINDER_LEADINGCAP, CYLINDER_TRAILINGCAP, triangle, vec_add, vec_copy, vec_negate, vec_normalize, and VMD_TWOPI.

Referenced by cone, and render.

virtual void FileRenderer::cube float *    xyzr [inline, protected, virtual]

draw an axis-aligned lattice site cube.

Definition at line 385 of file FileRenderer.h.

References square, and vec_triad.

Referenced by cube_array.

void FileRenderer::cube_array int    num,
float *    centers,
float *    radii,
float *    colors
[protected, virtual]

draw a lattice cube array.

Definition at line 1316 of file FileRenderer.C.

References cube, nearest_index, and super_set_color.

Referenced by render.

void FileRenderer::cylinder float *    base,
float *    apex,
float    radius,
int    filled
[protected, virtual]

draw a cylinder, with optional caps.

Reimplemented in ArtDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 923 of file FileRenderer.C.

References colorIndex, cross_prod, CYLINDER_LEADINGCAP, CYLINDER_TRAILINGCAP, trifan_singlecolor, tristrip_singlecolor, vec_add, vec_copy, vec_negate, vec_normalize, and VMD_TWOPI.

Referenced by RenderManDisplayDevice::cylinder, GelatoDisplayDevice::cylinder, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::line, line, and render.

virtual void FileRenderer::deactivate_materials void    [inline, protected, virtual]

if super is FALSE.

Definition at line 316 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by super_materials.

const char* FileRenderer::default_exec_string void    const [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file FileRenderer.h.

References defaultCommandLine.

Referenced by VMDApp::filerender_default_option.

const char* FileRenderer::default_filename void    const [inline]

Definition at line 116 of file FileRenderer.h.

References defaultFilename.

Referenced by VMDApp::filerender_default_filename.

virtual void FileRenderer::define_volume_texture int    ID,
int    xs,
int    ys,
int    zs,
const float *    xplaneeq,
const float *    yplaneeq,
const float *    zplaneeq,
unsigned char *    texmap
[inline, protected, virtual]

define a volumetric texture map.

Reimplemented in LibTachyonDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 739 of file FileRenderer.h.

References FILERENDERER_NOTEXTURE, and warningflags.

Referenced by render.

int FileRenderer::do_activate_adv_light int    n,
int    turnon

Definition at line 122 of file FileRenderer.C.

References advLightState, DISP_LIGHTS, and n.

Referenced by Scene::filedraw.

int FileRenderer::do_activate_light int    n,
int    turnon

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 92 of file FileRenderer.C.

References DISP_LIGHTS, lightState, and n.

Referenced by Scene::filedraw.

int FileRenderer::do_define_adv_light int    n,
float *    color,
float *    position,
float    constant,
float    linear,
float    quad,
float *    spotdir,
float    fallstart,
float    fallend,
int    spoton

Definition at line 100 of file FileRenderer.C.

References advLightState, DISP_LIGHTS, and n.

Referenced by Scene::filedraw.

int FileRenderer::do_define_light int    n,
float *    color,
float *    position

virtual routines to deal with light sources, return success/failure.

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 81 of file FileRenderer.C.

References DISP_LIGHTS, lightState, and n.

Referenced by Scene::filedraw.

void FileRenderer::do_use_colors   [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 132 of file FileRenderer.C.

References DisplayDevice::colorData, matData, and MAXCOLORS.

virtual void FileRenderer::end_clipgroup void    [inline, protected, virtual]

terminate clipping plane group.

Reimplemented in LibTachyonDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 299 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render.

const char* FileRenderer::format   const [inline]

Definition at line 161 of file FileRenderer.h.

References curformat, and NameList::name.

const char* FileRenderer::format int    i const [inline]

get/set formats.

Definition at line 160 of file FileRenderer.h.

References NameList::name.

Referenced by FileRenderList::format, and set_format.

int FileRenderer::has_antialiasing   const [inline]

Supports anti-aliasing?

Definition at line 123 of file FileRenderer.h.

References has_aa.

Referenced by FileRenderList::has_antialiasing.

int FileRenderer::has_imagesize   const [inline]

Supports arbitrary image size?

Definition at line 144 of file FileRenderer.h.

References has_imgsize.

Referenced by FileRenderList::has_imagesize.

void FileRenderer::line float *    a,
float *    b
[protected, virtual]

draw a single line.

Reimplemented in ArtDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 1057 of file FileRenderer.C.

References cylinder, lineStyle, lineWidth, vec_copy, vec_normalize, and vec_sub.

Referenced by line_array, polyline_array, render, text, and wiremesh.

void FileRenderer::line_array int    num,
float    thickness,
float *    points
[protected, virtual]

draw a set of lines with the same color and thickness.

Reimplemented in X3DDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 1087 of file FileRenderer.C.

References line, and num.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::load const Matrix4   [inline, protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in Vrml2DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 252 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by super_load.

virtual void FileRenderer::multmatrix const Matrix4   [inline, protected, virtual]

multiply transformation matrix.

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Reimplemented in Vrml2DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 254 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by super_multmatrix.

int FileRenderer::nearest_index float    r,
float    g,
float    b
const [protected]

compute nearest index in matData using given rgb value XXX We shouldn't be doing this; a better approach would be to store the new color in the matData color table and return the new index, rather than trying to match a 17 color palette.

Definition at line 173 of file FileRenderer.C.

References BEGREGCLRS, MAPCLRS, matData, n, and REGCLRS.

Referenced by cube_array, point_array, PSDisplayDevice::render, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array, OSPRayDisplayDevice::sphere_array, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::sphere_array, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere_array, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array, sphere_array, ANARIDisplayDevice::sphere_array, tricolor, WavefrontDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, WavefrontDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, WavefrontDisplayDevice::tristrip, and wiremesh.

int FileRenderer::numformats   const [inline]

Number of output formats.

Definition at line 157 of file FileRenderer.h.

References NameList::num.

Referenced by FileRenderList::numformats.

int FileRenderer::open_file const char *    filename [virtual]

open the file; don't write the header info return TRUE if opened okay if file already opened, complain, and close previous file this will also reset the state variables.

Reimplemented in LibTachyonDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 206 of file FileRenderer.C.

References close_file, isOpened, my_filename, NULL, outfile, reset_state, and stringdup.

Referenced by Scene::filedraw.

virtual void FileRenderer::pick_point float *   ,
[inline, protected, virtual]

here for completeness, only VRML or 'token' renderers would likely use it.

Definition at line 795 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::point float *    xyz [inline, protected, virtual]

draw an unlit point.

Reimplemented in ArtDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 354 of file FileRenderer.h.

References lineWidth, and vec_copy.

Referenced by point_array, and render.

void FileRenderer::point_array int    num,
float    size,
float *    xyz,
float *    colors
[protected, virtual]

draw an unlighted point array.

Reimplemented in X3DDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 1335 of file FileRenderer.C.

References nearest_index, num, point, pointSize, size, and super_set_color.

Referenced by point_array_lit, and render.

void FileRenderer::point_array_lit int    num,
float    size,
float *    xyz,
float *    norm,
float *    colors
[protected, virtual]

draw a lighted point array.

Definition at line 1353 of file FileRenderer.C.

References num, point_array, and size.

Referenced by render.

void FileRenderer::polyline_array int    num,
float    thickness,
float *    points
[protected, virtual]

draw a set of connected lines with the same color and thickness.

Reimplemented in X3DDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 1099 of file FileRenderer.C.

References line, and num.

Referenced by render.

int FileRenderer::prepare3D int    [virtual]

ready to draw 3D.

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 249 of file FileRenderer.C.

References DisplayDevice::eyeDir, DisplayDevice::eyePos, DisplayDevice::eyeSepDir, DisplayDevice::LEFTEYE, DisplayDevice::NOSTEREO, DisplayDevice::RIGHTEYE, and write_header.

Referenced by Scene::filedraw.

const char* FileRenderer::pretty_name void    const [inline]

Definition at line 115 of file FileRenderer.h.

References publicPrettyName.

Referenced by FileRenderList::pretty_name.

void FileRenderer::render const VMDDisplayList   cmdList [virtual]

process list of draw commands.

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Reimplemented in PSDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 288 of file FileRenderer.C.

References DispCmdPickPointArray::allselected, VMDDisplayList::ambient, beginrepgeomgroup, VMDClipPlane::center, Stack< Matrix4 >::clear, clip_center, clip_color, clip_mode, clip_normal, VMDDisplayList::clipplanes, VMDClipPlane::color, colorIndex, comment, cone_trunc, cube_array, cylinder, DBEGINREPGEOMGROUP, DCOLORINDEX, DCOMMENT, DCONE, DCUBEARRAY, DCYLINDER, define_volume_texture, VMDDisplayList::diffuse, DLASTCOMMAND, DLINE, DLINEARRAY, DLINESTYLE, DLINEWIDTH, DLITPOINTARRAY, DMATERIALOFF, DMATERIALON, DPICKPOINT_ARRAY, DPOINT, DPOINTARRAY, DPOLYLINEARRAY, DSPHERE, DSPHEREARRAY, DSPHERERES, DSPHERETYPE, DSQUARE, DTEXT, DTRIANGLE, DTRIMESH_C3F_N3F_V3F, DTRIMESH_C4F_N3F_V3F, DTRIMESH_C4U_N3B_V3F, DTRIMESH_C4U_N3F_V3F, DTRISTRIP, Stack< Matrix4 >::dup, DVOLSLICE, DVOLTEXOFF, DVOLTEXON, DVOLUMETEXTURE, DWIREMESH, end_clipgroup, FILERENDERER_NOMISCFEATURE, DisplayDevice::find_instance_images, DisplayDevice::find_pbc_images, VMDDisplayList::first, DispCmdPickPointArray::getpointers, DispCmdWireMesh::getpointers, DispCmdTriStrips::getpointers, DispCmdTriMesh::getpointers, DispCmdLatticeCubeArray::getpointers, DispCmdSphereArray::getpointers, DispCmdLitPointArray::getpointers, DispCmdPointArray::getpointers, DispCmdVolumeTexture::ID, line, line_array, lineStyle, lineWidth, mat, Matrix4::mat, VMDDisplayList::mat, mat_ambient, mat_diffuse, mat_mirror, mat_opacity, mat_outline, mat_outlinewidth, mat_shininess, mat_specular, mat_transmode, materialIndex, VMDDisplayList::materialtag, VMDDisplayList::mirror, VMDClipPlane::mode, n, VMDDisplayList::next, DispCmdTriangle::norm1, DispCmdTriangle::norm2, DispCmdTriangle::norm3, DispCmdVolSlice::normal, VMDClipPlane::normal, DispCmdSquare::norml, NULL, ResizeArray::num, DispCmdLatticeCubeArray::numcubes, DispCmdTriMesh::numfacets, DispCmdWireMesh::numlines, DispCmdPickPointArray::numpicks, DispCmdLitPointArray::numpoints, DispCmdPointArray::numpoints, DispCmdSphereArray::numspheres, DispCmdTriStrips::numstrips, DispCmdWireMesh::numverts, DispCmdTriStrips::numverts, DispCmdTriMesh::numverts, VMDDisplayList::opacity, VMDDisplayList::outline, VMDDisplayList::outlinewidth, DispCmdTriMesh::pervertexcolors, DispCmdTriMesh::pervertexnormals, pick_point, point, point_array, point_array_lit, pointSize, polyline_array, Stack< Matrix4 >::pop, DispCmdSquare::pos1, DispCmdTriangle::pos1, DispCmdCone::pos1, DispCmdSquare::pos2, DispCmdTriangle::pos2, DispCmdCone::pos2, DispCmdSquare::pos3, DispCmdTriangle::pos3, DispCmdSquare::pos4, Stack< Matrix4 >::push, DispCmdCone::radius, DispCmdCone::radius2, DispCmdCone::res, set_line_style, set_line_width, set_sphere_res, set_sphere_style, VMDDisplayList::shininess, DispCmdLitPointArray::size, DispCmdPointArray::size, VMDDisplayList::specular, sphere, sphere_array, DispCmdSphereArray::sphereres, sphereResolution, sphereStyle, square, start_clipgroup, super_materials, super_multmatrix, super_set_color, super_set_material, DispCmdVolumeTexture::texmap, text, transMat, VMDDisplayList::transmode, triangle, trimesh_c3f_n3f_v3f, trimesh_c4n3v3, trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, trimesh_n3b_v3f, trimesh_n3f_v3f, trimesh_n3fopt_v3f, tristrip, DispCmdVolSlice::v, DispCmdVolumeTexture::v0, DispCmdVolumeTexture::v1, DispCmdVolumeTexture::v2, DispCmdVolumeTexture::v3, VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE, volume_texture_off, volume_texture_on, warningflags, wiremesh, DispCmdVolumeTexture::xsize, DispCmdVolumeTexture::ysize, and DispCmdVolumeTexture::zsize.

void FileRenderer::reset_state void    [protected]

Definition at line 221 of file FileRenderer.C.

References Stack< Matrix4 >::clear, colorIndex, lineStyle, lineWidth, materialIndex, materials_on, pointSize, sphereResolution, sphereStyle, and transMat.

Referenced by WavefrontDisplayDevice::open_file, MayaDisplayDevice::open_file, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::open_file, and open_file.

virtual void FileRenderer::rot float   ,
[inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 258 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by super_rot.

const char* FileRenderer::saved_exec_string void    const [inline]

Definition at line 118 of file FileRenderer.h.

References execCmd.

Referenced by VMDApp::filerender_option.

virtual void FileRenderer::scale float   ,
float   ,
[inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 261 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by super_scale, and R3dDisplayDevice::write_header.

float FileRenderer::scale_factor void    [protected]

return the current scaling factor to use with large batches of geometry.

Definition at line 756 of file FileRenderer.C.

References Matrix4::mat, mat, Stack< Matrix4 >::top, and transMat.

Referenced by OSPRayDisplayDevice::cylinder, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::cylinder, OptiXDisplayDevice::cylinder, scale_radius, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere, OSPRayDisplayDevice::sphere_array, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::sphere_array, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere_array, and ANARIDisplayDevice::sphere_array.

float FileRenderer::scale_radius float    [protected]

apply current scaling factor to radius.

Definition at line 771 of file FileRenderer.C.

References scale_factor.

Referenced by X3DDisplayDevice::cone, Vrml2DisplayDevice::cone, RenderManDisplayDevice::cone, RayShadeDisplayDevice::cone, POV3DisplayDevice::cone, ArtDisplayDevice::cone, X3DDisplayDevice::cylinder, Vrml2DisplayDevice::cylinder, TachyonDisplayDevice::cylinder, RenderManDisplayDevice::cylinder, RayShadeDisplayDevice::cylinder, R3dDisplayDevice::cylinder, POV3DisplayDevice::cylinder, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::cylinder, GelatoDisplayDevice::cylinder, ArtDisplayDevice::cylinder, PSDisplayDevice::render, X3DDisplayDevice::sphere, Vrml2DisplayDevice::sphere, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere, RenderManDisplayDevice::sphere, RayShadeDisplayDevice::sphere, R3dDisplayDevice::sphere, POV3DisplayDevice::sphere, MayaDisplayDevice::sphere, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::sphere, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::sphere, GelatoDisplayDevice::sphere, ArtDisplayDevice::sphere, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array, and LibTachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array.

int FileRenderer::set_aasamples int    newval [inline]

Get/set the AA level; return the new value. Must be non-negative.

Definition at line 126 of file FileRenderer.h.

References aasamples, has_aa, and update_exec_cmd.

Referenced by FileRenderList::aasamples.

int FileRenderer::set_aosamples int    newval [inline]

Get/set the AO samples; return the new value. Must be non-negative.

Definition at line 135 of file FileRenderer.h.

References aosamples, and update_exec_cmd.

Referenced by FileRenderList::aosamples.

float FileRenderer::set_aspectratio float    aspect

Set the aspect ratio. Negative values ignored. Returns the new value. Also updates image size if it has been set.

Definition at line 166 of file FileRenderer.C.

References DisplayDevice::aspect, aspectratio, and set_imagesize.

Referenced by FileRenderList::aspectratio.

void FileRenderer::set_backgradient const float *    top,
const float *    bot

set gradient colors.

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 199 of file FileRenderer.C.

References backgradientbotcolor, backgradienttopcolor, and vec_copy.

Referenced by Scene::filedraw.

void FileRenderer::set_background const float *    [virtual]

copy in the background color.

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 193 of file FileRenderer.C.

References backColor.

Referenced by Scene::filedraw.

virtual void FileRenderer::set_color int    [inline, protected, virtual]

set the color index.

Reimplemented in RadianceDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 271 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by super_set_color.

void FileRenderer::set_exec_string const char *   

Definition at line 783 of file FileRenderer.C.

References execCmd, and stringdup.

Referenced by VMDApp::filerender_option, FileRenderList::set_render_option, and SnapshotDisplayDevice::SnapshotDisplayDevice.

int FileRenderer::set_format const char *    format [inline]

Definition at line 162 of file FileRenderer.h.

References curformat, format, NameList::typecode, and update_exec_cmd.

Referenced by FileRenderList::set_format.

int FileRenderer::set_imagesize int *    w,
int *    h

Get/set the image size. Return success and places the current values in the passed-in pointers. May fail if the renderer is not able to specify the image size (e.g. snapshot). Passing 0,0 just returns the current values.

Definition at line 140 of file FileRenderer.C.

References aspectratio, imgheight, imgwidth, and update_exec_cmd.

Referenced by FileRenderList::imagesize, and set_aspectratio.

virtual void FileRenderer::set_line_style int    [inline, protected, virtual]

called by super.

Definition at line 306 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::set_line_width int    new_width [inline, protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in POV3DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 303 of file FileRenderer.h.

References lineWidth.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::set_material int    [inline, protected, virtual]

change material index.

Definition at line 291 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by super_set_material.

virtual void FileRenderer::set_sphere_res int    [inline, protected, virtual]

called by super.

Definition at line 310 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by PSDisplayDevice::render, render, and sphere_array.

virtual void FileRenderer::set_sphere_style int    [inline, protected, virtual]

called by super.

Definition at line 311 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render.

void FileRenderer::sphere float *    xyzr [protected, virtual]

draw a sphere.

Reimplemented in ArtDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 1112 of file FileRenderer.C.

References NULL, sphereResolution, triangle, vec_copy, and vec_normalize.

Referenced by render, and sphere_array.

void FileRenderer::sphere_array int    num,
int    res,
float *    centers,
float *    radii,
float *    colors
[protected, virtual]

draw a sphere array.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 1294 of file FileRenderer.C.

References nearest_index, set_sphere_res, sphere, and super_set_color.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::square float *    norm,
float *    a,
float *    b,
float *    c,
float *    d
[inline, protected, virtual]

draw a quadrilateral.

Reimplemented in ArtDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 377 of file FileRenderer.h.

References triangle.

Referenced by cube, and render.

void FileRenderer::start_clipgroup   [protected, virtual]

emit clipping plane group.

Reimplemented in LibTachyonDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 1363 of file FileRenderer.C.

References clip_mode, FILERENDERER_NOCLIP, VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE, and warningflags.

Referenced by render.

void FileRenderer::super_load float *    cmdptr [protected]

Definition at line 724 of file FileRenderer.C.

References load, Stack< Matrix4 >::top, and transMat.

void FileRenderer::super_materials int    on_or_off [protected]

Definition at line 711 of file FileRenderer.C.

References activate_materials, deactivate_materials, and materials_on.

Referenced by render.

void FileRenderer::super_multmatrix const float *    cmdptr [protected]

Definition at line 729 of file FileRenderer.C.

References multmatrix, Stack< Matrix4 >::top, and transMat.

Referenced by PSDisplayDevice::render, and render.

void FileRenderer::super_rot float *    cmdptr [protected]

Definition at line 740 of file FileRenderer.C.

References rot, Stack< Matrix4 >::top, and transMat.

void FileRenderer::super_scale float    [protected]

Definition at line 750 of file FileRenderer.C.

References scale, Matrix4::scale, Stack< Matrix4 >::top, and transMat.

void FileRenderer::super_scale float *    cmdptr [protected]

Definition at line 745 of file FileRenderer.C.

References scale, Stack< Matrix4 >::top, and transMat.

void FileRenderer::super_set_color int    index [protected]

only calls set_color when index changes.

Definition at line 695 of file FileRenderer.C.

References colorIndex, and set_color.

Referenced by cube_array, point_array, render, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array, OSPRayDisplayDevice::sphere_array, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::sphere_array, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere_array, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array, sphere_array, ANARIDisplayDevice::sphere_array, tricolor, trifan_singlecolor, trimesh_singlecolor, tristrip_singlecolor, and wiremesh.

void FileRenderer::super_set_material int    index [protected]

only call set_material on idx chg.

Definition at line 703 of file FileRenderer.C.

References materialIndex, and set_material.

Referenced by render.

void FileRenderer::super_translate float *    cmdptr [protected]

Definition at line 735 of file FileRenderer.C.

References Stack< Matrix4 >::top, translate, and transMat.

void FileRenderer::text float *    pos,
float    size,
float    thickness,
const char *    str
[protected, virtual]

draw text at specified location.

Reimplemented in GelatoDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 1375 of file FileRenderer.C.

References FILERENDERER_NOTEXT, hersheyDrawInitLetter, hersheyDrawNextLine, line, Stack< Matrix4 >::pop, Stack< Matrix4 >::push, size, Stack< Matrix4 >::top, transMat, warningflags, DisplayDevice::x, and DisplayDevice::y.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::translate float   ,
float   ,
[inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 256 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by super_translate.

virtual void FileRenderer::triangle const float *   ,
const float *   ,
const float *   ,
const float *   ,
const float *   ,
const float *   
[inline, protected, virtual]

single color triangle with interpolated surface normals.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 422 of file FileRenderer.h.

References FILERENDERER_NOGEOM, and warningflags.

Referenced by cone_trunc, render, sphere, square, tricolor, trifan_singlecolor, trimesh_n3b_v3f, trimesh_n3f_v3f, trimesh_singlecolor, and tristrip_singlecolor.

virtual void FileRenderer::tricolor const float *    xyz1,
const float *    xyz2,
const float *    xyz3,
const float *    n1,
const float *    n2,
const float *    n3,
const float *    c1,
const float *    c2,
const float *    c3
[inline, protected, virtual]

triangle with interpolated surface normals and vertex colors.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 429 of file FileRenderer.h.

References nearest_index, super_set_color, and triangle.

Referenced by trimesh_c3f_n3f_v3f, trimesh_c4n3v3, trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, and tristrip.

virtual void FileRenderer::trifan_singlecolor int   ,
const float *    nv,
int    numfans,
const int *    fancolindex,
const int *    vertsperfan,
const int *    facets
[inline, protected, virtual]

single-color triangle fans built from a vertex array and vertex index arrays.

Definition at line 705 of file FileRenderer.h.

References super_set_color, and triangle.

Referenced by cylinder.

virtual void FileRenderer::trimesh_c3f_n3f_v3f float *    c,
float *    n,
float *    v,
int    numfacets
[inline, protected, virtual]

triangle mesh built from a vertex array.

Definition at line 500 of file FileRenderer.h.

References n, and tricolor.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::trimesh_c4n3v3 int   ,
float *    cnv,
int    numfacets,
int *    facets
[inline, protected, virtual]

triangle mesh built from a vertex array and facet vertex index arrays.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 516 of file FileRenderer.h.

References tricolor.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f unsigned char *    c,
signed char *    n,
float *    v,
int    numfacets
[inline, protected, virtual]

triangle mesh built from a vertex array.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 568 of file FileRenderer.h.

References n, and tricolor.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f unsigned char *    c,
float *    n,
float *    v,
int    numfacets
[inline, protected, virtual]

triangle mesh built from a vertex array.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 536 of file FileRenderer.h.

References n, and tricolor.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::trimesh_n3b_v3f signed char *    n,
float *    v,
int    numfacets
[inline, protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 470 of file FileRenderer.h.

References n, and triangle.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::trimesh_n3f_v3f float *    n,
float *    v,
int    numfacets
[inline, protected, virtual]

triangle mesh built from a vertex array.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 446 of file FileRenderer.h.

References n, and triangle.

Referenced by render, and trimesh_n3fopt_v3f.

virtual void FileRenderer::trimesh_n3fopt_v3f float *    n,
float *    v,
int    numfacets
[inline, protected, virtual]

flat-shaded triangle mesh built from a vertex array, if this routine isn't overridden, it has the same behavior as trimesh_n3f_v3f(), but if it is, the FileRenderer subclass can choose to skip storing surface normals in favor of on-the-fly facet normal calculation or something similar, for greater memory efficiency.

Reimplemented in OptiXDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 465 of file FileRenderer.h.

References n, and trimesh_n3f_v3f.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::trimesh_singlecolor int    cindex,
int   ,
float *    nv,
int    numfacets,
int *    facets
[inline, protected, virtual]

triangle mesh built from a vertex array and facet vertex index arrays.

Definition at line 614 of file FileRenderer.h.

References super_set_color, and triangle.

virtual void FileRenderer::tristrip int   ,
const float *    cnv,
int    numstrips,
const int *    vertsperstrip,
const int *    facets
[inline, protected, virtual]

triangle strips built from a vertex array and vertex index arrays.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 634 of file FileRenderer.h.

References tricolor.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::tristrip_singlecolor int   ,
const float *    nv,
int    numstrips,
const int *    stripcolindex,
const int *    vertsperstrip,
const int *    facets
[inline, protected, virtual]

single-color triangle strips built from a vertex array and vertex index arrays.

Definition at line 670 of file FileRenderer.h.

References super_set_color, and triangle.

Referenced by cylinder.

virtual void FileRenderer::update int    [inline, virtual]

don't need to override this (unless you want to do so).

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 217 of file FileRenderer.h.


Referenced by Scene::filedraw.

virtual void FileRenderer::update_exec_cmd   [inline, protected, virtual]

Renderer-specific function to update execCmd based on the current state of aasamples, image size, etc. Default implementation is to do nothing.

Reimplemented in TachyonDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 70 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by set_aasamples, set_aosamples, set_format, and set_imagesize.

const char* FileRenderer::visible_name void    const [inline]

Definition at line 114 of file FileRenderer.h.

References publicName.

Referenced by FileRenderList::find_short_name_from_pretty_name.

virtual void FileRenderer::volume_texture_off void    [inline, protected, virtual]

disable volumetric texturing.

Reimplemented in LibTachyonDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 755 of file FileRenderer.h.

References FILERENDERER_NOTEXTURE, and warningflags.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::volume_texture_on int    texmode [inline, protected, virtual]

enable volumetric texturing, either in "replace" or "modulate" mode.

Reimplemented in LibTachyonDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 749 of file FileRenderer.h.

References FILERENDERER_NOTEXTURE, and warningflags.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::wiremesh int   ,
float *    cnv,
int    numlines,
int *    lines
[inline, protected, virtual]

wire mesh built from a vertex array and an vertex index array.

Definition at line 761 of file FileRenderer.h.

References line, nearest_index, and super_set_color.

Referenced by render.

virtual void FileRenderer::write_header void    [inline, protected, virtual]

write the header info. This is an alias for prepare3D.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 199 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by prepare3D.

virtual void FileRenderer::write_trailer void    [inline, protected, virtual]

write any trailer info. This is called by update.

Reimplemented in ANARIDisplayDevice.

Definition at line 208 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by update.

Member Data Documentation

int FileRenderer::aasamples [protected]

antialiasing samples, -1 if unsupported.

Definition at line 56 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by ANARIDisplayDevice::ANARIDisplayDevice, FileRenderer, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::LibTachyonDisplayDevice, OptiXDisplayDevice::OptiXDisplayDevice, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::OSPRay2DisplayDevice, OSPRayDisplayDevice::OSPRayDisplayDevice, set_aasamples, TachyonDisplayDevice::TachyonDisplayDevice, TachyonDisplayDevice::update_exec_cmd, OSPRayDisplayDevice::write_header, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::write_header, OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header, and ANARIDisplayDevice::write_header.

AdvancedLightState FileRenderer::advLightState[DISP_LIGHTS] [protected]

state of advanced lights.

Definition at line 93 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by do_activate_adv_light, and do_define_adv_light.

int FileRenderer::aosamples [protected]

ambient occlusion samples, -1 if unsupported.

Definition at line 57 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by ANARIDisplayDevice::ANARIDisplayDevice, FileRenderer, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::LibTachyonDisplayDevice, OptiXDisplayDevice::OptiXDisplayDevice, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::OSPRay2DisplayDevice, OSPRayDisplayDevice::OSPRayDisplayDevice, set_aosamples, TachyonDisplayDevice::TachyonDisplayDevice, TachyonDisplayDevice::write_header, OSPRayDisplayDevice::write_header, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::write_header, OptiXDisplayDevice::write_header, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::write_header, and ANARIDisplayDevice::write_header.

float FileRenderer::aspectratio [protected]

Desired aspect ratio.

Definition at line 64 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by FileRenderer, set_aspectratio, and set_imagesize.

float FileRenderer::backColor[3] [protected]

background color, copied into here with set_background is called.

Definition at line 100 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by set_background, X3DDisplayDevice::write_header, Vrml2DisplayDevice::write_header, RenderManDisplayDevice::write_header, RayShadeDisplayDevice::write_header, R3dDisplayDevice::write_header, PSDisplayDevice::write_header, POV3DisplayDevice::write_header, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::write_header, GelatoDisplayDevice::write_header, and ArtDisplayDevice::write_header.

float FileRenderer::backgradientbotcolor[3] [protected]

bottom edge color of background gradient.

Definition at line 104 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by set_backgradient, X3DDisplayDevice::write_header, Vrml2DisplayDevice::write_header, and POV3DisplayDevice::write_header.

float FileRenderer::backgradientenabled [protected]

flag indicating background gradient use.

Definition at line 102 of file FileRenderer.h.

float FileRenderer::backgradienttopcolor[3] [protected]

top edge color of background gradient.

Definition at line 103 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by set_backgradient, X3DDisplayDevice::write_header, Vrml2DisplayDevice::write_header, and POV3DisplayDevice::write_header.

float FileRenderer::clip_center[VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE][3] [protected]

clipping plane center.

Definition at line 293 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, TachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, POV3DisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, and LibTachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup.

float FileRenderer::clip_color[VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE][3] [protected]

clipping plane CSG color.

Definition at line 295 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, and POV3DisplayDevice::start_clipgroup.

int FileRenderer::clip_mode[VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE] [protected]

clipping plane mode.

Definition at line 296 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, TachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, POV3DisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, and start_clipgroup.

float FileRenderer::clip_normal[VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE][3] [protected]

clipping plane normal.

Definition at line 294 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, TachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, POV3DisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, and LibTachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup.

int FileRenderer::colorIndex [protected]

active color index.

Definition at line 269 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by X3DDisplayDevice::cone, Vrml2DisplayDevice::cone, RayShadeDisplayDevice::cone, POV3DisplayDevice::cone, ArtDisplayDevice::cone, TachyonDisplayDevice::cylinder, RayShadeDisplayDevice::cylinder, POV3DisplayDevice::cylinder, OSPRayDisplayDevice::cylinder, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::cylinder, OptiXDisplayDevice::cylinder, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::cylinder, cylinder, ArtDisplayDevice::cylinder, X3DDisplayDevice::line, Vrml2DisplayDevice::line, TachyonDisplayDevice::line, RayShadeDisplayDevice::line, POV3DisplayDevice::line, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::line, ArtDisplayDevice::line, X3DOMDisplayDevice::line_array, X3DDisplayDevice::line_array, X3DDisplayDevice::point, Vrml2DisplayDevice::point, TachyonDisplayDevice::point, RayShadeDisplayDevice::point, POV3DisplayDevice::point, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::point, ArtDisplayDevice::point, X3DOMDisplayDevice::polyline_array, X3DDisplayDevice::polyline_array, PSDisplayDevice::render, render, reset_state, X3DDisplayDevice::sphere, Vrml2DisplayDevice::sphere, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere, RayShadeDisplayDevice::sphere, POV3DisplayDevice::sphere, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere, MayaDisplayDevice::sphere, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::sphere, ArtDisplayDevice::sphere, ArtDisplayDevice::square, super_set_color, X3DOMDisplayDevice::text, X3DDisplayDevice::text, Vrml2DisplayDevice::text, TachyonDisplayDevice::text, POV3DisplayDevice::text, OSPRayDisplayDevice::text, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::text, OptiXDisplayDevice::text, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::text, X3DDisplayDevice::triangle, WavefrontDisplayDevice::triangle, Vrml2DisplayDevice::triangle, TachyonDisplayDevice::triangle, RayShadeDisplayDevice::triangle, POV3DisplayDevice::triangle, OSPRayDisplayDevice::triangle, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::triangle, OptiXDisplayDevice::triangle, MayaDisplayDevice::triangle, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::triangle, ArtDisplayDevice::triangle, ANARIDisplayDevice::triangle, X3DDisplayDevice::tricolor, Vrml2DisplayDevice::tricolor, X3DDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, Vrml2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, TachyonDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, X3DDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, Vrml2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, TachyonDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3fopt_v3f, X3DOMDisplayDevice::tristrip, X3DDisplayDevice::tristrip, Vrml2DisplayDevice::tristrip, and TachyonDisplayDevice::tristrip.

int FileRenderer::curformat [protected]

Currently selected format.

Definition at line 66 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by ANARIDisplayDevice::ANARIDisplayDevice, FileRenderer, format, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::LibTachyonDisplayDevice, OptiXDisplayDevice::OptiXDisplayDevice, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::OSPRay2DisplayDevice, OSPRayDisplayDevice::OSPRayDisplayDevice, set_format, and TachyonDisplayDevice::TachyonDisplayDevice.

char* FileRenderer::defaultCommandLine [protected]

default rendering command.

Definition at line 49 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by default_exec_string, FileRenderer, SnapshotDisplayDevice::SnapshotDisplayDevice, and ~FileRenderer.

char* FileRenderer::defaultFilename [protected]

default output filename.

Definition at line 48 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by default_filename, FileRenderer, and ~FileRenderer.

char* FileRenderer::execCmd [protected]

current version of the post-render command.

Definition at line 51 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by FileRenderer, saved_exec_string, set_exec_string, TachyonDisplayDevice::update_exec_cmd, and ~FileRenderer.

NameList<int> FileRenderer::formats [protected]

Output formats supported by this renderer.

Definition at line 65 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by ANARIDisplayDevice::ANARIDisplayDevice, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::LibTachyonDisplayDevice, OptiXDisplayDevice::OptiXDisplayDevice, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::OSPRay2DisplayDevice, OSPRayDisplayDevice::OSPRayDisplayDevice, and TachyonDisplayDevice::TachyonDisplayDevice.

int FileRenderer::has_aa [protected]

supports antialiasing; off by default.

Definition at line 55 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by ANARIDisplayDevice::ANARIDisplayDevice, FileRenderer, has_antialiasing, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::LibTachyonDisplayDevice, OptiXDisplayDevice::OptiXDisplayDevice, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::OSPRay2DisplayDevice, OSPRayDisplayDevice::OSPRayDisplayDevice, set_aasamples, and TachyonDisplayDevice::TachyonDisplayDevice.

int FileRenderer::has_imgsize [protected]

True if the renderer can produce an arbitrary-sized image; false by default.

Definition at line 58 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by FileRenderer, and has_imagesize.

int FileRenderer::imgheight [protected]

desired size of image.

Definition at line 63 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by FileRenderer, and set_imagesize.

int FileRenderer::imgwidth [protected]

Definition at line 63 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by FileRenderer, and set_imagesize.

int FileRenderer::isOpened [protected]

is the file opened correctly.

Definition at line 53 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by WavefrontDisplayDevice::close_file, SnapshotDisplayDevice::close_file, MayaDisplayDevice::close_file, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::close_file, close_file, FileRenderer, WavefrontDisplayDevice::open_file, SnapshotDisplayDevice::open_file, MayaDisplayDevice::open_file, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::open_file, open_file, and update.

LightState FileRenderer::lightState[DISP_LIGHTS] [protected]

state of all lights.

Definition at line 78 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by do_activate_light, do_define_light, PSDisplayDevice::render, RenderManDisplayDevice::write_header, RayShadeDisplayDevice::write_header, R3dDisplayDevice::write_header, POV3DisplayDevice::write_header, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::write_header, and GelatoDisplayDevice::write_header.

int FileRenderer::lineStyle [protected]

drawing characteristics ... line style, sphere resolution, etc.

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 302 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by X3DDisplayDevice::line, WavefrontDisplayDevice::line, Vrml2DisplayDevice::line, TachyonDisplayDevice::line, RenderManDisplayDevice::line, RayShadeDisplayDevice::line, R3dDisplayDevice::line, POV3DisplayDevice::line, MayaDisplayDevice::line, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::line, GelatoDisplayDevice::line, line, ArtDisplayDevice::line, render, and reset_state.

int FileRenderer::lineWidth [protected]

drawing characteristics ... line style, sphere resolution, etc.

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 302 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by RayShadeDisplayDevice::cone, TachyonDisplayDevice::line, RenderManDisplayDevice::line, RayShadeDisplayDevice::line, R3dDisplayDevice::line, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::line, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::line, GelatoDisplayDevice::line, line, ArtDisplayDevice::line, TachyonDisplayDevice::point, RenderManDisplayDevice::point, RayShadeDisplayDevice::point, R3dDisplayDevice::point, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::point, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::point, GelatoDisplayDevice::point, point, ArtDisplayDevice::point, render, reset_state, POV3DisplayDevice::set_line_width, set_line_width, and POV3DisplayDevice::write_header.

float FileRenderer::mat_ambient [protected]

active ambient value.

Definition at line 281 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by X3DOMDisplayDevice::line_array, X3DDisplayDevice::line_array, X3DDisplayDevice::point, X3DDisplayDevice::point_array, X3DOMDisplayDevice::polyline_array, X3DDisplayDevice::polyline_array, render, X3DOMDisplayDevice::text, X3DDisplayDevice::text, TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor, and X3DDisplayDevice::write_colormaterial.

float FileRenderer::mat_diffuse [protected]

active diffuse value.

Definition at line 282 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by X3DOMDisplayDevice::line_array, X3DDisplayDevice::line_array, X3DDisplayDevice::point, X3DOMDisplayDevice::polyline_array, X3DDisplayDevice::polyline_array, render, X3DOMDisplayDevice::text, X3DDisplayDevice::text, TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor, and X3DDisplayDevice::write_colormaterial.

float FileRenderer::mat_mirror [protected]

active mirror value.

Definition at line 285 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, and TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor.

float FileRenderer::mat_opacity [protected]

active opacity value.

Definition at line 286 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by POV3DisplayDevice::cone, POV3DisplayDevice::cylinder, POV3DisplayDevice::line, POV3DisplayDevice::point, render, POV3DisplayDevice::sphere, POV3DisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, POV3DisplayDevice::text, TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor, POV3DisplayDevice::tricolor, POV3DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, POV3DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, POV3DisplayDevice::tristrip, and X3DDisplayDevice::write_colormaterial.

float FileRenderer::mat_outline [protected]

active outline factor.

Definition at line 287 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, and TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor.

float FileRenderer::mat_outlinewidth [protected]

active outline width.

Definition at line 288 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, and TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor.

float FileRenderer::mat_shininess [protected]

active shininess value.

Definition at line 284 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor, and X3DDisplayDevice::write_colormaterial.

float FileRenderer::mat_specular [protected]

active specular value.

Definition at line 283 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor, and X3DDisplayDevice::write_colormaterial.

float FileRenderer::mat_transmode [protected]

active transparency mode.

Definition at line 289 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, and TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor.

float FileRenderer::matData[MAXCOLORS][3] [protected]

color state, copied into here when do_use_colors is called.

Definition at line 96 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by POV3DisplayDevice::cone, ArtDisplayDevice::cone, POV3DisplayDevice::cylinder, OSPRayDisplayDevice::cylinder, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::cylinder, OptiXDisplayDevice::cylinder, ArtDisplayDevice::cylinder, do_use_colors, X3DDisplayDevice::line, Vrml2DisplayDevice::line, POV3DisplayDevice::line, ArtDisplayDevice::line, X3DOMDisplayDevice::line_array, X3DDisplayDevice::line_array, nearest_index, X3DDisplayDevice::point, Vrml2DisplayDevice::point, POV3DisplayDevice::point, ArtDisplayDevice::point, X3DOMDisplayDevice::polyline_array, X3DDisplayDevice::polyline_array, OSPRayDisplayDevice::send_triangle_buffer, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::send_triangle_buffer, OptiXDisplayDevice::send_triangle_buffer, ANARIDisplayDevice::send_triangle_buffer, POV3DisplayDevice::sphere, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere, ArtDisplayDevice::sphere, ArtDisplayDevice::square, X3DOMDisplayDevice::text, X3DDisplayDevice::text, Vrml2DisplayDevice::text, POV3DisplayDevice::text, OSPRayDisplayDevice::text, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::text, OptiXDisplayDevice::text, POV3DisplayDevice::triangle, ArtDisplayDevice::triangle, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3fopt_v3f, X3DDisplayDevice::write_cindexmaterial, and PSDisplayDevice::write_header.

int FileRenderer::materialIndex [protected]

active material index.

Definition at line 280 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by X3DDisplayDevice::cone, Vrml2DisplayDevice::cone, RayShadeDisplayDevice::cone, TachyonDisplayDevice::cylinder, RayShadeDisplayDevice::cylinder, OSPRayDisplayDevice::cylinder, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::cylinder, OptiXDisplayDevice::cylinder, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::cylinder, X3DDisplayDevice::line, Vrml2DisplayDevice::line, TachyonDisplayDevice::line, RayShadeDisplayDevice::line, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::line, Vrml2DisplayDevice::point, TachyonDisplayDevice::point, RayShadeDisplayDevice::point, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::point, render, reset_state, X3DDisplayDevice::set_color, VrmlDisplayDevice::set_color, Vrml2DisplayDevice::set_color, X3DDisplayDevice::sphere, Vrml2DisplayDevice::sphere, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere, RayShadeDisplayDevice::sphere, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere, MayaDisplayDevice::sphere, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::sphere, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array, OSPRayDisplayDevice::sphere_array, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::sphere_array, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere_array, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array, ANARIDisplayDevice::sphere_array, super_set_material, Vrml2DisplayDevice::text, TachyonDisplayDevice::text, OSPRayDisplayDevice::text, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::text, OptiXDisplayDevice::text, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::text, X3DDisplayDevice::triangle, WavefrontDisplayDevice::triangle, Vrml2DisplayDevice::triangle, TachyonDisplayDevice::triangle, RayShadeDisplayDevice::triangle, OSPRayDisplayDevice::triangle, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::triangle, OptiXDisplayDevice::triangle, MayaDisplayDevice::triangle, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::triangle, ANARIDisplayDevice::triangle, X3DDisplayDevice::tricolor, Vrml2DisplayDevice::tricolor, OSPRayDisplayDevice::tricolor, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::tricolor, OptiXDisplayDevice::tricolor, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor, ANARIDisplayDevice::tricolor, X3DDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, WavefrontDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, Vrml2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, TachyonDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, X3DDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, WavefrontDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, Vrml2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, TachyonDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3fopt_v3f, X3DOMDisplayDevice::tristrip, X3DDisplayDevice::tristrip, WavefrontDisplayDevice::tristrip, Vrml2DisplayDevice::tristrip, TachyonDisplayDevice::tristrip, OSPRayDisplayDevice::tristrip, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::tristrip, OptiXDisplayDevice::tristrip, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::tristrip, and ANARIDisplayDevice::tristrip.

int FileRenderer::materials_on [protected]

Definition at line 313 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by reset_state, and super_materials.

char* FileRenderer::my_filename [protected]

the current filename.

Definition at line 54 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by WavefrontDisplayDevice::close_file, SnapshotDisplayDevice::close_file, MayaDisplayDevice::close_file, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::close_file, close_file, FileRenderer, WavefrontDisplayDevice::open_file, SnapshotDisplayDevice::open_file, MayaDisplayDevice::open_file, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::open_file, open_file, RayShadeDisplayDevice::write_header, POV3DisplayDevice::write_header, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::write_header, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::write_header, GelatoDisplayDevice::write_header, OSPRayDisplayDevice::write_trailer, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::write_trailer, OptiXDisplayDevice::write_trailer, ANARIDisplayDevice::write_trailer, and ~FileRenderer.

FILE* FileRenderer::outfile [protected]

the current file.

Definition at line 52 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by WavefrontDisplayDevice::beginrepgeomgroup, MayaDisplayDevice::beginrepgeomgroup, WavefrontDisplayDevice::close_file, SnapshotDisplayDevice::close_file, MayaDisplayDevice::close_file, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::close_file, close_file, X3DDisplayDevice::comment, WavefrontDisplayDevice::comment, VrmlDisplayDevice::comment, Vrml2DisplayDevice::comment, TachyonDisplayDevice::comment, RenderManDisplayDevice::comment, RayShadeDisplayDevice::comment, R3dDisplayDevice::comment, PSDisplayDevice::comment, POV3DisplayDevice::comment, MayaDisplayDevice::comment, GelatoDisplayDevice::comment, ArtDisplayDevice::comment, X3DDisplayDevice::cone, VrmlDisplayDevice::cone, Vrml2DisplayDevice::cone, RenderManDisplayDevice::cone, RayShadeDisplayDevice::cone, POV3DisplayDevice::cone, ArtDisplayDevice::cone, VrmlDisplayDevice::cylinder, TachyonDisplayDevice::cylinder, RayShadeDisplayDevice::cylinder, R3dDisplayDevice::cylinder, POV3DisplayDevice::cylinder, ArtDisplayDevice::cylinder, TachyonDisplayDevice::define_volume_texture, TachyonDisplayDevice::end_clipgroup, POV3DisplayDevice::end_clipgroup, FileRenderer, X3DDisplayDevice::line, WavefrontDisplayDevice::line, VrmlDisplayDevice::line, Vrml2DisplayDevice::line, TachyonDisplayDevice::line, RayShadeDisplayDevice::line, R3dDisplayDevice::line, POV3DisplayDevice::line, MayaDisplayDevice::line, ArtDisplayDevice::line, X3DOMDisplayDevice::line_array, X3DDisplayDevice::line_array, VrmlDisplayDevice::load, VrmlDisplayDevice::multmatrix, WavefrontDisplayDevice::open_file, SnapshotDisplayDevice::open_file, MayaDisplayDevice::open_file, open_file, X3DDisplayDevice::point, WavefrontDisplayDevice::point, Vrml2DisplayDevice::point, TachyonDisplayDevice::point, RenderManDisplayDevice::point, RayShadeDisplayDevice::point, R3dDisplayDevice::point, POV3DisplayDevice::point, MayaDisplayDevice::point, GelatoDisplayDevice::point, ArtDisplayDevice::point, X3DDisplayDevice::point_array, X3DOMDisplayDevice::polyline_array, X3DDisplayDevice::polyline_array, VrmlDisplayDevice::pop, VrmlDisplayDevice::push, POV3DisplayDevice::set_line_width, X3DDisplayDevice::sphere, VrmlDisplayDevice::sphere, Vrml2DisplayDevice::sphere, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere, RenderManDisplayDevice::sphere, RayShadeDisplayDevice::sphere, R3dDisplayDevice::sphere, POV3DisplayDevice::sphere, MayaDisplayDevice::sphere, GelatoDisplayDevice::sphere, ArtDisplayDevice::sphere, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array, RenderManDisplayDevice::square, GelatoDisplayDevice::square, ArtDisplayDevice::square, TachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, POV3DisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, X3DOMDisplayDevice::text, X3DDisplayDevice::text, Vrml2DisplayDevice::text, TachyonDisplayDevice::text, RenderManDisplayDevice::text, R3dDisplayDevice::text, POV3DisplayDevice::text, GelatoDisplayDevice::text, X3DDisplayDevice::triangle, WavefrontDisplayDevice::triangle, VrmlDisplayDevice::triangle, Vrml2DisplayDevice::triangle, TachyonDisplayDevice::triangle, STLDisplayDevice::triangle, RenderManDisplayDevice::triangle, RayShadeDisplayDevice::triangle, R3dDisplayDevice::triangle, MayaDisplayDevice::triangle, GelatoDisplayDevice::triangle, ArtDisplayDevice::triangle, X3DDisplayDevice::tricolor, Vrml2DisplayDevice::tricolor, TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor, RenderManDisplayDevice::tricolor, R3dDisplayDevice::tricolor, POV3DisplayDevice::tricolor, GelatoDisplayDevice::tricolor, X3DDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, WavefrontDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, Vrml2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, TachyonDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, RenderManDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, POV3DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, GelatoDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, X3DDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, WavefrontDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, Vrml2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, TachyonDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, RenderManDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, POV3DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, X3DOMDisplayDevice::tristrip, X3DDisplayDevice::tristrip, WavefrontDisplayDevice::tristrip, Vrml2DisplayDevice::tristrip, TachyonDisplayDevice::tristrip, RenderManDisplayDevice::tristrip, POV3DisplayDevice::tristrip, GelatoDisplayDevice::tristrip, X3DDisplayDevice::write_colormaterial, X3DDisplayDevice::write_header, WavefrontDisplayDevice::write_header, VrmlDisplayDevice::write_header, Vrml2DisplayDevice::write_header, TachyonDisplayDevice::write_header, STLDisplayDevice::write_header, RenderManDisplayDevice::write_header, RayShadeDisplayDevice::write_header, R3dDisplayDevice::write_header, PSDisplayDevice::write_header, POV3DisplayDevice::write_header, MayaDisplayDevice::write_header, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::write_header, GelatoDisplayDevice::write_header, ArtDisplayDevice::write_header, X3DDisplayDevice::write_trailer, VrmlDisplayDevice::write_trailer, Vrml2DisplayDevice::write_trailer, TachyonDisplayDevice::write_trailer, STLDisplayDevice::write_trailer, RenderManDisplayDevice::write_trailer, RayShadeDisplayDevice::write_trailer, POV3DisplayDevice::write_trailer, GelatoDisplayDevice::write_trailer, and ArtDisplayDevice::write_trailer.

int FileRenderer::pointSize [protected]

Definition at line 302 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by POV3DisplayDevice::point, point_array, render, and reset_state.

char* FileRenderer::publicName [protected]

scripting name of renderer (no spaces).

Definition at line 46 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by FileRenderer, visible_name, and ~FileRenderer.

char* FileRenderer::publicPrettyName [protected]

name of renderer for use in GUIs.

Definition at line 47 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by FileRenderer, pretty_name, and ~FileRenderer.

int FileRenderer::sphereResolution [protected]

Definition at line 309 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, reset_state, and sphere.

int FileRenderer::sphereStyle [protected]

Definition at line 309 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by render, and reset_state.

Stack<Matrix4> FileRenderer::transMat [protected]

current transformation matrix for the display (NOT the projection matrix).

Reimplemented from DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 250 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by X3DDisplayDevice::cone, Vrml2DisplayDevice::cone, RenderManDisplayDevice::cone, RayShadeDisplayDevice::cone, POV3DisplayDevice::cone, ArtDisplayDevice::cone, X3DDisplayDevice::cylinder, Vrml2DisplayDevice::cylinder, TachyonDisplayDevice::cylinder, RenderManDisplayDevice::cylinder, RayShadeDisplayDevice::cylinder, R3dDisplayDevice::cylinder, POV3DisplayDevice::cylinder, OSPRayDisplayDevice::cylinder, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::cylinder, OptiXDisplayDevice::cylinder, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::cylinder, GelatoDisplayDevice::cylinder, ArtDisplayDevice::cylinder, X3DDisplayDevice::line, WavefrontDisplayDevice::line, Vrml2DisplayDevice::line, TachyonDisplayDevice::line, RenderManDisplayDevice::line, RayShadeDisplayDevice::line, R3dDisplayDevice::line, POV3DisplayDevice::line, MayaDisplayDevice::line, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::line, GelatoDisplayDevice::line, ArtDisplayDevice::line, X3DOMDisplayDevice::line_array, X3DDisplayDevice::line_array, X3DDisplayDevice::point, WavefrontDisplayDevice::point, Vrml2DisplayDevice::point, TachyonDisplayDevice::point, RenderManDisplayDevice::point, RayShadeDisplayDevice::point, R3dDisplayDevice::point, POV3DisplayDevice::point, MayaDisplayDevice::point, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::point, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::point, GelatoDisplayDevice::point, ArtDisplayDevice::point, X3DDisplayDevice::point_array, X3DOMDisplayDevice::polyline_array, X3DDisplayDevice::polyline_array, PSDisplayDevice::render, render, reset_state, scale_factor, X3DDisplayDevice::sphere, Vrml2DisplayDevice::sphere, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere, RenderManDisplayDevice::sphere, RayShadeDisplayDevice::sphere, R3dDisplayDevice::sphere, POV3DisplayDevice::sphere, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere, MayaDisplayDevice::sphere, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::sphere, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::sphere, GelatoDisplayDevice::sphere, ArtDisplayDevice::sphere, TachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array, OSPRayDisplayDevice::sphere_array, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::sphere_array, OptiXDisplayDevice::sphere_array, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::sphere_array, ANARIDisplayDevice::sphere_array, RenderManDisplayDevice::square, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::square, GelatoDisplayDevice::square, ArtDisplayDevice::square, TachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, POV3DisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, super_load, super_multmatrix, super_rot, super_scale, super_translate, X3DOMDisplayDevice::text, X3DDisplayDevice::text, Vrml2DisplayDevice::text, TachyonDisplayDevice::text, RenderManDisplayDevice::text, R3dDisplayDevice::text, POV3DisplayDevice::text, OSPRayDisplayDevice::text, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::text, OptiXDisplayDevice::text, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::text, GelatoDisplayDevice::text, text, X3DDisplayDevice::triangle, WavefrontDisplayDevice::triangle, Vrml2DisplayDevice::triangle, TachyonDisplayDevice::triangle, STLDisplayDevice::triangle, RenderManDisplayDevice::triangle, RayShadeDisplayDevice::triangle, R3dDisplayDevice::triangle, OSPRayDisplayDevice::triangle, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::triangle, OptiXDisplayDevice::triangle, MayaDisplayDevice::triangle, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::triangle, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::triangle, GelatoDisplayDevice::triangle, ArtDisplayDevice::triangle, ANARIDisplayDevice::triangle, X3DDisplayDevice::tricolor, Vrml2DisplayDevice::tricolor, TachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor, RenderManDisplayDevice::tricolor, R3dDisplayDevice::tricolor, POV3DisplayDevice::tricolor, OSPRayDisplayDevice::tricolor, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::tricolor, OptiXDisplayDevice::tricolor, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::tricolor, LibGelatoDisplayDevice::tricolor, GelatoDisplayDevice::tricolor, ANARIDisplayDevice::tricolor, X3DDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, WavefrontDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, Vrml2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, TachyonDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, RenderManDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, POV3DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, GelatoDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4n3v3, X3DDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, WavefrontDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, Vrml2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, TachyonDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, RenderManDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, POV3DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_c4u_n3f_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3b_v3f, OSPRayDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, ANARIDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3f_v3f, OptiXDisplayDevice::trimesh_n3fopt_v3f, X3DOMDisplayDevice::tristrip, X3DDisplayDevice::tristrip, WavefrontDisplayDevice::tristrip, Vrml2DisplayDevice::tristrip, TachyonDisplayDevice::tristrip, RenderManDisplayDevice::tristrip, POV3DisplayDevice::tristrip, OSPRayDisplayDevice::tristrip, OSPRay2DisplayDevice::tristrip, OptiXDisplayDevice::tristrip, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::tristrip, GelatoDisplayDevice::tristrip, and ANARIDisplayDevice::tristrip.

int FileRenderer::warningflags [protected]

If set, emit a warning message that this subclass doesn't support all of the render features in use by the current scene.

Definition at line 60 of file FileRenderer.h.

Referenced by define_volume_texture, FileRenderer, render, TachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, LibTachyonDisplayDevice::start_clipgroup, start_clipgroup, text, triangle, update, volume_texture_off, and volume_texture_on.

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Generated on Tue Feb 11 02:45:45 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002