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Displayable Class Reference

Base class for all objects which are drawn by a DisplayDevice. More...

#include <Displayable.h>

Inheritance diagram for Displayable:

Pickable Axes DisplayColor DisplayRocker DrawForce DrawMolecule DrawMolItem DrawTool FPS GeometryList GeometryMol MoleculeGraphics Stage VMDTitle List of all members.

Public Methods

void * operator new (size_t)
 Everything in this class can be accessed by the draw function, so all data must be allocated in Scene address space. These allocators handled specially in the CAVE and FreeVR subclasses. More...

void operator delete (void *, size_t)
int needUpdate (void)
 are all child Displayables current? More...

 Displayable (Displayable *)
 constructor: specify the parent Displayable, which may NOT be NULL. More...

 Displayable (Scene *)
 alternative constructor for root Displayable; no parent. More...

virtual ~Displayable (void)
 destructor: delete all children as well. More...

void reset_disp_list (void)
 reset the display command list; remove all current commands. More...

void need_matrix_recalc (void)
 signal that a reset of the trans matrix is needed next 'prepare' cycle. More...

virtual VMDDisplayListpick_cmd_list (void)
 return our list of draw commands with picking draw commands in them. More...

virtual int pickable_on (void)
 return whether the pickable object is being displayed. More...

void color_changed (int cat)
 Recompute color indices if you're using the given color category. More...

void color_rgb_changed (int color)
 A color's rgb value has been redefined. More...

void color_scale_changed ()
 The color scale has been redefined. More...

Displayable * child (int N) const
 return the Nth child displayable pointer. More...

int child_index (Displayable *d)
 return the index of the given child displayable pointer, or (-1) if none. More...

void add_child (Displayable *)
 add the given Displayable as a child (assuming it is one). More...

int remove_child (Displayable *)
 remove specified child displayable, does not delete it. return success. More...

int remove_child (int N)
 remove specified child displayable, does not delete it. return success. More...

int displayed (void) const
void off (void)
 turn displayable off. More...

void on (void)
 turn displayable on. More...

int fixed (void) const
void fix (void)
void unfix (void)
int draw_prepare ()
 update geometry before drawing, called by Scene to prepare all objects. More...

virtual void prepare ()
 specific preparations, called by draw_prepare, supplied by derived class. More...

void draw (DisplayDevice *) const
 call DisplayDevice::render() on the list, then draw children recursively. More...

void scale_on (void)
void scale_off (void)
int scaling (void) const
void rot_on (void)
void rot_off (void)
int rotating (void) const
void cent_trans_on (void)
void cent_trans_off (void)
int cent_translating (void) const
void glob_trans_on (void)
void glob_trans_off (void)
int glob_translating (void) const
virtual void reset_transformation (void)
 reset to identity matrix, virtual so resets affect other factors as well. More...

void set_scale (float s)
 set the scale factor. More...

void mult_scale (float s)
 multiply the existing scale factor. More...

void add_rot (float x, char axis)
 add a rotation to the specified axis. More...

void add_rot (const Matrix4 &)
 concatenate in a new rotation. More...

void set_rot (float x, char axis)
 set the rotation on a given axis. More...

void set_rot (const Matrix4 &)
 set the rotation matrix. More...

void set_glob_trans (float, float, float)
 set the global translation. More...

void add_glob_trans (float, float, float)
 add to the global translation. More...

void set_cent_trans (float, float, float)
 set the centering transform. More...

void add_cent_trans (float, float, float)
 add to the centering transform. More...

void change_center (float x, float y, float z)
 change centt and globt so (x,y,z) is in the center and tm(old) * (x,y,z) = tm(new) * (x,y,z);. More...

void cacheskip (int onoff)
 whether to skip display list caching. More...

void change_material (const Material *)
int curr_material () const
void update_material (const Material *mat)
void delete_material (int n, const MaterialList *)
const VMDClipPlaneclipplane (int i)
int set_clip_center (int i, const float *center)
int set_clip_normal (int i, const float *normal)
int set_clip_color (int i, const float *color)
int set_clip_status (int i, int mode)

Public Attributes

Matrix4 rotm
 Rotation matrix (R). More...

float globt [3]
 Global Translation (GT). More...

float centt [3]
 Centering translation (CT). More...

float scale
 Scaling (S). More...

Matrix4 tm
 concatenated transformation matrix (GT * S * R * CT). More...

Protected Methods

void append (int d)
 append a DispCmd code with no data to the cmdList. More...

void recalc_mat (void)
 recalculate the transformation matrix, and replace matrix in cmdList. More...

virtual void do_color_changed (int cat)
virtual void do_color_rgb_changed (int color)
virtual void do_color_scale_changed ()

Protected Attributes

 The list of display commands. More...

 The Scene object where color data can be accessed. More...

int doCent
 which of the following operations will this object listen to. More...

int doRot
 which of the following operations will this object listen to. More...

int doGlob
 which of the following operations will this object listen to. More...

int doScale
 which of the following operations will this object listen to. More...

int isFixed
 is the object free to be affected by rotations/translations/etc? More...

int isOn
 is the object to be drawn or not? More...

Displayable * parent
 our parent Displayable; if NULL, this is a parent Displayable. More...

Displayable ** children
 list of all children Displayable's. More...

int num_children
int max_children

Detailed Description

Base class for all objects which are drawn by a DisplayDevice.

Definition at line 39 of file Displayable.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Displayable::Displayable Displayable *   

constructor: specify the parent Displayable, which may NOT be NULL.

Definition at line 96 of file Displayable.C.

References add_child, VMDDisplayList::ambient, VMDDisplayList::cacheskip, centt, cmdList, VMDDisplayList::diffuse, displayed, doCent, doGlob, doRot, doScale, globt, isOn, VMDDisplayList::materialtag, VMDDisplayList::mirror, VMDDisplayList::opacity, VMDDisplayList::outline, VMDDisplayList::outlinewidth, parent, rotm, scale, VMDDisplayList::shininess, VMDDisplayList::specular, tm, VMDDisplayList::transmode, and vec_copy.

Displayable::Displayable Scene  

alternative constructor for root Displayable; no parent.

Definition at line 83 of file Displayable.C.

References centt, doCent, doGlob, doRot, doScale, globt, isOn, NULL, parent, and scale.

Displayable::~Displayable void    [virtual]

destructor: delete all children as well.

Definition at line 166 of file Displayable.C.

References child, children, cmdList, num_children, parent, remove_child, VMDDisplayList::reset_and_free, and vmd_dealloc.

Member Function Documentation

void Displayable::add_cent_trans float   ,
float   ,

add to the centering transform.

Definition at line 431 of file Displayable.C.

References cent_translating, centt, child, num_children, recalc_mat, and z.

Referenced by MoleculeList::center_all_molecules, and MoleculeList::center_top_molecule.

void Displayable::add_child Displayable *   

add the given Displayable as a child (assuming it is one).

Definition at line 222 of file Displayable.C.

References children, max_children, num_children, vmd_alloc, and vmd_dealloc.

Referenced by Displayable.

void Displayable::add_glob_trans float   ,
float   ,

add to the global translation.

Definition at line 405 of file Displayable.C.

References child, fixed, glob_translating, globt, need_matrix_recalc, num_children, and z.

Referenced by VMDApp::scene_translate_by.

void Displayable::add_rot const Matrix4  

concatenate in a new rotation.

Definition at line 365 of file Displayable.C.

References add_rot, child, fixed, mat, Matrix4::multmatrix, need_matrix_recalc, num_children, rotating, and rotm.

void Displayable::add_rot float    x,
char    axis

add a rotation to the specified axis.

Definition at line 334 of file Displayable.C.

References child, fixed, mat, Matrix4::multmatrix, need_matrix_recalc, num_children, Matrix4::rot, rotating, and rotm.

Referenced by add_rot, Stage::prepare, DisplayRocker::prepare, and VMDApp::scene_rotate_by.

void Displayable::append int    d [inline, protected]

append a DispCmd code with no data to the cmdList.

Definition at line 75 of file Displayable.h.

References VMDDisplayList::append.

Referenced by GeometryBond::create_cmd_list, GeometryAtom::create_cmd_list, DrawTool::DrawTool, and FPS::prepare.

void Displayable::cacheskip int    onoff

whether to skip display list caching.

Definition at line 497 of file Displayable.C.

References VMDDisplayList::cacheskip, and cmdList.

void Displayable::cent_trans_off void    [inline]

Definition at line 196 of file Displayable.h.

References doCent.

Referenced by Axes::Axes, DrawTool::DrawTool, FPS::FPS, GeometryList::GeometryList, Stage::Stage, and VMDTitle::VMDTitle.

void Displayable::cent_trans_on void    [inline]

Definition at line 195 of file Displayable.h.

References doCent.

int Displayable::cent_translating void    const [inline]

Definition at line 197 of file Displayable.h.

References doCent.

Referenced by add_cent_trans, reset_transformation, and set_cent_trans.

void Displayable::change_center float    x,
float    y,
float    z

change centt and globt so (x,y,z) is in the center and tm(old) * (x,y,z) = tm(new) * (x,y,z);.

Definition at line 443 of file Displayable.C.

References Matrix4::multpoint4d, rotm, scale, Matrix4::scale, set_cent_trans, set_glob_trans, tm, and z.

Referenced by molinfo_set, and PickModeCenter::pick_molecule_end.

void Displayable::change_material const Material  

Definition at line 483 of file Displayable.C.

References Material::ambient, VMDDisplayList::ambient, cmdList, Material::diffuse, VMDDisplayList::diffuse, Material::ind, mat, VMDDisplayList::materialtag, Material::mirror, VMDDisplayList::mirror, Material::opacity, VMDDisplayList::opacity, Material::outline, VMDDisplayList::outline, Material::outlinewidth, VMDDisplayList::outlinewidth, Material::shininess, VMDDisplayList::shininess, Material::specular, VMDDisplayList::specular, Material::transmode, and VMDDisplayList::transmode.

Referenced by DrawMolecule::add_rep, MoleculeList::change_repmat, delete_material, and update_material.

Displayable* Displayable::child int    N const [inline]

return the Nth child displayable pointer.

Definition at line 141 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by add_cent_trans, add_glob_trans, add_rot, child_index, color_changed, color_rgb_changed, color_scale_changed, draw, draw_prepare, mult_scale, recalc_mat, remove_child, reset_transformation, set_cent_trans, set_glob_trans, set_rot, set_scale, and ~Displayable.

int Displayable::child_index Displayable *    d [inline]

return the index of the given child displayable pointer, or (-1) if none.

Definition at line 144 of file Displayable.h.

References child, and num_children.

Referenced by remove_child.

const VMDClipPlane* Displayable::clipplane int    i [inline]

Definition at line 242 of file Displayable.h.

References VMDDisplayList::clipplane.

Referenced by VMDApp::molrep_get_clipplane.

void Displayable::color_changed int    cat

Recompute color indices if you're using the given color category.

Definition at line 531 of file Displayable.C.

References child, do_color_changed, and num_children.

Referenced by VMDApp::color_set_restype, and Scene::set_category_item.

void Displayable::color_rgb_changed int    color

A color's rgb value has been redefined.

Definition at line 536 of file Displayable.C.

References child, do_color_rgb_changed, and num_children.

Referenced by Scene::set_color_value.

void Displayable::color_scale_changed  

The color scale has been redefined.

Definition at line 541 of file Displayable.C.

References child, do_color_scale_changed, and num_children.

int Displayable::curr_material   const

Definition at line 501 of file Displayable.C.

References cmdList, and VMDDisplayList::materialtag.

Referenced by GraphicsFltkMenu::act_on_command, delete_material, molinfo_get, VMDApp::molrep_get_material, update_material, and GraphicsFltkMenu::update_rep.

void Displayable::delete_material int    n,
const MaterialList  

Definition at line 510 of file Displayable.C.

References change_material, children, curr_material, MaterialList::material, n, and num_children.

Referenced by MaterialList::delete_material.

int Displayable::displayed void    const [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file Displayable.h.

References isOn.

Referenced by GeometryList::add_geometry, add_rep_to_browser, DrawMolecule::atom_displayed, Displayable, MoleculeList::displayed, geom2dict, molinfo_get, VMDApp::molrep_is_shown, DrawMolItem::pickable_on, pickable_on, FPS::prepare, DrawMolItem::prepare, py_is_shown, and text_cmd_display.

virtual void Displayable::do_color_changed int    cat [inline, protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in Axes.

Definition at line 97 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by color_changed.

virtual void Displayable::do_color_rgb_changed int    color [inline, protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in DrawMolItem.

Definition at line 98 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by color_rgb_changed.

virtual void Displayable::do_color_scale_changed   [inline, protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in DrawMolItem.

Definition at line 99 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by color_scale_changed.

void Displayable::draw DisplayDevice   const

call DisplayDevice::render() on the list, then draw children recursively.

Definition at line 282 of file Displayable.C.

References child, cmdList, num_children, and DisplayDevice::render.

Referenced by Scene::draw, and Scene::filedraw.

int Displayable::draw_prepare  

update geometry before drawing, called by Scene to prepare all objects.

Definition at line 260 of file Displayable.C.

References child, NULL, num_children, parent, prepare, and recalc_mat.

Referenced by Scene::prepare.

void Displayable::fix void    [inline]

Definition at line 167 of file Displayable.h.

References isFixed.

Referenced by Tool::dograb, and MoleculeList::fix.

int Displayable::fixed void    const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file Displayable.h.

References isFixed.

Referenced by add_glob_trans, add_rot, MoleculeList::fixed, glob_translating, molinfo_get, mult_scale, py_is_fixed, rotating, scaling, set_glob_trans, set_rot, and set_scale.

void Displayable::glob_trans_off void    [inline]

Definition at line 200 of file Displayable.h.

References doGlob.

Referenced by Axes::Axes, Tool::check_event, DrawTool::DrawTool, FPS::FPS, GeometryList::GeometryList, Stage::pick_move, Axes::pick_move, VMDTitle::prepare, Stage::prepare, Axes::prepare, Stage::Stage, and VMDTitle::VMDTitle.

void Displayable::glob_trans_on void    [inline]

Definition at line 199 of file Displayable.h.

References doGlob.

Referenced by Tool::check_event, Stage::pick_move, Axes::pick_move, VMDTitle::prepare, Stage::prepare, Axes::prepare, and VMDTitle::VMDTitle.

int Displayable::glob_translating void    const [inline]

Definition at line 201 of file Displayable.h.

References doGlob, and fixed.

Referenced by add_glob_trans, reset_transformation, and set_glob_trans.

void Displayable::mult_scale float    s

multiply the existing scale factor.

Definition at line 322 of file Displayable.C.

References child, fixed, need_matrix_recalc, num_children, scale, and scaling.

Referenced by MoleculeList::center_all_molecules, MoleculeList::center_top_molecule, and VMDApp::scene_scale_by.

void Displayable::need_matrix_recalc void    [inline]

signal that a reset of the trans matrix is needed next 'prepare' cycle.

Definition at line 115 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by add_glob_trans, add_rot, DrawMolecule::force_recalc, mult_scale, FPS::prepare, DrawMolItem::prepare, reset_transformation, set_cent_trans, set_glob_trans, DrawMolItem::set_pbc_images, set_rot, and set_scale.

int Displayable::needUpdate void    [inline]

are all child Displayables current?

Definition at line 55 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by DrawMolecule::prepare, and DrawForce::prepare.

void Displayable::off void   

turn displayable off.

Definition at line 211 of file Displayable.C.

References isOn.

Referenced by GeometryList::add_geometry, VMDApp::display_set_fps, MoleculeList::hide, Stage::location, Axes::location, GeometryList::show_geometry, DrawMolecule::show_rep, and VMDApp::VMDinit.

void Displayable::on void   

turn displayable on.

Definition at line 216 of file Displayable.C.

References isOn.

Referenced by GeometryList::add_geometry, VMDApp::display_set_fps, Stage::location, Axes::location, MoleculeList::show, GeometryList::show_geometry, and DrawMolecule::show_rep.

void Displayable::operator delete void *   ,

Definition at line 79 of file Displayable.C.

References vmd_dealloc.

void * Displayable::operator new size_t   

Everything in this class can be accessed by the draw function, so all data must be allocated in Scene address space. These allocators handled specially in the CAVE and FreeVR subclasses.

Definition at line 75 of file Displayable.C.

References n, and vmd_alloc.

VMDDisplayList * Displayable::pick_cmd_list void    [virtual]

return our list of draw commands with picking draw commands in them.

Reimplemented from Pickable.

Definition at line 522 of file Displayable.C.

References cmdList.

int Displayable::pickable_on void    [virtual]

return whether the pickable object is being displayed.

Reimplemented from Pickable.

Reimplemented in DrawMolItem.

Definition at line 527 of file Displayable.C.

References displayed.

void Displayable::prepare   [virtual]

specific preparations, called by draw_prepare, supplied by derived class.

Reimplemented in Axes.

Definition at line 257 of file Displayable.C.

Referenced by draw_prepare.

void Displayable::recalc_mat void    [protected]

recalculate the transformation matrix, and replace matrix in cmdList.

Definition at line 189 of file Displayable.C.

References centt, child, cmdList, globt, Matrix4::identity, VMDDisplayList::mat, Matrix4::multmatrix, num_children, rotm, scale, Matrix4::scale, tm, and Matrix4::translate.

Referenced by add_cent_trans, and draw_prepare.

int Displayable::remove_child int    N [inline]

remove specified child displayable, does not delete it. return success.

Definition at line 157 of file Displayable.h.

References child, and remove_child.

int Displayable::remove_child Displayable *   

remove specified child displayable, does not delete it. return success.

Definition at line 237 of file Displayable.C.

References child_index, children, n, and num_children.

Referenced by remove_child, and ~Displayable.

void Displayable::reset_disp_list void   

reset the display command list; remove all current commands.

Definition at line 157 of file Displayable.C.

References cmdList, VMDApp::get_repserialnum, and VMDDisplayList::reset_and_free.

Referenced by Molecule::addPersistentForce, GeometrySpring::create_cmd_list, GeometryDihedral::create_cmd_list, GeometryBond::create_cmd_list, GeometryAtom::create_cmd_list, GeometryAngle::create_cmd_list, and FPS::prepare.

void Displayable::reset_transformation void    [virtual]

reset to identity matrix, virtual so resets affect other factors as well.

Definition at line 297 of file Displayable.C.

References cent_translating, centt, child, glob_translating, globt, Matrix4::identity, need_matrix_recalc, num_children, rotating, rotm, scale, and scaling.

Referenced by MoleculeList::center_all_molecules, MoleculeList::center_top_molecule, Stage::prepare, and VMDApp::scene_resetview.

void Displayable::rot_off void    [inline]

Definition at line 192 of file Displayable.h.

References doRot.

Referenced by Tool::check_event, DrawTool::DrawTool, FPS::FPS, GeometryList::GeometryList, VMDTitle::prepare, Stage::prepare, Stage::Stage, and VMDTitle::VMDTitle.

void Displayable::rot_on void    [inline]

Definition at line 191 of file Displayable.h.

References doRot.

Referenced by Axes::Axes, Tool::check_event, VMDTitle::prepare, and Stage::prepare.

int Displayable::rotating void    const [inline]

Definition at line 193 of file Displayable.h.

References doRot, and fixed.

Referenced by add_rot, reset_transformation, and set_rot.

void Displayable::scale_off void    [inline]

Definition at line 188 of file Displayable.h.

References doScale.

Referenced by Axes::Axes, DrawTool::DrawTool, FPS::FPS, GeometryList::GeometryList, VMDTitle::prepare, Stage::Stage, and VMDTitle::VMDTitle.

void Displayable::scale_on void    [inline]

Definition at line 187 of file Displayable.h.

References doScale.

Referenced by Axes::Axes, DrawTool::DrawTool, and VMDTitle::prepare.

int Displayable::scaling void    const [inline]

Definition at line 189 of file Displayable.h.

References doScale, and fixed.

Referenced by mult_scale, reset_transformation, and set_scale.

void Displayable::set_cent_trans float   ,
float   ,

set the centering transform.

Definition at line 419 of file Displayable.C.

References cent_translating, centt, child, need_matrix_recalc, num_children, and z.

Referenced by change_center, molinfo_set, and py_set_center.

int Displayable::set_clip_center int    i,
const float *    center

Definition at line 247 of file Displayable.h.

References VMDDisplayList::get_clip_status, and VMDDisplayList::set_clip_center.

Referenced by VMDApp::molrep_set_clipcenter.

int Displayable::set_clip_color int    i,
const float *    color

Definition at line 277 of file Displayable.h.

References VMDDisplayList::get_clip_status, and VMDDisplayList::set_clip_color.

Referenced by VMDApp::molrep_set_clipcolor.

int Displayable::set_clip_normal int    i,
const float *    normal

Definition at line 262 of file Displayable.h.

References VMDDisplayList::get_clip_status, and VMDDisplayList::set_clip_normal.

Referenced by VMDApp::molrep_set_clipnormal.

int Displayable::set_clip_status int    i,
int    mode

Definition at line 292 of file Displayable.h.

References VMDDisplayList::get_clip_status, and VMDDisplayList::set_clip_status.

Referenced by VMDApp::molrep_set_clipstatus.

void Displayable::set_glob_trans float   ,
float   ,

set the global translation.

Definition at line 391 of file Displayable.C.

References child, fixed, glob_translating, globt, need_matrix_recalc, num_children, and z.

Referenced by change_center, Tool::check_event, molinfo_set, Stage::pick_move, Axes::pick_move, VMDTitle::prepare, Stage::prepare, Axes::prepare, py_set_trans, VMDApp::scene_translate_to, and VMDTitle::VMDTitle.

void Displayable::set_rot const Matrix4  

set the rotation matrix.

Definition at line 379 of file Displayable.C.

References child, fixed, need_matrix_recalc, num_children, rotating, rotm, and set_rot.

void Displayable::set_rot float    x,
char    axis

set the rotation on a given axis.

Definition at line 351 of file Displayable.C.

References child, fixed, Matrix4::identity, need_matrix_recalc, num_children, Matrix4::rot, rotating, and rotm.

Referenced by Tool::check_event, molinfo_set, VMDTitle::prepare, py_set_rotation, VMDApp::scene_rotate_to, and set_rot.

void Displayable::set_scale float    s

set the scale factor.

Definition at line 310 of file Displayable.C.

References child, fixed, need_matrix_recalc, num_children, scale, and scaling.

Referenced by Axes::Axes, DrawTool::DrawTool, molinfo_set, VMDTitle::prepare, py_set_scale, and VMDApp::scene_scale_to.

void Displayable::unfix void    [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file Displayable.h.

References isFixed.

Referenced by Tool::dograb, MoleculeList::unfix, and Tool::ungrab.

void Displayable::update_material const Material   mat

Definition at line 505 of file Displayable.C.

References change_material, children, curr_material, Material::ind, mat, and num_children.

Referenced by MaterialList::MaterialList, and MaterialList::notify.

Member Data Documentation

float Displayable::centt[3]

Centering translation (CT).

Definition at line 50 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by add_cent_trans, Displayable, molinfo_get, py_get_center, recalc_mat, reset_transformation, and set_cent_trans.

Displayable** Displayable::children [protected]

list of all children Displayable's.

Definition at line 93 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by add_child, delete_material, remove_child, update_material, and ~Displayable.

VMDDisplayList* Displayable::cmdList [protected]

The list of display commands.

Definition at line 69 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by cacheskip, change_material, GeometrySpring::create_cmd_list, GeometryDihedral::create_cmd_list, GeometryBond::create_cmd_list, GeometryAtom::create_cmd_list, GeometryAngle::create_cmd_list, curr_material, Displayable, draw, DrawTool::DrawTool, DrawMolItem::get_instances, DrawMolItem::get_pbc, DrawMolItem::get_pbc_images, pick_cmd_list, FPS::prepare, DrawMolItem::prepare, recalc_mat, reset_disp_list, DrawMolItem::set_instances, DrawMolItem::set_pbc, DrawMolItem::set_pbc_images, and ~Displayable.

int Displayable::doCent [protected]

which of the following operations will this object listen to.

Definition at line 78 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by cent_trans_off, cent_trans_on, cent_translating, and Displayable.

int Displayable::doGlob [protected]

which of the following operations will this object listen to.

Definition at line 78 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by Displayable, glob_trans_off, glob_trans_on, and glob_translating.

int Displayable::doRot [protected]

which of the following operations will this object listen to.

Definition at line 78 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by Displayable, rot_off, rot_on, and rotating.

int Displayable::doScale [protected]

which of the following operations will this object listen to.

Definition at line 78 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by Displayable, scale_off, scale_on, and scaling.

float Displayable::globt[3]

Global Translation (GT).

Definition at line 49 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by add_glob_trans, Displayable, Tool::dograb, molinfo_get, py_get_trans, recalc_mat, reset_transformation, set_glob_trans, and Tool::target.

int Displayable::isFixed [protected]

is the object free to be affected by rotations/translations/etc?

Definition at line 81 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by fix, fixed, and unfix.

int Displayable::isOn [protected]

is the object to be drawn or not?

Definition at line 84 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by Displayable, displayed, DrawMolItem::DrawMolItem, off, and on.

int Displayable::max_children [protected]

Definition at line 95 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by add_child.

int Displayable::num_children [protected]

Definition at line 94 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by add_cent_trans, add_child, add_glob_trans, add_rot, child_index, color_changed, color_rgb_changed, color_scale_changed, delete_material, draw, draw_prepare, mult_scale, recalc_mat, remove_child, reset_transformation, set_cent_trans, set_glob_trans, set_rot, set_scale, update_material, and ~Displayable.

Displayable* Displayable::parent [protected]

our parent Displayable; if NULL, this is a parent Displayable.

Definition at line 90 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by Displayable, draw_prepare, DrawForce::prepare, DisplayRocker::prepare, and ~Displayable.

Matrix4 Displayable::rotm

Rotation matrix (R).

Definition at line 48 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by add_rot, change_center, Displayable, molinfo_get, PickModeMove::pick_molecule_move, py_get_rotation, recalc_mat, reset_transformation, set_rot, and Tool::tug.

float Displayable::scale

Scaling (S).

Definition at line 51 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by change_center, Displayable, SpringTool::do_event, TugTool::do_event, Tool::getTargetScale, molinfo_get, mult_scale, py_get_scale, recalc_mat, reset_transformation, and set_scale.

Scene* Displayable::scene [protected]

The Scene object where color data can be accessed.

Definition at line 72 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by MoleculeGraphics::add_spheretube, Axes::Axes, DisplayColor::DisplayColor, Stage::do_color_changed, DisplayColor::do_color_changed, GeometryList::do_color_changed, FPS::do_color_changed, DrawMolItem::do_color_changed, Axes::do_color_changed, DrawMolItem::do_color_rgb_changed, FPS::FPS, GeometryList::GeometryList, and Stage::Stage.

Matrix4 Displayable::tm

concatenated transformation matrix (GT * S * R * CT).

Definition at line 52 of file Displayable.h.

Referenced by change_center, Displayable, PickModeForce::get_force, molinfo_get, PickModeMove::pick_molecule_move, Stage::pick_move, Axes::pick_move, recalc_mat, Tool::target, and GeometryMol::transformed_atom_coord.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Feb 15 02:45:09 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002