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BaseMolecule Class Reference

Base class for all molecules, without display-specific information. This portion of a molecule contains the structural data, and all routines to find the structure (backbone, residues, etc). It does NOT contain the animation list; that is maintained by Molecule (which is derived from this class). More...

#include <BaseMolecule.h>

Inheritance diagram for BaseMolecule:

DrawMolecule Molecule List of all members.

Public Types

enum  dataset_flag {
  NODATA = 0x0000, INSERTION = 0x0001, OCCUPANCY = 0x0002, BFACTOR = 0x0004,
  MASS = 0x0008, CHARGE = 0x0010, RADIUS = 0x0020, ALTLOC = 0x0040,
  ATOMICNUMBER = 0x0080, BONDS = 0x0100, BONDORDERS = 0x0200, ANGLES = 0x0400,
  CTERMS = 0x0800, BONDTYPES = 0x1000, ANGLETYPES = 0x2000, ATOMFLAGS = 0x4000
 flags indicating what data was loaded or user-specified vs. guessed. More...

Public Methods

void set_dataset_flag (int flag)
void unset_dataset_flag (int flag)
int test_dataset_flag (int flag)
float * radius ()
 various standard per-atom fields. More...

float * mass ()
float * charge ()
float * beta ()
float * occupancy ()
unsigned char * flags ()
void set_radii_changed ()
void get_radii_minmax (float &min, float &max)
float * bondorders ()
 number of electron pairs, also fractional. More...

void setbondorder (int atom, int bond, float order)
float getbondorder (int atom, int bond)
int * bondtypes ()
 per atom/bond bond type list. More...

void setbondtype (int atom, int bond, int type)
 set new bond type. More...

int getbondtype (int atom, int bond)
 quest bond type. More...

int has_structure () const
 has structure information already been loaded for this molecule? More...

void clear_bonds (void)
 clear the entire bond list for all atoms. More...

int count_bonds (void)
 return the number of unique bonds in the molecule. More...

 BaseMolecule (int)
 constructor takes molecule ID. More...

virtual ~BaseMolecule (void)
 destructor. More...

int init_atoms (int n)
 Try to set the number of atoms to n. n must be positive. May be called more than once with the same n. Return success. More...

void find_bonds_from_timestep ()
 compute molecule's bonds using distance bond search from 1st timestep. More...

void find_unique_bonds_from_timestep ()
int add_atoms (int natoms, const char *name, const char *type, int atomicnumber, const char *resname, int resid, const char *chainid, const char *segname, const char *insertion=(char *)"", const char *altloc="")
 add a new atom; return it's index. More...

int add_bond (int, int, float, int, int=ATOMNORMAL)
 add a new bond from a to b; return total number of bonds added so far. More...

int add_bond_dupcheck (int, int, float, int)
 add a bond after checking for duplicates. More...

void clear_angles (void)
 clear list of angles and types. More...

int num_angles ()
 count angle list entries. More...

int add_angle (int a, int b, int c, int type=-1)
 add an angle definition to existing list with optional angletype. checks for duplicates and returns angle index number. More...

int set_angletype (int a, int type)
 set new angle type. More...

int get_angletype (int a)
 query angle type. More...

void clear_dihedrals (void)
 clear list of dihedrals and types. More...

int num_dihedrals ()
 count dihedral list entries. More...

int add_dihedral (int a, int b, int c, int d, int type=-1)
 append a dihedral definition to existing list with optional dihedraltype. checks for duplicates. return dihedral index number. More...

int set_dihedraltype (int d, int type)
 set new dihedral type. return type index number. More...

int get_dihedraltype (int d)
 query dihedral type for number. More...

void clear_impropers (void)
 clear list of impropers and types. More...

int num_impropers ()
 count improper list entries. More...

int add_improper (int a, int b, int c, int d, int type=-1)
 append a improper definition to existing list with optional impropertype. checks for duplicates. return improper index number. More...

int set_impropertype (int i, int type)
 set new improper type. returns type index number. More...

int get_impropertype (int i)
 query improper type for number;. More...

void clear_cterms ()
 clear list of improper definitions. More...

int num_cterms ()
 count number of crossterm list entries. More...

void add_cterm (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, int g, int h)
 add cross term definition. More...

void analyze (void)
 find higher level constructs given the atom/bond information. More...

void add_instance (Matrix4 &inst)
int num_instances (void)
void clear_instances (void)
int id (void) const
 return id number of this molecule. More...

const char * molname () const
 return molecule name. More...

MolAtomatom (int n)
 return Nth atom. More...

Residueresidue (int)
 return Nth residue. More...

Fragmentfragment (int)
 return Nth fragment. More...

Residueatom_residue (int)
 return residue atom is in. More...

Fragmentatom_fragment (int)
 return fragment atom is in. More...

void add_volume_data (const char *name, const float *o, const float *xa, const float *ya, const float *za, int x, int y, int z, float *voldata, float *gradient=NULL, float *variance=NULL)
 add volumetric data to a molecule. More...

void add_volume_data (const char *name, const double *o, const double *xa, const double *ya, const double *za, int x, int y, int z, float *voldata)
void remove_volume_data (int idx)
 remove a volumetric data object from a molecule. More...

int num_volume_data ()
 return number of volume data sets in molecule. More...

const VolumetricDataget_volume_data (int)
 return requested data set. More...

VolumetricDatamodify_volume_data (int)
 return requested data set. More...

void compute_volume_gradient (VolumetricData *)
 compute negated normalized volume gradient map. More...

int find_atom_in_residue (int atomnameindex, int residue)
 find first occurance of an atom name in the residue, returns -3 not found. More...

int find_atom_in_residue (const char *atomname, int residue)
 find first occurance of an atom name in the residue, returns -3 not found. More...

float default_charge (const char *)
 return 'default' charge, mass, occupancy value and beta value. More...

float default_mass (const char *)
 return 'default' charge, mass, occupancy value and beta value. More...

float default_radius (const char *)
 return 'default' charge, mass, occupancy value and beta value. More...

float default_occup (void)
 return 'default' charge, mass, occupancy value and beta value. More...

float default_beta (void)
 return 'default' charge, mass, occupancy value and beta value. More...

Public Attributes

int nAtoms
 number of atoms. More...

int nResidues
 number of residues. More...

int nWaters
 number of waters. More...

int nSegments
 number of segments. More...

int nFragments
 total number of fragments. More...

int nProteinFragments
 number of protein fragments. More...

int nNucleicFragments
 number of nucleic fragments. More...

NameList< int > atomNames
 list of unique atom names. More...

NameList< int > atomTypes
 list of unique atom types. More...

NameList< int > resNames
 list of unique residue names. More...

NameList< int > chainNames
 list of unique chain names. More...

NameList< int > segNames
 list of unique segment names. More...

NameList< int > altlocNames
 list of alternate location names. More...

ResizeArray< Residue * > residueList
 residue connectivity list. More...

ResizeArray< Fragment * > fragList
 list of connected residues. More...

ResizeArray< Fragment * > pfragList
 list of connected protein residues this is a single chain from N to C. More...

ResizeArray< int > pfragCyclic
 flag indicating cyclic fragment. More...

ResizeArray< Fragment * > nfragList
 ditto for nuc; from 5' to 3'. More...

ResizeArray< int > nfragCyclic
 flag indicating cyclic fragment. More...

ResizeArray< Matrix4instances
 list of instance transform matrices. More...

ResizeArray< int > angles
 list of angles. More...

ResizeArray< int > dihedrals
 list of dihedrals. More...

ResizeArray< int > impropers
 list of impropers. More...

ResizeArray< int > cterms
 list of cross-terms. More...

NameList< float * > extraflt
 optional floating point data. More...

NameList< int * > extraint
 optional integer data. More...

NameList< unsigned char * > extraflg
 optional bitwise flags. More...

ResizeArray< int > angleTypes
 type of angle. More...

ResizeArray< int > dihedralTypes
 type of dihedral. More...

ResizeArray< int > improperTypes
 type of improper. More...

NameList< int > bondTypeNames
 list of unique bond type names. More...

NameList< int > angleTypeNames
 list of unique angle type names. More...

NameList< int > dihedralTypeNames
 list of unique dihedral type names. More...

NameList< int > improperTypeNames
 list of unique improper type names. More...

int datasetflags
int radii_minmax_need_update
 methods for querying the min/max atom radii, used by the the QuickSurf representation. More...

float radii_min
float radii_max

Protected Attributes

char * moleculename
 name of the molcule. More...

int need_find_bonds
 whether to compute bonds from the first timestep. More...

ResizeArray< VolumetricData * > volumeList
 array of volume data sets. More...

Detailed Description

Base class for all molecules, without display-specific information. This portion of a molecule contains the structural data, and all routines to find the structure (backbone, residues, etc). It does NOT contain the animation list; that is maintained by Molecule (which is derived from this class).

Definition at line 61 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum BaseMolecule::dataset_flag

flags indicating what data was loaded or user-specified vs. guessed.

Enumeration values:

Definition at line 140 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BaseMolecule::BaseMolecule int   

constructor takes molecule ID.

Definition at line 50 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References datasetflags, moleculename, nAtoms, need_find_bonds, nfragList, nFragments, nNucleicFragments, NODATA, nProteinFragments, nResidues, nSegments, NULL, nWaters, pfragList, qm_data, radii_max, radii_min, and radii_minmax_need_update.

BaseMolecule::~BaseMolecule void    [virtual]


Definition at line 84 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References NameList< unsigned char * >::data, NameList< int * >::data, NameList< float * >::data, extraflg, extraflt, extraint, fragList, nfragList, NameList< unsigned char * >::num, NameList< int * >::num, NameList< float * >::num, ResizeArray< VolumetricData * >::num, ResizeArray< Fragment * >::num, ResizeArray< Residue * >::num, pfragList, qm_data, residueList, and volumeList.

Member Function Documentation

int BaseMolecule::add_angle int    a,
int    b,
int    c,
int    type = -1

add an angle definition to existing list with optional angletype. checks for duplicates and returns angle index number.

Definition at line 384 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References angles, ResizeArray< int >::append3, n, num_angles, and set_angletype.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_set, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, and topo_add_angle.

int BaseMolecule::add_atoms int    natoms,
const char *    name,
const char *    type,
int    atomicnumber,
const char *    resname,
int    resid,
const char *    chainid,
const char *    segname,
const char *    insertion = (char *)"",
const char *    altloc = ""

add a new atom; return it's index.

Definition at line 210 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References NameList< int >::add_name, MolAtom::altlocindex, altlocNames, atom, MolAtom::atomicnumber, atomNames, atomTypes, MolAtom::chainindex, chainNames, MolAtom::init, MolAtom::nameindex, nAtoms, NameList< int >::num, MolAtom::resnameindex, resNames, MolAtom::segnameindex, segNames, and MolAtom::typeindex.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_new, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

int BaseMolecule::add_bond int   ,
int   ,
float   ,
int   ,

add a new bond from a to b; return total number of bonds added so far.

Definition at line 305 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References MolAtom::add_bond, atom, MolAtom::bonds, MAXBONDERRORS, nAtoms, setbondorder, and setbondtype.

Referenced by add_bond_dupcheck, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, PickModeAddBond::pick_molecule_end, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, and vmd_bond_search.

int BaseMolecule::add_bond_dupcheck int   ,
int   ,
float   ,

add a bond after checking for duplicates.

Definition at line 363 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References add_bond, atom, MolAtom::bonds, MolAtom::bondTo, and nAtoms.

Referenced by MolFilePlugin::read_structure, topo_add_bond, and vmd_bond_search.

void BaseMolecule::add_cterm int    a,
int    b,
int    c,
int    d,
int    e,
int    f,
int    g,
int    h

add cross term definition.

Definition at line 450 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::append.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_set, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

int BaseMolecule::add_dihedral int    a,
int    b,
int    c,
int    d,
int    type = -1

append a dihedral definition to existing list with optional dihedraltype. checks for duplicates. return dihedral index number.

Definition at line 423 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References ResizeArray< int >::append4, dihedrals, n, num_dihedrals, and set_dihedraltype.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_set, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, and topo_add_dihed.

int BaseMolecule::add_improper int    a,
int    b,
int    c,
int    d,
int    type = -1

append a improper definition to existing list with optional impropertype. checks for duplicates. return improper index number.

Definition at line 461 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References ResizeArray< int >::append4, impropers, n, num_impropers, and set_impropertype.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_set, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, and topo_add_improp.

void BaseMolecule::add_instance Matrix4   inst [inline]

Definition at line 463 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::append.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_add_instance.

void BaseMolecule::add_volume_data const char *    name,
const double *    o,
const double *    xa,
const double *    ya,
const double *    za,
int    x,
int    y,
int    z,
float *    voldata

Definition at line 2588 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References ResizeArray< VolumetricData * >::append, VolumetricData::compute_volume_gradient, VolumetricData::datarange, VolumetricData::gridsize, VolumetricData::name, volumeList, and z.

void BaseMolecule::add_volume_data const char *    name,
const float *    o,
const float *    xa,
const float *    ya,
const float *    za,
int    x,
int    y,
int    z,
float *    voldata,
float *    gradient = NULL,
float *    variance = NULL

add volumetric data to a molecule.

Definition at line 2531 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References ResizeArray< VolumetricData * >::append, VolumetricData::compute_volume_gradient, VolumetricData::datarange, VolumetricData::gridsize, VolumetricData::name, VolumetricData::set_volume_gradient, volumeList, and z.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_add_volumetric, and MolFilePlugin::read_volumetric.

void BaseMolecule::analyze void   

find higher level constructs given the atom/bond information.

Definition at line 726 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References angleTypeNames, atom, ATOMHYDROGEN, atomNames, ATOMNORMAL, MolAtom::atomType, bondTypeNames, ResizeArray< int >::clear, ResizeArray< Fragment * >::clear, ResizeArray< Residue * >::clear, count_bonds, dihedralTypeNames, fragList, improperTypeNames, IS_HYDROGEN, NameList< int >::name, MolAtom::nameindex, nAtoms, need_find_bonds, nfragCyclic, nfragList, nFragments, nNucleicFragments, nProteinFragments, nResidues, nSegments, NULL, ResizeArray< Fragment * >::num, NameList< int >::num, num_angles, num_cterms, num_dihedrals, num_impropers, nWaters, pfragCyclic, pfragList, residueList, MolAtom::residueType, RESNUCLEIC, RESPROTEIN, wkf_timer_create, wkf_timer_destroy, wkf_timer_start, wkf_timer_timenow, and wkf_timerhandle.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_load, VMDApp::molecule_reanalyze, and MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure.

MolAtom* BaseMolecule::atom int    n [inline]

return Nth atom.

Definition at line 476 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References n.

Referenced by access_tcl_atomsel, add_atoms, add_bond, add_bond_dupcheck, analyze, assign_atoms, GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, atom_fragment, atom_residue, GeometryMol::atom_short_name, atomsel_backbonetype, atomsel_name, atomsel_residuetype, atomsel_type, colvarproxy_vmd::check_atom_id, contacts, QMData::create_unique_basis, AtomColor::find, find_atom_in_residue, getbondorder, getbonds, getbondtype, QMData::init_electrons, measure_avpos_perresidue, measure_center_perresidue, measure_hbonds, measure_rmsd_perresidue, measure_sasa_perresidue, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, PickModeAddBond::pick_molecule_end, print_atom_info, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, setbondorder, setbonds, setbondtype, topo_del_bond, topo_get_bond, vmd_bond_search, vmd_measure_contacts, write_ss_input_pdb, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

Fragment * BaseMolecule::atom_fragment int   

return fragment atom is in.

Definition at line 590 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References atom, fragment, Residue::fragment, n, NULL, residue, and MolAtom::uniq_resid.

Referenced by PickModeForceFragment::pick_molecule_move, PickModeForceFragment::pick_molecule_start, PickModeMoveFragment::rotate, and PickModeMoveFragment::translate.

Residue * BaseMolecule::atom_residue int   

return residue atom is in.

Definition at line 579 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References atom, n, NULL, residue, and MolAtom::uniq_resid.

Referenced by PickModeForceResidue::pick_molecule_move, PickModeForceResidue::pick_molecule_start, PickModeMoveResidue::rotate, and PickModeMoveResidue::translate.

float* BaseMolecule::beta   [inline]

Definition at line 173 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References NameList::data.

Referenced by GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, AtomColor::find, colvarproxy_vmd::load_atoms, colvarproxy_vmd::load_coords, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_new, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

float* BaseMolecule::bondorders   [inline]

number of electron pairs, also fractional.

Definition at line 211 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References NameList::data.

int* BaseMolecule::bondtypes   [inline]

per atom/bond bond type list.

Definition at line 216 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References NameList::data.

float* BaseMolecule::charge   [inline]

Definition at line 172 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References NameList::data.

Referenced by GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, compute_elect_energy, AtomColor::find, colvarproxy_vmd::init_atom, measure_dipole, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_new, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, colvarproxy_vmd::update_atomic_properties, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

void BaseMolecule::clear_angles void    [inline]

clear list of angles and types.

Definition at line 397 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::clear.

Referenced by molinfo_set, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

void BaseMolecule::clear_bonds void   

clear the entire bond list for all atoms.

Definition at line 714 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References MolAtom::bonds, and nAtoms.

Referenced by DrawMolecule::recalc_bonds, and topo_del_all_bonds.

void BaseMolecule::clear_cterms   [inline]

clear list of improper definitions.

Definition at line 444 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::clear.

Referenced by molinfo_set.

void BaseMolecule::clear_dihedrals void    [inline]

clear list of dihedrals and types.

Definition at line 413 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::clear.

Referenced by molinfo_set, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

void BaseMolecule::clear_impropers void    [inline]

clear list of impropers and types.

Definition at line 429 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::clear.

Referenced by molinfo_set, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

void BaseMolecule::clear_instances void    [inline]

Definition at line 465 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::clear.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_delete_all_instances.

void BaseMolecule::compute_volume_gradient VolumetricData  

compute negated normalized volume gradient map.

int BaseMolecule::count_bonds void   

return the number of unique bonds in the molecule.

Definition at line 696 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References MolAtom::bonds, MolAtom::bondTo, and nAtoms.

Referenced by analyze, DrawMolecule::recalc_bonds, and topo_del_all_bonds.

float BaseMolecule::default_beta void    [inline]

return 'default' charge, mass, occupancy value and beta value.

Definition at line 504 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_new, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

float BaseMolecule::default_charge const char *   

return 'default' charge, mass, occupancy value and beta value.

Definition at line 687 of file BaseMolecule.C.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_new, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

float BaseMolecule::default_mass const char *   

return 'default' charge, mass, occupancy value and beta value.

Definition at line 625 of file BaseMolecule.C.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_new, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

float BaseMolecule::default_occup void    [inline]

return 'default' charge, mass, occupancy value and beta value.

Definition at line 503 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_new, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

float BaseMolecule::default_radius const char *   

return 'default' charge, mass, occupancy value and beta value.

Definition at line 600 of file BaseMolecule.C.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_new, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

int BaseMolecule::find_atom_in_residue const char *    atomname,
int    residue

find first occurance of an atom name in the residue, returns -3 not found.

Definition at line 1465 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References atomNames, find_atom_in_residue, residue, and NameList< int >::typecode.

int BaseMolecule::find_atom_in_residue int    atomnameindex,
int    residue

find first occurance of an atom name in the residue, returns -3 not found.

Definition at line 486 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References atom, Residue::atoms, atoms, MolAtom::nameindex, ResizeArray::num, and num.

Referenced by find_atom_in_residue.

void BaseMolecule::find_bonds_from_timestep   [inline]

compute molecule's bonds using distance bond search from 1st timestep.

Definition at line 379 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References need_find_bonds.

Referenced by MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

void BaseMolecule::find_unique_bonds_from_timestep   [inline]

Definition at line 380 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References need_find_bonds.

Referenced by MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

unsigned char* BaseMolecule::flags   [inline]

Definition at line 177 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References NameList::data.

Fragment * BaseMolecule::fragment int   

return Nth fragment.

Definition at line 572 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References fragList, and n.

Referenced by atom_fragment, and compoundmapper.

int BaseMolecule::get_angletype int    a

query angle type.

Definition at line 415 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References angleTypes, and ResizeArray< int >::num.

Referenced by molinfo_get, topo_get_angle, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::get_dihedraltype int    d

query dihedral type for number.

Definition at line 454 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References dihedralTypes, and ResizeArray< int >::num.

Referenced by molinfo_get, topo_get_dihed, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::get_impropertype int    i

query improper type for number;.

Definition at line 492 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References improperTypes, and ResizeArray< int >::num.

Referenced by molinfo_get, topo_get_impro, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

void BaseMolecule::get_radii_minmax float &    min,
float &    max

Definition at line 186 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References NameList::data, minmax_1fv_aligned, nAtoms, NULL, radii_max, radii_min, and radii_minmax_need_update.

Referenced by calc_density_bounds, QuickSurf::calc_surf, measure_sasa, measure_sasa_perresidue, and measure_sasa_thread.

const VolumetricData * BaseMolecule::get_volume_data int   

return requested data set.

Definition at line 2637 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References id, and modify_volume_data.

Referenced by atomsel_gridindex_array, atomsel_interp_volume_array, atomsel_volume_array, colvarproxy_vmd::compute_volmap, mdff_cc, SaveTrajectoryFltkMenu::molchooser_activate_selection, py_mol_get_volumetric, segment_volume, vmd_measure_volinterior, vmd_volmap_compare, GraphicsFltkMenu::volindex_update, and MolFilePlugin::write_volumetric.

float BaseMolecule::getbondorder int    atom,
int    bond

Definition at line 521 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References atom, NameList< float * >::data, extraflt, MAXATOMBONDS, and NULL.

Referenced by access_tcl_atomsel, assign_atoms, topo_get_bond, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::getbondtype int    atom,
int    bond

quest bond type.

Definition at line 553 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References atom, NameList< int * >::data, extraint, MAXATOMBONDS, and NULL.

Referenced by access_tcl_atomsel, topo_get_bond, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::has_structure   const [inline]

has structure information already been loaded for this molecule?

Definition at line 225 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_load, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::id void    const [inline]

return id number of this molecule.

Definition at line 471 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by GraphicsFltkMenu::act_on_command, MoleculeList::add_color_names, MoleculeList::add_molecule, MoleculeList::add_rep, GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, GeometryMol::atom_full_name, atomsel_new, atomsel_set, DrawMolecule::change_ts, IMDMgr::check_event, Molecule::close_coor_file, MoleculeList::del_molecule, Tool::dograb, AtomColor::find, find_molecule, get_nearby_atom, Molecule::get_new_frames, get_volume_data, graphics_tcl, DrawMolecule::highlighted_rep, VMDApp::imd_connected, VMDApp::imd_disconnect, make_tcl_atomsel, MoleculeList::make_top, modify_volume_data, VMDApp::molecule_delete_all, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_id, VMDApp::molecule_load, VMDApp::molecule_new, VMDApp::molecule_rename, molecule_tcl, VMDApp::molecule_top, molinfo_set, DrawMolecule::notify, PickList::pick_check, PickModeUser::pick_molecule_end, PickModeMolLabel::pick_molecule_end, PickModeAddBond::pick_molecule_end, PickModeUser::pick_molecule_start, PickModeMolLabel::pick_molecule_start, PickModeAddBond::pick_molecule_start, print_atom_info, py_atomselect, py_imdconnect, py_write, GraphicsFltkMenu::set_pbc, Tool::target, text_cmd_imd, Tool::ungrab, MolBrowser::update, and Molecule::~Molecule.

int BaseMolecule::init_atoms int    n

Try to set the number of atoms to n. n must be positive. May be called more than once with the same n. Return success.

Definition at line 141 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References NameList< unsigned char * >::add_name, NameList< int * >::add_name, NameList< float * >::add_name, NameList< unsigned char * >::data, NameList< int * >::data, NameList< float * >::data, data, extraflg, extraflt, extraint, n, nAtoms, NULL, NameList< unsigned char * >::num, NameList< int * >::num, and NameList< float * >::num.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_load, VMDApp::molecule_new, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

float* BaseMolecule::mass   [inline]

Definition at line 171 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References NameList::data.

Referenced by Tool::assign_rep, GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, center_of_mass, AtomColor::find, fit, fpbc_recenter, fpbc_wrap, colvarproxy_vmd::init_atom, measure_dipole, measure_inertia, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_new, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, Tool::target, Tool::tug, colvarproxy_vmd::update_atomic_properties, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

VolumetricData * BaseMolecule::modify_volume_data int   

return requested data set.

Definition at line 2631 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References id, NULL, ResizeArray< VolumetricData * >::num, and volumeList.

Referenced by density_add, density_average, density_binmask, density_clamp, density_com, density_correlate, density_crop, density_downsample, density_histogram, density_info, density_mdff_potential, density_move, density_moveto, density_multiply, density_range, density_sadd, density_save, density_sigma, density_smooth, density_smult, density_subtract, density_supersample, density_trim, AtomColor::find, fit, get_volume_data, mask, text_cmd_mol, GraphicsFltkMenu::update_molchooser, and vmd_measure_volinterior.

const char* BaseMolecule::molname   const [inline]

return molecule name.

Definition at line 472 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References moleculename.

Referenced by GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_name, molinfo_get, and MolBrowser::update.

int BaseMolecule::num_angles   [inline]

count angle list entries.

Definition at line 400 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::num.

Referenced by add_angle, analyze, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_get, set_angletype, topo_del_all_angles, topo_del_angle, topo_get_angle, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::num_cterms   [inline]

count number of crossterm list entries.

Definition at line 447 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::num.

Referenced by analyze, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_get, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::num_dihedrals   [inline]

count dihedral list entries.

Definition at line 416 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::num.

Referenced by add_dihedral, analyze, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_get, set_dihedraltype, topo_del_all_dihed, topo_del_dihed, topo_get_dihed, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::num_impropers   [inline]

count improper list entries.

Definition at line 432 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::num.

Referenced by add_improper, analyze, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_get, set_impropertype, topo_del_all_impropers, topo_del_improper, topo_get_impro, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::num_instances void    [inline]

Definition at line 464 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References ResizeArray::num.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_num_instances.

int BaseMolecule::num_volume_data  

return number of volume data sets in molecule.

Definition at line 2627 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References ResizeArray< VolumetricData * >::num, and volumeList.

Referenced by VolMapCreateILS::add_map_to_molecule, colvarproxy_vmd::check_volmap_by_id, AtomColor::find, SaveTrajectoryFltkMenu::molchooser_activate_selection, VMDApp::molecule_load, VMDApp::molecule_savetrajectory, molinfo_get, py_mol_del_volumetric, py_mol_get_volumetric, py_mol_num_volumetric, text_cmd_mol, MolBrowser::update, GraphicsFltkMenu::update_molchooser, vmd_volmap_compare, GraphicsFltkMenu::volindex_update, VolMapCreateILS::write_map, and MolFilePlugin::write_volumetric.

float* BaseMolecule::occupancy   [inline]

Definition at line 174 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References NameList::data.

Referenced by GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, AtomColor::find, colvarproxy_vmd::load_atoms, colvarproxy_vmd::load_coords, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_new, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

float* BaseMolecule::radius   [inline]

various standard per-atom fields.

Definition at line 170 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References NameList::data.

Referenced by calc_cc, mdff_cc, mdff_sim, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_new, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, vmd_bond_search, vmd_measure_volinterior, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

void BaseMolecule::remove_volume_data int    idx

remove a volumetric data object from a molecule.

Definition at line 2619 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References ResizeArray< VolumetricData * >::num, ResizeArray< VolumetricData * >::remove, and volumeList.

Referenced by py_mol_del_volumetric, and text_cmd_mol.

Residue * BaseMolecule::residue int   

return Nth residue.

Definition at line 566 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References n, and residueList.

Referenced by atom_fragment, atom_residue, colvarproxy_vmd::check_atom_id, compoundmapper, AtomColor::find, find_atom_in_residue, PickModeForceFragment::pick_molecule_move, PickModeForceFragment::pick_molecule_start, PickModeMoveFragment::rotate, and PickModeMoveFragment::translate.

int BaseMolecule::set_angletype int    a,
int    type

set new angle type.

Definition at line 397 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References ANGLETYPES, angleTypes, ResizeArray< int >::appendN, ResizeArray< int >::num, num_angles, and set_dataset_flag.

Referenced by add_angle.

void BaseMolecule::set_dataset_flag int    flag [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References datasetflags.

Referenced by access_tcl_atomsel, VMDApp::molecule_set_dataset_flag, molinfo_set, PickModeAddBond::pick_molecule_end, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, set_angletype, set_dihedraltype, set_impropertype, topo_add_angle, topo_add_bond, topo_add_dihed, topo_add_improp, topo_del_angle, topo_del_bond, topo_del_dihed, and topo_del_improper.

int BaseMolecule::set_dihedraltype int    d,
int    type

set new dihedral type. return type index number.

Definition at line 436 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References ANGLETYPES, ResizeArray< int >::appendN, dihedralTypes, ResizeArray< int >::num, num_dihedrals, and set_dataset_flag.

Referenced by add_dihedral.

int BaseMolecule::set_impropertype int    i,
int    type

set new improper type. returns type index number.

Definition at line 474 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References ANGLETYPES, ResizeArray< int >::appendN, improperTypes, ResizeArray< int >::num, num_impropers, and set_dataset_flag.

Referenced by add_improper.

void BaseMolecule::set_radii_changed   [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References radii_minmax_need_update.

Referenced by MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, and MolFilePlugin::read_structure.

void BaseMolecule::setbondorder int    atom,
int    bond,
float    order

Definition at line 501 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References NameList< float * >::add_name, atom, NameList< float * >::data, extraflt, MAXATOMBONDS, nAtoms, and NULL.

Referenced by access_tcl_atomsel, and add_bond.

void BaseMolecule::setbondtype int    atom,
int    bond,
int    type

set new bond type.

Definition at line 533 of file BaseMolecule.C.

References NameList< int * >::add_name, atom, NameList< int * >::data, extraint, MAXATOMBONDS, nAtoms, and NULL.

Referenced by access_tcl_atomsel, and add_bond.

int BaseMolecule::test_dataset_flag int    flag [inline]

Definition at line 165 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References datasetflags.

Referenced by MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

void BaseMolecule::unset_dataset_flag int    flag [inline]

Definition at line 162 of file BaseMolecule.h.

References datasetflags.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_set_dataset_flag.

Member Data Documentation

NameList<int> BaseMolecule::altlocNames

list of alternate location names.

Definition at line 79 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by add_atoms, MoleculeList::add_color_names, GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, AtomColor::find, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, vmd_bond_search, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

ResizeArray<int> BaseMolecule::angles

list of angles.

Definition at line 113 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by add_angle, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_get, topo_del_all_angles, topo_del_angle, topo_get_angle, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

NameList<int> BaseMolecule::angleTypeNames

list of unique angle type names.

Definition at line 129 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, molinfo_get, molinfo_set, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, topo_add_angle, topo_angletypes, topo_get_angle, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

ResizeArray<int> BaseMolecule::angleTypes

type of angle.

Definition at line 125 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by get_angletype, molinfo_get, set_angletype, topo_del_all_angles, and topo_del_angle.

NameList<int> BaseMolecule::atomNames

list of unique atom names.

Definition at line 74 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by add_atoms, MoleculeList::add_color_names, analyze, GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, GeometryMol::atom_short_name, atomsel_name, colvarproxy_vmd::check_atom_id, AtomColor::find, find_atom_in_residue, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, print_atom_info, vmd_bond_search, write_ss_input_pdb, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

NameList<int> BaseMolecule::atomTypes

list of unique atom types.

Definition at line 75 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by add_atoms, MoleculeList::add_color_names, GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, atomsel_type, AtomColor::find, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, print_atom_info, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

NameList<int> BaseMolecule::bondTypeNames

list of unique bond type names.

Definition at line 128 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by access_tcl_atomsel, analyze, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, topo_add_bond, topo_bondtypes, topo_get_bond, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

NameList<int> BaseMolecule::chainNames

list of unique chain names.

Definition at line 77 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by add_atoms, MoleculeList::add_color_names, GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, AtomColor::find, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, print_atom_info, write_ss_input_pdb, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

ResizeArray<int> BaseMolecule::cterms

list of cross-terms.

Definition at line 116 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_get, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::datasetflags

Definition at line 158 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by BaseMolecule, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, set_dataset_flag, test_dataset_flag, and unset_dataset_flag.

ResizeArray<int> BaseMolecule::dihedrals

list of dihedrals.

Definition at line 114 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by add_dihedral, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_get, topo_del_all_dihed, topo_del_dihed, topo_get_dihed, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

NameList<int> BaseMolecule::dihedralTypeNames

list of unique dihedral type names.

Definition at line 130 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, molinfo_get, molinfo_set, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, topo_add_dihed, topo_dihetypes, topo_get_dihed, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

ResizeArray<int> BaseMolecule::dihedralTypes

type of dihedral.

Definition at line 126 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by get_dihedraltype, molinfo_get, set_dihedraltype, topo_del_all_dihed, and topo_del_dihed.

NameList<unsigned char *> BaseMolecule::extraflg

optional bitwise flags.

Definition at line 122 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by init_atoms, and ~BaseMolecule.

NameList<float *> BaseMolecule::extraflt

optional floating point data.

Definition at line 120 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by build_xyzr_from_sel, calc_density_bounds, VolMapCreate::calculate_max_radius, VolMapCreateCoulombPotentialMSM::compute_frame, VolMapCreateCoulombPotential::compute_frame, VolMapCreateDistance::compute_frame, VolMapCreateOccupancy::compute_frame, VolMapCreateDensity::compute_frame, getbondorder, init_atoms, measure_sasa_thread, minmax, sasa, sasa_perresidue, setbondorder, topo_del_bond, vmd_measure_minmax, vmd_measure_sasa, vmd_measure_sasaperresidue, vmd_volmap_ils, and ~BaseMolecule.

NameList<int *> BaseMolecule::extraint

optional integer data.

Definition at line 121 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by getbondtype, init_atoms, setbondtype, topo_del_bond, and ~BaseMolecule.

ResizeArray<Fragment *> BaseMolecule::fragList

list of connected residues.

Definition at line 82 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, fragment, and ~BaseMolecule.

ResizeArray<int> BaseMolecule::impropers

list of impropers.

Definition at line 115 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by add_improper, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, molinfo_get, topo_del_all_impropers, topo_del_improper, topo_get_impro, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

NameList<int> BaseMolecule::improperTypeNames

list of unique improper type names.

Definition at line 131 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, molinfo_get, molinfo_set, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_structure, topo_add_improp, topo_get_impro, topo_imptypes, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

ResizeArray<int> BaseMolecule::improperTypes

type of improper.

Definition at line 127 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by get_impropertype, molinfo_get, set_impropertype, topo_del_all_impropers, and topo_del_improper.

ResizeArray<Matrix4> BaseMolecule::instances

list of instance transform matrices.

Definition at line 109 of file BaseMolecule.h.

char* BaseMolecule::moleculename [protected]

name of the molcule.

Definition at line 356 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by BaseMolecule, Molecule::Molecule, molname, Molecule::rename, and Molecule::~Molecule.

int BaseMolecule::nAtoms

number of atoms.

Definition at line 66 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by access_tcl_atomsel, add_atoms, add_bond, add_bond_dupcheck, analyze, DrawMolItem::atom_displayed, DrawMolecule::atom_displayed, BaseMolecule, AtomSel::change, colvarproxy_vmd::check_atom_id, IMDMgr::check_event, check_mol, GeometryMol::check_mol, clear_bonds, cmd_gettimestep, cmd_rawtimestep, CoorPluginData::CoorPluginData, count_bonds, DrawMolItem::do_color_rgb_changed, DrawMolItem::DrawMolItem, DrawMolecule::duplicate_frame, AtomColor::find, fpbc_exec_join, fpbc_exec_recenter, fpbc_exec_unwrap, fpbc_exec_wrapatomic, fpbc_exec_wrapcompound, Molecule::get_new_frames, get_radii_minmax, init_atoms, colvarproxy_vmd::load_atoms, colvarproxy_vmd::load_coords, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, VMDApp::molecule_load, VMDApp::molecule_numatoms, VMDApp::molecule_savetrajectory, molinfo_get, print_atom_info, py_atomselect, py_label_add, MolFilePlugin::read_optional_structure, MolFilePlugin::read_qm_data, PickModeMoveMolecule::rotate, setbondorder, setbonds, setbondtype, topo_del_angle, topo_del_bond, topo_del_dihed, topo_del_improper, topo_get_bond, PickModeMoveMolecule::translate, MolBrowser::update, vmd_bond_search, write_ss_input_pdb, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

int BaseMolecule::need_find_bonds [protected]

whether to compute bonds from the first timestep.

Definition at line 357 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, DrawMolecule::append_frame, BaseMolecule, DrawMolecule::DrawMolecule, find_bonds_from_timestep, and find_unique_bonds_from_timestep.

ResizeArray<int> BaseMolecule::nfragCyclic

flag indicating cyclic fragment.

Definition at line 94 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze.

ResizeArray<Fragment *> BaseMolecule::nfragList

ditto for nuc; from 5' to 3'.

Definition at line 93 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, BaseMolecule, and ~BaseMolecule.

int BaseMolecule::nFragments

total number of fragments.

Definition at line 70 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, BaseMolecule, compoundmapper, AtomColor::find, and VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list.

int BaseMolecule::nNucleicFragments

number of nucleic fragments.

Definition at line 72 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, BaseMolecule, and VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list.

int BaseMolecule::nProteinFragments

number of protein fragments.

Definition at line 71 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, BaseMolecule, and VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list.

int BaseMolecule::nResidues

number of residues.

Definition at line 67 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, BaseMolecule, colvarproxy_vmd::check_atom_id, compoundmapper, and VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list.

int BaseMolecule::nSegments

number of segments.

Definition at line 69 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, and BaseMolecule.

int BaseMolecule::nWaters

number of waters.

Definition at line 68 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, and BaseMolecule.

ResizeArray<int> BaseMolecule::pfragCyclic

flag indicating cyclic fragment.

Definition at line 86 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze.

ResizeArray<Fragment *> BaseMolecule::pfragList

list of connected protein residues this is a single chain from N to C.

Definition at line 84 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, BaseMolecule, and ~BaseMolecule.

QMData* BaseMolecule::qm_data

Definition at line 134 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by BaseMolecule, VMDApp::molecule_orblocalize, molinfo_get, MolFilePlugin::read_qm_data, GraphicsFltkRepOrbital::regen_excitationlist, GraphicsFltkRepOrbital::regen_orbitallist, GraphicsFltkRepOrbital::regen_wavefunctypes, and ~BaseMolecule.

float BaseMolecule::radii_max

Definition at line 183 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by BaseMolecule, and get_radii_minmax.

float BaseMolecule::radii_min

Definition at line 182 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by BaseMolecule, and get_radii_minmax.

int BaseMolecule::radii_minmax_need_update

methods for querying the min/max atom radii, used by the the QuickSurf representation.

Definition at line 181 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by BaseMolecule, get_radii_minmax, and set_radii_changed.

ResizeArray<Residue *> BaseMolecule::residueList

residue connectivity list.

Definition at line 81 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by analyze, QuickSurf::calc_surf, read_dssp_record, read_stride_record, residue, and ~BaseMolecule.

NameList<int> BaseMolecule::resNames

list of unique residue names.

Definition at line 76 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by add_atoms, MoleculeList::add_color_names, GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, GeometryMol::atom_short_name, AtomColor::find, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, print_atom_info, write_ss_input_pdb, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

NameList<int> BaseMolecule::segNames

list of unique segment names.

Definition at line 78 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by add_atoms, MoleculeList::add_color_names, GeometryMol::atom_formatted_name, colvarproxy_vmd::check_atom_id, AtomColor::find, VMDApp::molecule_from_selection_list, print_atom_info, and MolFilePlugin::write_structure.

ResizeArray<VolumetricData *> BaseMolecule::volumeList [protected]

array of volume data sets.

Definition at line 525 of file BaseMolecule.h.

Referenced by add_volume_data, DrawMolecule::cov, modify_volume_data, num_volume_data, remove_volume_data, DrawMolecule::scale_factor, and ~BaseMolecule.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Feb 8 02:44:46 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002