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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved
00006  *cr
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00008 /***************************************************************************
00010  *
00011  *      $RCSfile: VMDDisplayList.C,v $
00012  *      $Author: johns $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00013  *      $Revision: 1.42 $      $Date: 2020/12/12 22:54:24 $
00014  *
00015  ***************************************************************************/
00022 #include "VMDDisplayList.h"
00023 #include "VMDApp.h"
00024 #include "Matrix4.h"
00025 #include "Inform.h"
00027 // required word size alignment in bytes, 16 bytes is large enough for 
00028 // all currently known systems.
00029 #define ALLOC_ALIGNMENT 16 
00032 // Initial number of bytes in the display list memory block; not allocated
00033 // until the list receives its first command.
00035 // Typical "empty" representations need about 64 bytes to hold their 
00036 // initial material on, line thickness and resolution parameters.
00037 #define BASE_DISPLAYLIST_SIZE  64
00039 // once the representation goes past being empty, it's likely going to need
00040 // a lot more space in subsequent allocations, so the next growth step is
00041 // much bigger to reduce the total number of calls without creating too much
00042 // memory fragmentation for simple representations.
00043 #define GROWN_DISPLAYLIST_SIZE 16384
00045 void *VMDDisplayList::operator new(size_t n) {
00046   return vmd_alloc(n);
00047 }
00049 void VMDDisplayList::operator delete(void *p, size_t) {
00050   vmd_dealloc(p);
00051 }
00053 VMDDisplayList::VMDDisplayList() {
00054   materialtag = 0;
00055   serial=0;
00056   cacheskip=0;
00057   pbc = PBC_NONE;
00058   npbc = 1;
00059   instanceset = INSTANCE_ALL;
00060   instances.clear();
00062   // Begin with no memory allocated for the pool; many display lists,
00063   // like those for DrawMolecule, DrawForce, and MoleculeGraphics, spend
00064   // their whole lives with no commands, so it's wasteful to allocate
00065   // anything for them.
00066   // 
00067   // XXX In fact, DrawForce and MoleculeGraphics are creating single-element
00068   // display lists that contain nothing but DMATERIALON.  This should be
00069   // fixed; better might even be to not create these Displayables at all 
00070   // until/unless they are needed.  
00071   listsize = 0;
00072   poolsize = 0;
00073   poolused = 0;
00074   pool = NULL;
00075 }
00077 VMDDisplayList::~VMDDisplayList() {
00078   if (pool) vmd_dealloc(pool);
00079 }
00081 void *VMDDisplayList::append(int code, long size) {
00082   unsigned long neededBytes = (sizeof(CommandHeader) + size + ALLOC_ALIGNMASK) & ~(ALLOC_ALIGNMASK);
00083   if (neededBytes + poolused > poolsize) {
00084     unsigned long newsize;
00085     if (!pool) {
00086       newsize = (neededBytes < BASE_DISPLAYLIST_SIZE) ? 
00087         BASE_DISPLAYLIST_SIZE : neededBytes;
00088     } else {
00089       newsize = (unsigned long) (1.2f * (poolsize + neededBytes));
00090       if (newsize < GROWN_DISPLAYLIST_SIZE)
00091         newsize = GROWN_DISPLAYLIST_SIZE;
00092     }
00093 //printf("bumping displist size from %d to %d to handle %d from cmd %d\n", poolsize, newsize, size, code);
00094     char *tmp = (char *) vmd_resize_alloc(pool, poolused, newsize);
00095     // check for failed allocations
00096     if (!tmp) {
00097       msgErr << "Failed to increase display list memory pool size, system out of memory" << sendmsg;
00098       msgErr << "  Previous pool size: " << ((unsigned long) (poolsize / (1024*1024))) << "MB" << sendmsg;
00099       msgErr << "  Requested pool size: " << ((unsigned long) (newsize / (1024*1024))) << "MB" << sendmsg;
00100       return NULL;
00101     }
00102     poolsize = newsize;
00103     pool = tmp;
00104   }
00105   // store header and size of header + data into pool
00106   CommandHeader *header = (CommandHeader *)(pool + poolused);
00107   poolused += neededBytes;
00109   header->code = code;
00110   header->size = neededBytes;
00112   // return pointer to data following header
00113   ++listsize;
00114   return header+1;
00115 }
00117 void VMDDisplayList::reset_and_free(unsigned long newserial) {
00118   // if we used less than 1/4 of the total pool size, trim the pool
00119   // back to empty so that we don't hog memory.
00120   if (poolsize > BASE_DISPLAYLIST_SIZE && 
00121       poolused / (float)poolsize < 0.25f) {
00122     vmd_dealloc(pool);
00123     pool = NULL;
00124     poolsize = 0;
00125   }
00126   poolused = 0;
00127   listsize = 0;
00128   serial = newserial;
00129 }
00131 int VMDDisplayList::set_clip_normal(int i, const float *normal) { 
00132   if (i < 0 || i >= VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE) return 0;
00133   float length = norm(normal);
00134   if (!length) return 0;
00135   clipplanes[i].normal[0] = normal[0]/length;
00136   clipplanes[i].normal[1] = normal[1]/length;
00137   clipplanes[i].normal[2] = normal[2]/length;
00138   return 1;
00139 }
00141 int VMDDisplayList::set_clip_center(int i, const float *center) { 
00142   if (i < 0 || i >= VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE) return 0;
00143   clipplanes[i].center[0] = center[0];
00144   clipplanes[i].center[1] = center[1];
00145   clipplanes[i].center[2] = center[2];
00146   return 1;
00147 }
00149 int VMDDisplayList::set_clip_color(int i, const float *color) { 
00150   if (i < 0 || i >= VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE) return 0;
00151   clipplanes[i].color[0] = color[0];
00152   clipplanes[i].color[1] = color[1];
00153   clipplanes[i].color[2] = color[2];
00154   return 1;
00155 }
00157 int VMDDisplayList::set_clip_status(int i, int mode) {
00158   if (i < 0 || i >= VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE) return 0;
00159   clipplanes[i].mode = mode;
00160   return 1;
00161 }
00163 int VMDDisplayList::get_clip_status(int i, int &mode) {
00164   if (i < 0 || i >= VMD_MAX_CLIP_PLANE) return 0;
00165   mode = clipplanes[i].mode;
00166   return 1;
00167 }

Generated on Thu Feb 13 02:45:10 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002