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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr                                                                       
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the           
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois                       
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved                        
00006  *cr                                                                   
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00008 /***************************************************************************
00010  *
00011  *      $RCSfile: PSDisplayDevice.C,v $
00012  *      $Author: johns $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00013  *      $Revision: 1.118 $       $Date: 2020/02/26 07:21:45 $
00014  *
00015  ***************************************************************************/
00021 #include <stdio.h>
00022 #include <stdlib.h>
00023 #include "DepthSortObj.h"
00024 #include "Matrix4.h"
00025 #include "PSDisplayDevice.h"
00026 #include "VMDDisplayList.h"
00027 #include "Inform.h"
00030 PSDisplayDevice::PSDisplayDevice(void)
00031 : FileRenderer ("PostScript", "PostScript (vector graphics)", "","ghostview %s &") {
00032    memerror = 0;
00033    x_offset = 306;
00034    y_offset = 396;
00036    // initialize some variables used to cache a triangle mesh
00037    // approximation of a unit sphere
00038    sph_iter = -1;
00039    sph_desired_iter = 0;
00040    sph_nverts = 0;
00041    sph_verts = NULL;
00043    memusage = 0;
00044    points = 0;
00045    objects = 0;
00046 }
00049 PSDisplayDevice::~PSDisplayDevice(void) {
00050    // if necessary, free any memory used in caching the
00051    // unit sphere (see sphere_approx())
00052    if (sph_nverts && sph_verts) free(sph_verts);
00053 }
00056 void PSDisplayDevice::render(const VMDDisplayList *cmdList) {
00057    if (!cmdList) return;
00058    DepthSortObject depth_obj;
00059    char *cmd_ptr;
00060    int draw;
00061    int tok;
00062    int nc;
00063    float a[3], b[3], c[3], d[3];
00064    float cent[3];
00065    float r;
00066    Matrix4 ident;
00068    // first we want to clear the transformation matrix stack
00069    while (transMat.num())
00070       transMat.pop();
00072    // push on the identity matrix
00073    transMat.push(ident);
00075    // load the display list's transformation matrix
00076    super_multmatrix(cmdList->mat.mat);
00078    // Now we need to calculate the normalized position of the light
00079    // so we can compute angles of surfaces to that light for shading
00080    norm_light[0] = lightState[0].pos[0];
00081    norm_light[1] = lightState[0].pos[1];
00082    norm_light[2] = lightState[0].pos[2];
00083    if (norm_light[0] || norm_light[1] || norm_light[2])
00084       vec_normalize(norm_light);
00086    // Compute periodic image transformation matrices
00087    ResizeArray<Matrix4> pbcImages;
00088    find_pbc_images(cmdList, pbcImages);
00089    int npbcimages = pbcImages.num();
00091    // Retreive instance image transformation matrices
00092    ResizeArray<Matrix4> instanceImages;
00093    find_instance_images(cmdList, instanceImages);
00094    int ninstances = instanceImages.num();
00096    for (int pbcimage = 0; pbcimage < npbcimages; pbcimage++) {
00097      transMat.dup();
00098      super_multmatrix(pbcImages[pbcimage].mat);
00100    for (int instanceimage = 0; instanceimage < ninstances; instanceimage++) {
00101      transMat.dup();
00102      super_multmatrix(instanceImages[instanceimage].mat);
00104    // Loop through the display list and add each object to our
00105    // depth-sort list for final rendering.
00106    VMDDisplayList::VMDLinkIter cmditer;
00107    cmdList->first(&cmditer);
00108    while ((tok = cmdList->next(&cmditer, cmd_ptr)) != DLASTCOMMAND) {
00109       draw = 0;
00110       nc = -1;
00112       switch (tok) {
00113          case DPOINT:
00114             // allocate memory
00115             depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 2);
00116             if (!depth_obj.points) {
00117                // memory error
00118                if (!memerror) {
00119                   memerror = 1;
00120                   msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
00121                      "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00122                }
00123                break;
00124             }
00126             // copy data
00127             depth_obj.npoints = 1;
00128             depth_obj.color = colorIndex;
00129             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos, a);
00130             memcpy(depth_obj.points, a, sizeof(float) * 2);
00132             // compute the distance to the eye
00133             depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(a);
00135             // valid object to depth sort
00136             draw = 1;
00137             break;
00139          case DSPHERE:
00140          {
00141             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos_r, c);
00142             r = scale_radius(((DispCmdSphere *) cmd_ptr)->pos_r[3]);
00144             sphere_approx(c, r);
00145             break;
00146          }
00148          case DSPHEREARRAY:
00149          {
00150             DispCmdSphereArray *sa = (DispCmdSphereArray *) cmd_ptr;
00151             int cIndex, rIndex; // cIndex: index of colors & centers
00152                                 // rIndex: index of radii.
00153             float * centers;
00154             float * radii;
00155             float * colors;
00156             sa->getpointers(centers, radii, colors);
00158             set_sphere_res(sa->sphereres);
00160             for (cIndex = 0, rIndex=0; rIndex < sa->numspheres; 
00161                  cIndex+=3, rIndex++)
00162             {
00163                 colorIndex = nearest_index(colors[cIndex],
00164                                            colors[cIndex+1],
00165                                            colors[cIndex+2]);
00166                 ([cIndex] , c);
00167                 r = scale_radius(radii[rIndex]);
00169                 sphere_approx(c, r);
00170             }
00172             break;
00173          }   
00175          case DLINE:
00176             // check for zero-length line (degenerate)
00177             if (!memcmp(((DispCmdLine *) cmd_ptr)->pos1,
00178                         ((DispCmdLine *) cmd_ptr)->pos2,
00179                         sizeof(float) * 3)) {
00180                // degenerate line
00181                break;
00182             }
00184             // allocate memory
00185             depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 4);
00186             if (!depth_obj.points) {
00187                // memory error
00188                if (!memerror) {
00189                   memerror = 1;
00190                   msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
00191                      "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00192                }
00193                break;
00194             }
00196             // copy data
00197             depth_obj.npoints = 2;
00198             depth_obj.color = colorIndex;
00199             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos1, a);
00200             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos2, b);
00201             memcpy(depth_obj.points, a, sizeof(float) * 2);
00202             memcpy(&depth_obj.points[2], b, sizeof(float) * 2);
00204             // compute the centerpoint of the object
00205             cent[0] = (a[0] + b[0]) / 2;
00206             cent[1] = (a[1] + b[1]) / 2;
00207             cent[2] = (a[2] + b[2]) / 2;
00209             // compute the distance to the eye
00210             depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(cent);
00212             // valid object to depth sort
00213             draw = 1;
00214             break;
00216          case DLINEARRAY:
00217            {
00218             // XXX much replicated code from DLINE
00219             float *v = (float *)cmd_ptr;
00220             int nlines = (int)v[0];
00221             v++;
00222             for (int i=0; i<nlines; i++) {
00223               // check for degenerate line
00224               if (!memcmp(v,v+3,3*sizeof(float)))
00225                 break;
00227               // allocate memory
00228               depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 4);
00229               if (!depth_obj.points) {
00230                  // memory error
00231                  if (!memerror) {
00232                     memerror = 1;
00233                     msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
00234                        "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00235                  }
00236                  break;
00237               }
00239               // copy data
00240               depth_obj.npoints = 2;
00241               depth_obj.color = colorIndex;
00242               (, a);
00243               (, b);
00244               memcpy(depth_obj.points, a, sizeof(float) * 2);
00245               memcpy(&depth_obj.points[2], b, sizeof(float) * 2);
00247               // compute the centerpoint of the object
00248               cent[0] = (a[0] + b[0]) / 2;
00249               cent[1] = (a[1] + b[1]) / 2;
00250               cent[2] = (a[2] + b[2]) / 2;
00252               // compute the distance to the eye
00253               depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(cent);
00255               // we'll add the object here, since we have multiple objects 
00256               draw = 0;
00257               memusage += sizeof(float) * 2 * depth_obj.npoints;
00258               points += depth_obj.npoints;
00259               objects++;
00260               depth_list.append(depth_obj);
00262               v += 6;
00263             } 
00264            }
00265            break;           
00267          case DPOLYLINEARRAY:
00268            {
00269             // XXX much replicated code from DLINE / DLINEARRAY
00270             float *v = (float *)cmd_ptr;
00271             int nverts = (int)v[0];
00272             v++;
00273             for (int i=0; i<nverts-1; i++) {
00274               // check for degenerate line
00275               if (!memcmp(v,v+3,3*sizeof(float)))
00276                 break;
00278               // allocate memory
00279               depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 4);
00280               if (!depth_obj.points) {
00281                  // memory error
00282                  if (!memerror) {
00283                     memerror = 1;
00284                     msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
00285                        "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00286                  }
00287                  break;
00288               }
00290               // copy data
00291               depth_obj.npoints = 2;
00292               depth_obj.color = colorIndex;
00293               (, a);
00294               (, b);
00295               memcpy(depth_obj.points, a, sizeof(float) * 2);
00296               memcpy(&depth_obj.points[2], b, sizeof(float) * 2);
00298               // compute the centerpoint of the object
00299               cent[0] = (a[0] + b[0]) / 2;
00300               cent[1] = (a[1] + b[1]) / 2;
00301               cent[2] = (a[2] + b[2]) / 2;
00303               // compute the distance to the eye
00304               depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(cent);
00306               // we'll add the object here, since we have multiple objects 
00307               draw = 0;
00308               memusage += sizeof(float) * 2 * depth_obj.npoints;
00309               points += depth_obj.npoints;
00310               objects++;
00311               depth_list.append(depth_obj);
00313               v += 3;
00314             } 
00315            }
00316            break;           
00318          case DCYLINDER:
00319          {
00320             int res;
00322             ( *) cmd_ptr, a);
00323             ( *) cmd_ptr)[3], b);
00324             r = scale_radius(((float *) cmd_ptr)[6]);
00325             res = (int) ((float *) cmd_ptr)[7];
00327             cylinder_approx(a, b, r, res, (int) ((float *) cmd_ptr)[8]);
00328             break;
00329          }
00331          case DCONE:
00332          {
00333             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos1, a);
00334             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos2, b);
00335             float r1 = scale_radius(((DispCmdCone *) cmd_ptr)->radius);
00336             float r2 = scale_radius(((DispCmdCone *) cmd_ptr)->radius2);
00338             // XXX current implementation can't draw truncated cones.
00339             if (r2 > 0.0f) {
00340               msgWarn << "PSDisplayDevice) can't draw truncated cones" 
00341                       << sendmsg;
00342             }
00343             cone_approx(a, b, r1);
00344             break;
00345          }
00347         case DTEXT:
00348         {
00349             float* pos = (float *)cmd_ptr;
00350             float textsize = pos[4];
00351 #if 0
00352             // thickness not implemented yet
00353             float thickness = pos[3];    // thickness is stored in 4th slot
00354 #endif
00355             char* txt = (char *)(pos+7);
00356             int   txtlen = strlen(txt);
00357             // allocate memory
00358             depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 2);
00359             depth_obj.text   = (char  *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (txtlen+1));
00360             if ( !(depth_obj.points || depth_obj.text) ) {
00361               // memory error
00362               if (!memerror) {
00363                  memerror = 1;
00364                  msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
00365                     "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00366               }
00367               break;
00368            }
00370             // copy data
00371             depth_obj.npoints = 1;
00372             depth_obj.color = colorIndex;
00373             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos, a);
00374             memcpy(depth_obj.points, a, sizeof(float) * 2);
00375             strcpy(depth_obj.text , txt);
00377             // note scale factor, stored into "light_scale", so we didn't
00378             // have to add a new structure member just for this.
00379             depth_obj.light_scale = textsize * 15;
00381             // compute the distance to the eye
00382             depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(a);
00384             // valid object to depth sort
00385             draw = 1;
00386             break;
00387          }
00389          case DTRIANGLE:
00390             // check for degenerate triangle
00391             if (!memcmp(((DispCmdTriangle *) cmd_ptr)->pos1,
00392                         ((DispCmdTriangle *) cmd_ptr)->pos2,
00393                         sizeof(float) * 3) ||
00394                 !memcmp(((DispCmdTriangle *) cmd_ptr)->pos2,
00395                         ((DispCmdTriangle *) cmd_ptr)->pos3,
00396                         sizeof(float) * 3) ||
00397                 !memcmp(((DispCmdTriangle *) cmd_ptr)->pos2,
00398                         ((DispCmdTriangle *) cmd_ptr)->pos3,
00399                         sizeof(float) * 3)) {
00400                // degenerate triangle
00401                break;
00402             }
00404             // allocate memory
00405             depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 6);
00406             if (!depth_obj.points) {
00407                // memory error
00408                if (!memerror) {
00409                   memerror = 1;
00410                   msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
00411                      "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00412                }
00413                break;
00414             }
00416             // copy data
00417             depth_obj.npoints = 3;
00418             depth_obj.color = (nc >= 0) ? nc : colorIndex;
00419             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos1, a);
00420             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos2, b);
00421             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos3, c);
00422             memcpy(depth_obj.points, a, sizeof(float) * 2);
00423             memcpy(&depth_obj.points[2], b, sizeof(float) * 2);
00424             memcpy(&depth_obj.points[4], c, sizeof(float) * 2);
00426             // compute the centerpoint of the object
00427             cent[0] = (a[0] + b[0] + c[0]) / 3;
00428             cent[1] = (a[1] + b[1] + c[1]) / 3;
00429             cent[2] = (a[2] + b[2] + c[2]) / 3;
00431             // compute the distance to the eye for depth sorting
00432             depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(cent);
00434             // compute a light shading factor
00435             depth_obj.light_scale = compute_light(a, b, c);
00437             // valid object to depth sort
00438             draw = 1;
00439             break;
00441          case DTRIMESH_C4F_N3F_V3F:
00442             // call a separate routine to break up the mesh into
00443             // its component triangles
00444             decompose_mesh((DispCmdTriMesh *) cmd_ptr);
00445             break;
00447          case DTRISTRIP:
00448             // call a separate routine to break up the strip into
00449             // its component triangles
00450             decompose_tristrip((DispCmdTriStrips *) cmd_ptr);
00451             break;
00453          case DSQUARE:
00454             // check for degenerate quadrilateral
00455             if (!memcmp(((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos1,
00456                         ((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos2,
00457                         sizeof(float) * 3) ||
00458                 !memcmp(((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos1,
00459                         ((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos3,
00460                         sizeof(float) * 3) ||
00461                 !memcmp(((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos1,
00462                         ((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos4,
00463                         sizeof(float) * 3) ||
00464                 !memcmp(((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos2,
00465                         ((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos3,
00466                         sizeof(float) * 3) ||
00467                 !memcmp(((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos2,
00468                         ((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos4,
00469                         sizeof(float) * 3) ||
00470                 !memcmp(((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos3,
00471                         ((DispCmdSquare *) cmd_ptr)->pos4,
00472                         sizeof(float) * 3)) {
00473                // degenerate quadrilateral
00474                break;
00475             }
00477             // allocate memory
00478             depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 8);
00479             if (!depth_obj.points) {
00480                // memory error
00481                if (!memerror) {
00482                   memerror = 1;
00483                   msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
00484                      "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00485                }
00486                break;
00487             }
00489             // copy data
00490             depth_obj.npoints = 4;
00491             depth_obj.color = colorIndex;
00492             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos1, a);
00493             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos2, b);
00494             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos3, c);
00495             ( *) cmd_ptr)->pos4, d);
00496             memcpy(depth_obj.points, a, sizeof(float) * 2);
00497             memcpy(&depth_obj.points[2], b, sizeof(float) * 2);
00498             memcpy(&depth_obj.points[4], c, sizeof(float) * 2);
00499             memcpy(&depth_obj.points[6], d, sizeof(float) * 2);
00501             // compute the centerpoint of the object
00502             cent[0] = (a[0] + b[0] + c[0] + d[0]) / 4;
00503             cent[1] = (a[1] + b[1] + c[1] + d[1]) / 4;
00504             cent[2] = (a[2] + b[2] + c[2] + d[2]) / 4;
00506             // compute the distance to the eye for depth sorting
00507             depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(cent);
00509             // compute a light shading factor
00510             depth_obj.light_scale = compute_light(a, b, c);
00512             // valid object to depth sort
00513             draw = 1;
00514             break;
00516          case DCOLORINDEX:
00517             colorIndex = ((DispCmdColorIndex *) cmd_ptr)->color;
00518             break;
00520          case DSPHERERES:
00521             set_sphere_res(((int *) cmd_ptr)[0]);
00522             break;
00524          default:
00525             // unknown object, so just skip it
00526             break;
00527       }
00529       // if we have a valid object to add to the depth sort list
00530       if (draw && depth_obj.npoints) {
00531          memusage += sizeof(float) * 2 * depth_obj.npoints;
00532          if ( depth_obj.text )
00533            memusage += sizeof(char) * (1+strlen(depth_obj.text));
00534          points += depth_obj.npoints;
00535          objects++;
00536          depth_list.append(depth_obj);
00537       }
00539       depth_obj.npoints = 0;
00540       depth_obj.points = NULL;
00542    } // while (tok != DLASTCOMMAND)
00544      transMat.pop();
00545    } // end for() [instance images]
00547      transMat.pop();
00548    } // end for() [periodic images]
00549 }
00552 // This is called after all molecules to be displayed have been rendered.
00553 // We need to depth sort our list and then render each one at a time,
00554 // we also need to first define all the PostScript functions to handle
00555 // triangles and quadrilaterals
00556 void PSDisplayDevice::render_done() {
00557    x_scale = 1.33f * 792 / Aspect / vSize;
00558    y_scale = x_scale;
00560    msgInfo << "PSDisplayDevice: peak memory totals: " << sendmsg;
00561    msgInfo << "    total dynamic memory used: " <<
00562       (long) (memusage + sizeof(DepthSortObject) * objects) << sendmsg;
00563    msgInfo << "    total dynamic points: " << points << sendmsg;
00564    msgInfo << "    total depthsorted object: " << objects << sendmsg;
00566    if (depth_list.num()) {
00567       depth_list.qsort(0, depth_list.num() - 1);
00568       process_depth_list();
00569    }
00570 }
00573 void PSDisplayDevice::process_depth_list(void) {
00574    DepthSortObject obj;
00575    int i, nobjs;
00577    nobjs = depth_list.num();
00578    float textsize = -20;
00579    for (i = 0; i < nobjs; i++) {
00580       obj = depth_list.item(i);
00582       if (obj.text) {
00583         // check to see if we have to output a new scaling factor
00584         // in the generated postscript file, only output if it has
00585         // changed.
00586         if (obj.light_scale != textsize) {
00587           textsize = obj.light_scale;
00588           fprintf(outfile, "%f ts\n", textsize);
00589         }
00590         fprintf(outfile, "%d 1 c (%s) %d %d text\n",
00591                 obj.color,
00592                 obj.text,
00593                 (int) (obj.points[0] * x_scale + x_offset),
00594                 (int) (obj.points[1] * y_scale + y_offset));
00595       } else {
00596         switch (obj.npoints) {
00597           case 1: // point
00598             fprintf(outfile, "%d 1 c %d %d p\n",
00599                     obj.color,
00600                     (int) (obj.points[0] * x_scale + x_offset),
00601                     (int) (obj.points[1] * y_scale + y_offset));
00602             break;
00604           case 2: // line
00605             fprintf(outfile, "%d 1 c %d %d %d %d l\n",
00606                     obj.color,
00607                     (int) (obj.points[0] * x_scale + x_offset),
00608                     (int) (obj.points[1] * y_scale + y_offset),
00609                     (int) (obj.points[2] * x_scale + x_offset),
00610                     (int) (obj.points[3] * y_scale + y_offset));
00611             break;
00613           case 3: // triangle
00614             fprintf(outfile, "%d %.2f c %d %d %d %d %d %d t\n",
00615                     obj.color, obj.light_scale,
00616                     (int) (obj.points[0] * x_scale + x_offset),
00617                     (int) (obj.points[1] * y_scale + y_offset),
00618                     (int) (obj.points[2] * x_scale + x_offset),
00619                     (int) (obj.points[3] * y_scale + y_offset),
00620                     (int) (obj.points[4] * x_scale + x_offset),
00621                     (int) (obj.points[5] * y_scale + y_offset));
00622             break;
00624          case 4: // quadrilateral
00625            fprintf(outfile, "%d %.2f c %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d s\n",
00626                    obj.color, obj.light_scale,
00627                    (int) (obj.points[0] * x_scale + x_offset),
00628                    (int) (obj.points[1] * y_scale + y_offset),
00629                    (int) (obj.points[2] * x_scale + x_offset),
00630                    (int) (obj.points[3] * y_scale + y_offset),
00631                    (int) (obj.points[4] * x_scale + x_offset),
00632                    (int) (obj.points[5] * y_scale + y_offset),
00633                    (int) (obj.points[6] * x_scale + x_offset),
00634                    (int) (obj.points[7] * y_scale + y_offset));
00635            break;
00636         }
00637       }
00639       // free up the memory we've used
00640       memusage -= sizeof(float) * 2 * obj.npoints;
00641       if (obj.npoints) free(obj.points);
00642       if (obj.text) {
00643         memusage -= sizeof(char) * (1+strlen(obj.text));
00644         free(obj.text);
00645       }
00646    }
00648    // put the finishing touches on the Postscript output...
00649    fprintf(outfile, "showpage\n");
00650    close_file();
00652    // finally, clear the depth sorted list
00653    depth_list.remove(-1, -1);
00655    msgInfo << "PSDisplayDevice: end memory summary:" << sendmsg;
00656    msgInfo << "    total dynamic memory used: " << memusage << sendmsg;
00657    msgInfo << "    total dynamic points: " << points << sendmsg;
00658    msgInfo << "    total depthsorted object: " << objects << sendmsg;
00660    // reset the memory totals
00661    memusage = 0;
00662    objects = 0;
00663    points = 0;
00665    // and hooray, we're done!
00666 }
00669 void PSDisplayDevice::set_sphere_res(int res)
00670 {
00671     // the sphere resolution has changed. if sphereRes is less than 32, we
00672     // will use a lookup table to achieve equal or better resolution than
00673     // OpenGL. otherwise we use the following equation:
00674     //    iterations = .9 *
00675     //    (sphereRes)^(1/2)
00677     // this is used as a lookup table to determine the proper
00678     // number of iterations used in the sphere approximation
00679     // algorithm.
00680     const int sph_iter_table[] = {
00681         0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,
00682         3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 };
00684     if (res < 0) return;
00685     else if (res < 32) sph_desired_iter = sph_iter_table[res];
00686     else sph_desired_iter = (int) (0.8f * sqrtf((float) res));
00687 }
00690 void PSDisplayDevice::sphere_approx(float *c, float r) {
00691    DepthSortObject depth_obj;
00692    float x[3], y[3], z[3];
00693    float cent[3];
00694    int pi, ni;
00695    int i;
00697    // first we need to determine if a recalculation of the cached
00698    // unit sphere is necessary. this is necessary if the number
00699    // of desired iterations has changed.
00700    if (!sph_verts || !sph_nverts || sph_iter != sph_desired_iter) {
00701       float a[3], b[3], c[3];
00702       float *newverts;
00703       float *oldverts;
00704       int nverts, ntris;
00705       int level;
00707       // remove old cached copy
00708       if (sph_verts && sph_nverts) free(sph_verts);
00710       // XXX TODO it should be possible here to use the old
00711       // sphere as an aid in calculating the new sphere. in
00712       // this manner we can save calculations during resolution
00713       // changes.
00715       newverts = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 36);
00716       nverts = 12;
00717       ntris = 4;
00719       // start with half of a unit octahedron (front, convex half)
00721       // top left triangle
00722       newverts[0] = -1;    newverts[1] = 0;     newverts[2] = 0;
00723       newverts[3] = 0;     newverts[4] = 1;     newverts[5] = 0;
00724       newverts[6] = 0;     newverts[7] = 0;     newverts[8] = 1;
00726       // top right triangle
00727       newverts[9] = 0;     newverts[10] = 0;    newverts[11] = 1;
00728       newverts[12] = 0;    newverts[13] = 1;    newverts[14] = 0;
00729       newverts[15] = 1;    newverts[16] = 0;    newverts[17] = 0;
00731       // bottom right triangle
00732       newverts[18] = 0;    newverts[19] = 0;    newverts[20] = 1;
00733       newverts[21] = 1;    newverts[22] = 0;    newverts[23] = 0;
00734       newverts[24] = 0;    newverts[25] = -1;   newverts[26] = 0;
00736       // bottom left triangle
00737       newverts[27] = 0;    newverts[28] = 0;    newverts[29] = 1;
00738       newverts[30] = 0;    newverts[31] = -1;   newverts[32] = 0;
00739       newverts[33] = -1;   newverts[34] = 0;    newverts[35] = 0;
00741       for (level = 1; level < sph_desired_iter; level++) {
00742          oldverts = newverts;
00744          // allocate memory for the next iteration: we will need
00745          // four times the current number of vertices
00746          newverts = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 12 * nverts);
00747          if (!newverts) {
00748             // memory error
00749             sph_iter = -1;
00750             sph_nverts = 0;
00751             sph_verts = NULL;
00752             free(oldverts);
00754             if (!memerror) {
00755                memerror = 1;
00756                msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " 
00757                       << "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00758             }
00760             return;
00761          }
00763          pi = 0;
00764          ni = 0;
00765          for (i = 0; i < ntris; i++) {
00766             // compute intermediate vertices
00767             a[0] = (oldverts[pi    ] + oldverts[pi + 6]) / 2;
00768             a[1] = (oldverts[pi + 1] + oldverts[pi + 7]) / 2;
00769             a[2] = (oldverts[pi + 2] + oldverts[pi + 8]) / 2;
00770             vec_normalize(a);
00771             b[0] = (oldverts[pi    ] + oldverts[pi + 3]) / 2;
00772             b[1] = (oldverts[pi + 1] + oldverts[pi + 4]) / 2;
00773             b[2] = (oldverts[pi + 2] + oldverts[pi + 5]) / 2;
00774             vec_normalize(b);
00775             c[0] = (oldverts[pi + 3] + oldverts[pi + 6]) / 2;
00776             c[1] = (oldverts[pi + 4] + oldverts[pi + 7]) / 2;
00777             c[2] = (oldverts[pi + 5] + oldverts[pi + 8]) / 2;
00778             vec_normalize(c);
00780             // build triangles
00781             memcpy(&newverts[ni     ], &oldverts[pi], sizeof(float) * 3);
00782             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 3 ], b, sizeof(float) * 3);
00783             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 6 ], a, sizeof(float) * 3);
00785             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 9 ], b, sizeof(float) * 3);
00786             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 12], &oldverts[pi + 3], sizeof(float) * 3);
00787             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 15], c, sizeof(float) * 3);
00789             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 18], a, sizeof(float) * 3);
00790             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 21], b, sizeof(float) * 3);
00791             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 24], c, sizeof(float) * 3);
00793             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 27], a, sizeof(float) * 3);
00794             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 30], c, sizeof(float) * 3);
00795             memcpy(&newverts[ni + 33], &oldverts[pi + 6], sizeof(float) * 3);
00797             pi += 9;
00798             ni += 36;
00799          }
00801          free(oldverts);
00803          nverts *= 4;
00804          ntris *= 4;
00805       }
00807       sph_iter = sph_desired_iter;
00808       sph_nverts = nverts;
00809       sph_verts = newverts;
00810    }
00812    // now we're guaranteed to have a valid cached unit sphere, so
00813    // all we need to do is translate each coordinate based on the
00814    // desired position and radius, and add the triangles to the
00815    // depth sort list.
00816 #if 0
00817    if (!points) {
00818       // memory error
00819       if (!memerror) {
00820          memerror = 1;
00821          msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
00822             "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00823       }
00824       return;
00825    }
00826 #endif
00828    // perform the desired translations and scalings on each
00829    // vertex, then add each triangle to the depth sort list
00830    depth_obj.npoints = 3;
00831    depth_obj.color = colorIndex;
00833    pi = 0;
00834    for (i = 0; i < sph_nverts / 3; i++) {
00835       // allocate memory for the triangle
00836       depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 6);
00837       if (!depth_obj.points) {
00838          // memory error
00839          if (!memerror) {
00840             memerror = 1;
00841             msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " 
00842                    << "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00843          }
00844          return;
00845       }
00847       // translations and scalings
00848       x[0] = r * sph_verts[pi] + c[0];
00849       x[1] = r * sph_verts[pi + 1] + c[1];
00850       x[2] = r * sph_verts[pi + 2] + c[2];
00851       y[0] = r * sph_verts[pi + 3] + c[0];
00852       y[1] = r * sph_verts[pi + 4] + c[1];
00853       y[2] = r * sph_verts[pi + 5] + c[2];
00854       z[0] = r * sph_verts[pi + 6] + c[0];
00855       z[1] = r * sph_verts[pi + 7] + c[1];
00856       z[2] = r * sph_verts[pi + 8] + c[2];
00858       memcpy(depth_obj.points, x, sizeof(float) * 2);
00859       memcpy(&depth_obj.points[2], y, sizeof(float) * 2);
00860       memcpy(&depth_obj.points[4], z, sizeof(float) * 2);
00862       // now need to compute centerpoint and distance to eye
00863       cent[0] = (x[0] + y[0] + z[0]) / 3;
00864       cent[1] = (x[1] + y[1] + z[1]) / 3;
00865       cent[2] = (x[2] + y[2] + z[2]) / 3;
00866       depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(cent);
00867       depth_obj.light_scale = compute_light(x, y, z);
00869       // and add to the depth sort list
00870       memusage += sizeof(float) * 2 * depth_obj.npoints;
00871       points += depth_obj.npoints;
00872       objects++;
00873       depth_list.append(depth_obj);
00875       pi += 9;
00876    }
00877 }
00880 void PSDisplayDevice::cylinder_approx(float *a, float *b, float r, int res, 
00881                                       int filled) {
00883    float axis[3];
00884    float perp1[3], perp2[3];
00885    float pt1[3], pt2[3];
00886    float cent[3];
00887    float theta, theta_inc;
00888    float my_sin, my_cos;
00889    float w[3], x[3], y[3], z[3];
00890    int n;
00892    DepthSortObject cyl_body, cyl_trailcap, cyl_leadcap;
00894    // check against degenerate cylinder
00895    if (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1] && a[2] == b[2]) return;
00896    if (r <= 0) return;
00898    // first we compute the axis of the cylinder
00899    axis[0] = b[0] - a[0];
00900    axis[1] = b[1] - a[1];
00901    axis[2] = b[2] - a[2];
00902    vec_normalize(axis);
00904    // now we compute some arbitrary perpendicular to that axis
00905    if ((ABS(axis[0]) < ABS(axis[1])) &&
00906        (ABS(axis[0]) < ABS(axis[2]))) {
00907       perp1[0] = 0;
00908       perp1[1] = axis[2];
00909       perp1[2] = -axis[1];
00910    }
00911    else if ((ABS(axis[1]) < ABS(axis[2]))) {
00912       perp1[0] = -axis[2];
00913       perp1[1] = 0;
00914       perp1[2] = axis[0];
00915    }
00916    else {
00917       perp1[0] = axis[1];
00918       perp1[1] = -axis[0];
00919       perp1[2] = 0;
00920    }
00921    vec_normalize(perp1);
00923    // now we compute another vector perpendicular both to the
00924    // cylinder's axis and to the perpendicular we just found.
00925    cross_prod(perp2, axis, perp1);
00927    // initialize some stuff in the depth sort objects
00928    cyl_body.npoints = 4;
00929    cyl_body.color = colorIndex;
00931    if (filled & CYLINDER_TRAILINGCAP) {
00932       cyl_trailcap.npoints = 3;
00933       cyl_trailcap.color = colorIndex;
00934    }
00936    if (filled & CYLINDER_LEADINGCAP) {
00937       cyl_leadcap.npoints = 3;
00938       cyl_leadcap.color = colorIndex;
00939    }
00941    // we will start out with the point defined by perp2
00942    pt1[0] = r * perp2[0];
00943    pt1[1] = r * perp2[1];
00944    pt1[2] = r * perp2[2];
00945    theta = 0;
00946    theta_inc = (float) (VMD_TWOPI / res);
00947    for (n = 1; n <= res; n++) {
00948       // save the last point
00949       memcpy(pt2, pt1, sizeof(float) * 3);
00951       // increment the angle and compute new points
00952       theta += theta_inc;
00953       sincosf(theta, &my_sin, &my_cos);
00955       // compute the new points
00956       pt1[0] = r * (perp2[0] * my_cos + perp1[0] * my_sin);
00957       pt1[1] = r * (perp2[1] * my_cos + perp1[1] * my_sin);
00958       pt1[2] = r * (perp2[2] * my_cos + perp1[2] * my_sin);
00960       cyl_body.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 8);
00961       cyl_trailcap.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 6);
00962       cyl_leadcap.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 6);
00963       if (!(cyl_body.points && cyl_trailcap.points && cyl_leadcap.points)) {
00964          // memory error
00965          if (!memerror) {
00966             memerror = 1;
00967             msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
00968                "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
00969          }
00970          continue;
00971       }
00973       // we have to translate them back to their original point...
00974       w[0] = pt1[0] + a[0];
00975       w[1] = pt1[1] + a[1];
00976       w[2] = pt1[2] + a[2];
00977       x[0] = pt2[0] + a[0];
00978       x[1] = pt2[1] + a[1];
00979       x[2] = pt2[2] + a[2];
00980       y[0] = pt2[0] + b[0];
00981       y[1] = pt2[1] + b[1];
00982       y[2] = pt2[2] + b[2];
00983       z[0] = pt1[0] + b[0];
00984       z[1] = pt1[1] + b[1];
00985       z[2] = pt1[2] + b[2];
00987       memcpy(cyl_body.points, w, sizeof(float) * 2);
00988       memcpy(&cyl_body.points[2], x, sizeof(float) * 2);
00989       memcpy(&cyl_body.points[4], y, sizeof(float) * 2);
00990       memcpy(&cyl_body.points[6], z, sizeof(float) * 2);
00992       // finally, we have to compute the centerpoint of this cylinder...
00993       // we can make a slight optimization here since we know the
00994       // cylinder will be a parellelogram. we only need to average
00995       // 2 corner points to find the center.
00996       cent[0] = (w[0] + y[0]) / 2;
00997       cent[1] = (w[1] + y[1]) / 2;
00998       cent[2] = (w[2] + y[2]) / 2;
00999       cyl_body.dist = compute_dist(cent);
01001       // and finally the light scale
01002       cyl_body.light_scale = compute_light(w, x, y);
01004       // go ahead and add this to our depth-sort list
01005       memusage += sizeof(float) * 2 * cyl_body.npoints;
01006       points += cyl_body.npoints;
01007       objects++;
01008       depth_list.append(cyl_body);
01010       // Now do the same thing for the trailing end cap...
01011       if (filled & CYLINDER_TRAILINGCAP) {
01012         memcpy(&cyl_trailcap.points[0], x, sizeof(float) * 2);
01013         memcpy(&cyl_trailcap.points[2], w, sizeof(float) * 2);
01014         memcpy(&cyl_trailcap.points[4], a, sizeof(float) * 2);
01016         // finally, we have to compute the centerpoint of the triangle
01017         cent[0] = (x[0] + w[0] + a[0]) / 3;
01018         cent[1] = (x[1] + w[1] + a[1]) / 3;
01019         cent[2] = (x[2] + w[2] + a[2]) / 3;
01020         cyl_trailcap.dist = compute_dist(cent);
01022         // and finally the light scale
01023         cyl_trailcap.light_scale = compute_light(x, w, a);
01025         memusage += sizeof(float) * 2 * cyl_trailcap.npoints;
01026         points += cyl_trailcap.npoints;
01027         objects++;
01028         depth_list.append(cyl_trailcap);
01029       }
01031       // ...and the leading end cap.
01032       if (filled & CYLINDER_LEADINGCAP) {
01033         memcpy(cyl_leadcap.points, z, sizeof(float) * 2);
01034         memcpy(&cyl_leadcap.points[2], y, sizeof(float) * 2);
01035         memcpy(&cyl_leadcap.points[4], b, sizeof(float) * 2);
01037         // finally, we have to compute the centerpoint of the triangle
01038         cent[0] = (z[0] + y[0] + b[0]) / 3;
01039         cent[1] = (z[1] + y[1] + b[1]) / 3;
01040         cent[2] = (z[2] + y[2] + b[2]) / 3;
01041         cyl_leadcap.dist = compute_dist(cent);
01043         // and finally the light scale
01044         cyl_leadcap.light_scale = compute_light(z, y, b);
01046         memusage += sizeof(float) * 2 * cyl_leadcap.npoints;
01047         points += cyl_leadcap.npoints;
01048         objects++;
01049         depth_list.append(cyl_leadcap);
01050       }
01051    }
01052 }
01055 void PSDisplayDevice::cone_approx(float *a, float *b, float r) {
01056    // XXX add ability to change number of triangles
01057    const int tris = 20;
01059    float axis[3];
01060    float perp1[3], perp2[3];
01061    float pt1[3], pt2[3];
01062    float cent[3];
01063    float x[3], y[3], z[3];
01064    float theta, theta_inc;
01065    float my_sin, my_cos;
01066    int n;
01068    DepthSortObject depth_obj;
01070    // check against degenerate cone
01071    if (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1] && a[2] == b[2]) return;
01072    if (r <= 0) return;
01074    // first we compute the axis of the cone
01075    axis[0] = b[0] - a[0];
01076    axis[1] = b[1] - a[1];
01077    axis[2] = b[2] - a[2];
01078    vec_normalize(axis);
01080    // now we compute some arbitrary perpendicular to that axis
01081    if ((ABS(axis[0]) < ABS(axis[1])) &&
01082        (ABS(axis[0]) < ABS(axis[2]))) {
01083       perp1[0] = 0;
01084       perp1[1] = axis[2];
01085       perp1[2] = -axis[1];
01086    }
01087    else if ((ABS(axis[1]) < ABS(axis[2]))) {
01088       perp1[0] = -axis[2];
01089       perp1[1] = 0;
01090       perp1[2] = axis[0];
01091    }
01092    else {
01093       perp1[0] = axis[1];
01094       perp1[1] = -axis[0];
01095       perp1[2] = 0;
01096    }
01097    vec_normalize(perp1);
01099    // now we compute another vector perpendicular both to the
01100    // cone's axis and to the perpendicular we just found.
01101    cross_prod(perp2, axis, perp1);
01103    // initialize some stuff in the depth sort object
01104    depth_obj.npoints = 3;
01105    depth_obj.color = colorIndex;
01107    // we will start out with the point defined by perp2
01108    pt1[0] = r * perp2[0];
01109    pt1[1] = r * perp2[1];
01110    pt1[2] = r * perp2[2];
01111    theta = 0;
01112    theta_inc = (float) (VMD_TWOPI / tris);
01113    for (n = 1; n <= tris; n++) {
01114       // save the last point
01115       memcpy(pt2, pt1, sizeof(float) * 3);
01117       // increment the angle and compute new points
01118       theta += theta_inc;
01119       sincosf(theta, &my_sin, &my_cos);
01121       // compute the new points
01122       pt1[0] = r * (perp2[0] * my_cos + perp1[0] * my_sin);
01123       pt1[1] = r * (perp2[1] * my_cos + perp1[1] * my_sin);
01124       pt1[2] = r * (perp2[2] * my_cos + perp1[2] * my_sin);
01126       depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 6);
01127       if (!depth_obj.points) {
01128          // memory error
01129          if (!memerror) {
01130             memerror = 1;
01131             msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
01132                "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
01133          }
01134          continue;
01135       }
01137       // we have to translate them back to their original point...
01138       x[0] = pt1[0] + a[0];
01139       x[1] = pt1[1] + a[1];
01140       x[2] = pt1[2] + a[2];
01141       y[0] = pt2[0] + a[0];
01142       y[1] = pt2[1] + a[1];
01143       y[2] = pt2[2] + a[2];
01145       // now we use the apex of the cone as the third point
01146       z[0] = b[0];
01147       z[1] = b[1];
01148       z[2] = b[2];
01150       memcpy(depth_obj.points, x, sizeof(float) * 2);
01151       memcpy(&depth_obj.points[2], y, sizeof(float) * 2);
01152       memcpy(&depth_obj.points[4], z, sizeof(float) * 2);
01154       // finally, we have to compute the centerpoint of this
01155       // triangle...
01156       cent[0] = (x[0] + y[0] + z[0]) / 3;
01157       cent[1] = (x[1] + y[1] + z[1]) / 3;
01158       cent[2] = (x[2] + y[2] + z[2]) / 3;
01159       depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(cent);
01161       // and the light shading factor
01162       depth_obj.light_scale = compute_light(x, y, z);
01164       // go ahead and add this to our depth-sort list
01165       memusage += sizeof(float) * 2 * depth_obj.npoints;
01166       points += depth_obj.npoints;
01167       objects++;
01168       depth_list.append(depth_obj);
01169    }
01170 }
01173 void PSDisplayDevice::decompose_mesh(DispCmdTriMesh *mesh) {
01174    int i;
01175    int fi;
01176    int f1, f2, f3;
01177    float r, g, b;
01178    float x[3], y[3], z[3], cent[3];
01179    float *cnv;
01180    int *f;
01181    mesh->getpointers(cnv, f);
01182    DepthSortObject depth_obj;
01184    depth_obj.npoints = 3;
01186    fi = -3;
01187    for (i = 0; i < mesh->numfacets; i++) {
01188       fi += 3;
01189       f1 = f[fi    ] * 10;
01190       f2 = f[fi + 1] * 10;
01191       f3 = f[fi + 2] * 10;
01193       // allocate memory for the points
01194       depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(6 * sizeof(float));
01195       if (!depth_obj.points) {
01196          if (!memerror) {
01197             memerror = 1;
01198             msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some " <<
01199                "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
01200          }
01201          continue;
01202       }
01204       // average the three colors and use that average as the color for
01205       // this triangle
01206       r = (cnv[f1] + cnv[f2] + cnv[f3]) / 3;
01207       g = (cnv[f1 + 1] + cnv[f2 + 1] + cnv[f3 + 1]) / 3;
01208       b = (cnv[f1 + 2] + cnv[f2 + 2] + cnv[f3 + 2]) / 3;
01209       depth_obj.color = nearest_index(r, g, b);
01211       // transform from world coordinates to screen coordinates and copy
01212       // each point to the depth sort structure in one fell swoop
01213       ([f1 + 7], x);
01214       ([f2 + 7], y);
01215       ([f3 + 7], z);
01216       memcpy(depth_obj.points, x, sizeof(float) * 2);
01217       memcpy(&depth_obj.points[2], y, sizeof(float) * 2);
01218       memcpy(&depth_obj.points[4], z, sizeof(float) * 2);
01220       // compute the centerpoint of the object
01221       cent[0] = (x[0] + y[0] + z[0]) / 3;
01222       cent[1] = (x[1] + y[1] + z[1]) / 3;
01223       cent[2] = (x[2] + y[2] + z[2]) / 3;
01225       // now compute distance to eye
01226       depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(cent);
01228       // light shading factor
01229       depth_obj.light_scale = compute_light(x, y, z);
01231       // done ... add the object to the list
01232       memusage += sizeof(float) * 2 * depth_obj.npoints;
01233       points += depth_obj.npoints;
01234       objects++;
01235       depth_list.append(depth_obj);
01236    }
01238 }
01241 void PSDisplayDevice::decompose_tristrip(DispCmdTriStrips *strip)
01242 {
01243     int s, t, v = 0;
01244     int v0, v1, v2;
01245     float r, g, b;
01246     float x[3], y[3], z[3], cent[3];
01247     DepthSortObject depth_obj;
01249     depth_obj.npoints = 3;
01251     // lookup table for winding order
01252     const int stripaddr[2][3] = { {0, 1, 2}, {1, 0, 2} };
01254     float *cnv;
01255     int *f;
01256     int *vertsperstrip;
01257     strip->getpointers(cnv, f, vertsperstrip);
01259     // loop over all of the triangle strips
01260     for (s = 0; s < strip->numstrips; s++)
01261     {
01262         // loop over all triangles in this triangle strip
01263         for (t = 0; t < vertsperstrip[s] - 2; t++)
01264         {
01265             v0 = f[v + (stripaddr[t & 0x01][0])] * 10;
01266             v1 = f[v + (stripaddr[t & 0x01][1])] * 10;
01267             v2 = f[v + (stripaddr[t & 0x01][2])] * 10;
01269             // allocate memory for the points
01270             depth_obj.points = (float *) malloc(6 * sizeof(float));
01271             if (!depth_obj.points) {
01272                 if (!memerror) {
01273                     memerror = 1;
01274                     msgErr << "PSDisplayDevice: Out of memory. Some "
01275                            << "objects were not drawn." << sendmsg;
01276                 }
01277                 continue;
01278             }
01280             // average the three colors and use that average as the color for
01281             // this triangle
01282             r = (cnv[v0+0] + cnv[v1+0] + cnv[v2+0]) / 3; 
01283             g = (cnv[v0+1] + cnv[v1+1] + cnv[v2+1]) / 3; 
01284             b = (cnv[v0+2] + cnv[v1+2] + cnv[v2+2]) / 3; 
01285             depth_obj.color = nearest_index(r, g, b);
01287             // transform from world coordinates to screen coordinates and copy
01288             // each point to the depth sort structure in one fell swoop
01289             ([v0 + 7], x);
01290             ([v1 + 7], y);
01291             ([v2 + 7], z);
01292             memcpy(depth_obj.points, x, sizeof(float) * 2);
01293             memcpy(&depth_obj.points[2], y, sizeof(float) * 2);
01294             memcpy(&depth_obj.points[4], z, sizeof(float) * 2);
01296             // compute the centerpoint of the object
01297             cent[0] = (x[0] + y[0] + z[0]) / 3;
01298             cent[1] = (x[1] + y[1] + z[1]) / 3;
01299             cent[2] = (x[2] + y[2] + z[2]) / 3;
01301             // now compute distance to eye
01302             depth_obj.dist = compute_dist(cent);
01304             // light shading factor
01305             depth_obj.light_scale = compute_light(x, y, z);
01307             // done ... add the object to the list
01308             memusage += sizeof(float) * 2 * depth_obj.npoints;
01309             points += depth_obj.npoints;
01310             objects++;
01311             depth_list.append(depth_obj);
01313             v++; // move on to next vertex
01314         } // triangles
01315     v+=2; // last two vertices are already used by last triangle
01316     } // strips  
01317 }
01320 void PSDisplayDevice::write_header(void) {
01321    int i;
01323    fprintf(outfile, "%%!PS-Adobe-1.0\n");
01324    fprintf(outfile, "%%%%DocumentFonts:Helvetica\n");
01325    fprintf(outfile, "\n");
01326    fprintf(outfile, "%%%%Creator:VMD -- Visual Molecular Dynamics\n");
01327    fprintf(outfile, "%%%%CreationDate:\n");
01328    fprintf(outfile, "%%%%Pages:1\n");
01329    fprintf(outfile, "%%%%BoundingBox:0 0 612 792\n");
01330    fprintf(outfile, "%%%%EndComments\n");
01331    fprintf(outfile, "%%%%Page:1 1\n");
01333    fprintf(outfile, "%3.2f %3.2f %3.2f setrgbcolor    %% background color\n",
01334       backColor[0], backColor[1], backColor[2]);
01335    fprintf(outfile, "newpath\n");
01336    fprintf(outfile, "0 0 moveto\n");
01337    fprintf(outfile, "0 792 lineto\n");
01338    fprintf(outfile, "792 792 lineto\n");
01339    fprintf(outfile, "792 0 lineto\n");
01340    fprintf(outfile, "closepath\nfill\nstroke\n");
01342    // quadrilateral ( /s )
01343    // Format: x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 s
01344    fprintf(outfile, "/s\n");
01345    fprintf(outfile, "{ newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath fill stroke } def\n");
01347    // quadrilateral-w ( /sw )
01348    fprintf(outfile, "/sw\n");
01349    fprintf(outfile, "{ newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath stroke } def\n");
01351    // triangle ( /t )
01352    fprintf(outfile, "/t\n");
01353    fprintf(outfile, "{ newpath moveto lineto lineto closepath fill stroke } def\n");
01355    // triangle-w ( /tw )
01356    fprintf(outfile, "/tw\n");
01357    fprintf(outfile, "{ newpath moveto lineto lineto closepath stroke } def\n");
01359    // point ( /p )
01360    // A point is drawn by making a 'cross' around the point, meaning two
01361    // lines from (x-1,y) to (x+1,y) and (x,y-1) to (x,y+1). The PostScript
01362    // here is from the old PSDisplayDevice, and it can probably be cleaned
01363    // up, but is not urgent.
01364    fprintf(outfile, "/p\n");
01365    fprintf(outfile, "{ dup dup dup 5 -1 roll dup dup dup 8 -1 roll exch 8 -1\n");
01366    fprintf(outfile, "  roll 4 1 roll 8 -1 roll 6 1 roll newpath -1 add moveto\n");
01367    fprintf(outfile, "  1 add lineto exch -1 add exch moveto exch 1 add exch\n");
01368    fprintf(outfile, "  lineto closepath stroke } def\n");
01370    // line ( /l )
01371    fprintf(outfile, "/l\n");
01372    fprintf(outfile, "{ newpath moveto lineto closepath stroke } def\n");
01374    // scalecolor ( /mc )
01375    // This takes an rgb triplet and scales it according to a floating point
01376    // value. This is useful for polygon shading and is used with the color table.
01377    fprintf(outfile, "/mc\n");
01378    fprintf(outfile, "{ dup 4 1 roll dup 3 1 roll mul 5 1 roll mul 4 1 roll\n");
01379    fprintf(outfile, "  mul 3 1 roll } def\n");
01381    // getcolor ( /gc )
01382    // This function retrieves a color from the color table.
01383    fprintf(outfile, "/gc\n");
01384    fprintf(outfile, "{ 2 1 roll dup 3 -1 roll get dup dup 0 get 3 1 roll\n");
01385    fprintf(outfile, "  1 get 3 1 roll 2 get 3 -1 roll exch } def\n");
01387    // /text :  draw text at given position
01388    fprintf(outfile, "/text\n");
01389    fprintf(outfile,"{ moveto show } def\n");
01391    // textsize ( /ts )
01392    fprintf(outfile, "/ts\n");
01393    fprintf(outfile, "{ /Helvetica findfont exch scalefont setfont } def\n");
01395    // load font and set defaults
01396    //fprintf(outfile,"15 ts\n");
01398    // setcolor ( /c )
01399    // This function retrieves a color table entry and scales it.
01400    fprintf(outfile, "/c\n");
01401    fprintf(outfile, "{ 3 1 roll gc 5 -1 roll mc setrgbcolor } def\n");
01403    // Now we need to write out the entire color table to the Postscript
01404    // file. The table is implemented as a double array. Each element in the
01405    // array contains another array of 3 elements -- the RGB triple. The
01406    // getcolor function retrieves a triplet from this array.
01407    fprintf(outfile, "\n");
01408    for (i = 0; i < MAXCOLORS; i++) {
01409       fprintf(outfile, "[ %.2f %.2f %.2f ]\n",
01410          matData[i][0],
01411          matData[i][1],
01412          matData[i][2]);
01413    }
01414    fprintf(outfile, "%d array astore\n", MAXCOLORS);
01415 }
01418 void PSDisplayDevice::write_trailer(void) {
01419 }
01422 void PSDisplayDevice::comment(const char *s) {
01423    fprintf(outfile, "%%%% %s\n", s);
01424 }
01427 inline float PSDisplayDevice::compute_dist(float *s) {
01428    return
01429       (s[0] - eyePos[0]) * (s[0] - eyePos[0]) +
01430       (s[1] - eyePos[1]) * (s[1] - eyePos[1]) +
01431       (s[2] - eyePos[2]) * (s[2] - eyePos[2]);
01432 }
01435 float PSDisplayDevice::compute_light(float *a, float *b, float *c) {
01436    float norm[3];
01437    float light_scale;
01439    // compute a normal vector to the surface of the polygon
01440    norm[0] =
01441       a[1] * (b[2] - c[2]) +
01442       b[1] * (c[2] - a[2]) +
01443       c[1] * (a[2] - b[2]);
01444    norm[1] =
01445       a[2] * (b[0] - c[0]) +
01446       b[2] * (c[0] - a[0]) +
01447       c[2] * (a[0] - b[0]);
01448    norm[2] =
01449       a[0] * (b[1] - c[1]) +
01450       b[0] * (c[1] - a[1]) +
01451       c[0] * (a[1] - b[1]);
01453    // if the normal vector is zero, something is wrong with the
01454    // object so we'll just display it with a light_scale of zero
01455    if (!norm[0] && !norm[1] && !norm[2]) {
01456       light_scale = 0;
01457    } else {
01458       // otherwise we use the dot product of the surface normal
01459       // and the light normal to determine a light_scale
01460       vec_normalize(norm);
01461       light_scale = dot_prod(norm, norm_light);
01462       if (light_scale < 0) light_scale = -light_scale;
01463    }
01465    return light_scale;
01466 }

Generated on Sun Feb 9 02:44:27 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002