#include <optix.h>
#include <optixu/optixu_math_namespace.h>
#include <optixu/optixu_matrix_namespace.h>
#include <optixu/optixu_aabb_namespace.h>
#include "OptiXShaders.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | optix |
Compounds | |
struct | PerRayData_radiance |
struct | PerRayData_shadow |
Defines | |
#define | ORT_TIME_NORMALIZATION (1e-9 / 2.5f) |
#define | ORT_TIME_COMBINE_MAX 1 |
#define | ORT_USE_RAY_STEP 1 |
#define | ORT_RAY_STEP N*scene_epsilon*4.0f |
#define | ORT_RAY_STEP2 ray.direction*scene_epsilon*4.0f |
#define | REVERSE_RAY_STEP (scene_epsilon*10.0f) |
#define | REVERSE_RAY_LENGTH 3.0f |
#define | MYRT_RAND_MAX 4294967296.0f |
#define | MYRT_RAND_MAX_INV .00000000023283064365f |
#define | CLIP_VIEW_on 1 |
#define | CLIP_VIEW_off 0 |
#define | HEADLIGHT_on 1 |
#define | HEADLIGHT_off 0 |
#define | FOG_on 1 |
#define | FOG_off 0 |
#define | SHADOWS_on 1 |
#define | SHADOWS_off 0 |
#define | AO_on 1 |
#define | AO_off 0 |
#define | OUTLINE_on 1 |
#define | OUTLINE_off 0 |
#define | REFL_on 1 |
#define | REFL_off 0 |
#define | TRANS_on 1 |
#define | TRANS_off 0 |
#define | DEFINE_CLOSEST_HIT(mclipview, mhlight, mfog, mshad, mao, moutl, mrefl, mtrans) |
Functions | |
template<unsigned int N> __host__ __device__ __inline__ unsigned int | tea (unsigned int val0, unsigned int val1) |
rtDeclareVariable (float, accumulation_normalization_factor,,) | |
max AO occluder distance... More... | |
rtDeclareVariable (uint2, launch_index, rtLaunchIndex,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (unsigned int, accumCount,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (int, progressive_enabled,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (float, scene_epsilon,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (unsigned int, max_depth,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (int, shadows_enabled,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (int, aa_samples,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (int, clipview_mode,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (float, clipview_start,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (int, headlight_mode,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (int, fog_mode,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (float, fog_start,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (unsigned int, radiance_ray_type,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (unsigned int, shadow_ray_type,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (rtObject, root_object,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (optix::Ray, ray, rtCurrentRay,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (float, t_hit, rtIntersectionDistance,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (float3, geometric_normal, attribute geometric_normal,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (float3, shading_normal, attribute shading_normal,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (float3, obj_color, attribute obj_color,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (PerRayData_radiance, prd_radiance, rtPayload,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (DirectionalLightList, dir_light_list,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (PositionalLightList, pos_light_list,,) | |
__device__ __inline__ uchar4 | make_color_rgb4u (const float3 &c) |
__device__ __inline__ uchar4 | make_color_rgb4u (const float4 &c) |
RT_PROGRAM void | miss_solid_bg () |
RT_PROGRAM void | miss_gradient_bg_sky_sphere () |
RT_PROGRAM void | miss_gradient_bg_sky_plane () |
__device__ __inline__ unsigned int | myrt_rand (unsigned int &idum) |
__device__ __inline__ void | jitter_offset2f (unsigned int &pval, float2 &xy) |
__device__ __inline__ void | jitter_disc2f (unsigned int &pval, float2 &xy, float radius) |
__device__ __inline__ void | jitter_sphere3f (unsigned int &pval, float3 &dir) |
__device__ void | sphere_fade_and_clip (const float3 &hit_point, const float3 &cam_pos, float fade_start, float fade_end, float &alpha) |
__device__ void | ray_sphere_clip_interval (const optix::Ray &ray, float3 center, float rad, float2 &tinterval) |
__device__ void | clip_ray_by_plane (optix::Ray &ray, const float4 plane) |
RT_PROGRAM void | clear_accumulation_buffer () |
RT_PROGRAM void | draw_accumulation_buffer () |
RT_PROGRAM void | draw_accumulation_buffer_stub () |
void __inline__ __device__ | accumulate_color (float3 &col, float alpha=1.0f) |
int __inline__ __device__ | subframe_count () |
__device__ __inline__ void | dof_ray (const float3 &ray_origin_orig, float3 &ray_origin, const float3 &ray_direction_orig, float3 &ray_direction, unsigned int &randseed, const float3 &up, const float3 &right) |
template<int STEREO_ON, int DOF_ON> __device__ __inline__ void | vmd_camera_cubemap_general () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_cubemap () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_cubemap_dof () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_cubemap_stereo () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_cubemap_stereo_dof () |
template<int STEREO_ON, int DOF_ON> __device__ __inline__ void | vmd_camera_dome_general () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_dome_master () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_dome_master_dof () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_dome_master_stereo () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_dome_master_stereo_dof () |
template<int STEREO_ON, int DOF_ON> __device__ __inline__ void | vmd_camera_equirectangular_general () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_equirectangular () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_equirectangular_dof () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_equirectangular_stereo () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_equirectangular_stereo_dof () |
template<int STEREO_ON, int DOF_ON> __device__ __inline__ void | vmd_camera_oculus_rift_general () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_oculus_rift () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_oculus_rift_dof () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_oculus_rift_stereo () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_oculus_rift_stereo_dof () |
template<int STEREO_ON, int DOF_ON> __device__ __inline__ void | vmd_camera_perspective_general () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_perspective () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_perspective_dof () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_perspective_stereo () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_perspective_stereo_dof () |
template<int STEREO_ON, int DOF_ON> __device__ __inline__ void | vmd_camera_orthographic_general () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_orthographic () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_orthographic_dof () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_orthographic_stereo () |
RT_PROGRAM void | vmd_camera_orthographic_stereo_dof () |
RT_PROGRAM void | exception () |
__device__ float | fog_coord (float3 hit_point) |
__device__ float3 | fog_color (float fogmod, float3 hit_col) |
__device__ float3 | shade_ambient_occlusion (float3 hit, float3 N, float aoimportance) |
template<int SHADOWS_ON> __device__ __inline__ void | shade_light (float3 &result, float3 &hit_point, float3 &N, float3 &L, float p_Kd, float p_Ks, float p_phong_exp, float3 &col, float3 &phongcol, float shadow_tmax) |
scene-wide shading property. More... | |
template<int CLIP_VIEW_ON, int HEADLIGHT_ON, int FOG_ON, int SHADOWS_ON, int AO_ON, int OUTLINE_ON, int REFLECTION_ON, int TRANSMISSION_ON> __device__ void | shader_template (float3 p_obj_color, float3 N, float p_Ka, float p_Kd, float p_Ks, float p_phong_exp, float p_reflectivity, float p_opacity, float p_outline, float p_outlinewidth, int p_transmode) |
material-specific shading property. More... | |
rtDeclareVariable (float3, uniform_color,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (float, Ka,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (float, phong_exp,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (float, opacity,,) | |
rtDeclareVariable (int, transmode,,) | |
RT_PROGRAM void | any_hit_opaque () |
RT_PROGRAM void | any_hit_transmission () |
RT_PROGRAM void | any_hit_clip_sphere () |
__inline__ __device__ float3 | calc_ffworld_normal (const float3 &Nshading, const float3 &Ngeometric) |
template<int HWTRIANGLES> __device__ __inline__ float3 | get_intersection_normal () |
template<int HWTRIANGLES> __device__ __inline__ float3 | get_intersection_color () |
RT_PROGRAM void | closest_hit_radiance_general () |
RT_PROGRAM void | cylinder_array_intersect (int primIdx) |
RT_PROGRAM void | cylinder_array_bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]) |
RT_PROGRAM void | cylinder_array_color_intersect (int primIdx) |
RT_PROGRAM void | cylinder_array_color_bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]) |
RT_PROGRAM void | ring_array_color_intersect (int primIdx) |
RT_PROGRAM void | ring_array_color_bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]) |
__host__ __device__ __inline__ void | sphere_intersect_hearn_baker2 (float3 center, float radius, const float3 &spcolor) |
RT_PROGRAM void | sphere_array_intersect (int primIdx) |
RT_PROGRAM void | sphere_array_bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]) |
RT_PROGRAM void | sphere_array_color_intersect (int primIdx) |
RT_PROGRAM void | sphere_array_color_bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]) |
__device__ __inline__ void | generic_tri_bounds (optix::Aabb *aabb, float3 v0, float3 v1, float3 v2) |
RT_PROGRAM void | tricolor_intersect (int primIdx) |
RT_PROGRAM void | tricolor_bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]) |
RT_PROGRAM void | trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f_intersect (int primIdx) |
RT_PROGRAM void | trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f_bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]) |
RT_PROGRAM void | trimesh_n3f_v3f_intersect (int primIdx) |
RT_PROGRAM void | trimesh_n3f_v3f_bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]) |
RT_PROGRAM void | trimesh_n3b_v3f_intersect (int primIdx) |
RT_PROGRAM void | trimesh_n3b_v3f_bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]) |
RT_PROGRAM void | trimesh_v3f_intersect (int primIdx) |
RT_PROGRAM void | trimesh_v3f_bounds (int primIdx, float result[6]) |
Variables | |
rtBuffer< uchar4, 2 > | framebuffer |
rtBuffer< float4, 2 > | accumulation_buffer |
rtBuffer< vmd_cylinder > | cylinder_buffer |
rtBuffer< vmd_cylinder_color > | cylinder_color_buffer |
rtBuffer< vmd_ring_color > | ring_color_buffer |
rtBuffer< vmd_sphere > | sphere_buffer |
rtBuffer< vmd_sphere_color > | sphere_color_buffer |
rtBuffer< vmd_tricolor > | tricolor_buffer |
rtBuffer< vmd_trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f > | trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f_buffer |
rtBuffer< vmd_trimesh_n3f_v3f > | trimesh_n3f_v3f_buffer |
rtBuffer< vmd_trimesh_n3b_v3f > | trimesh_n3b_v3f_buffer |
rtBuffer< vmd_trimesh_v3f > | trimesh_v3f_buffer |
Major parts of this code are directly taken from the Tachyon parallel ray tracer, and were contributed to VMD by the Tachyon author and lead VMD developer John E. Stone.
This work is described in: "GPU-Accelerated Molecular Visualization on Petascale Supercomputing Platforms" John E. Stone, Kirby L. Vandivort, and Klaus Schulten. UltraVis'13: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Ultrascale Visualization, pp. 6:1-6:8, 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2535571.2535595
"Atomic Detail Visualization of Photosynthetic Membranes with GPU-Accelerated Ray Tracing" John E. Stone, Melih Sener, Kirby L. Vandivort, Angela Barragan, Abhishek Singharoy, Ivan Teo, João V. Ribeiro, Barry Isralewitz, Bo Liu, Boon Chong Goh, James C. Phillips, Craig MacGregor-Chatwin, Matthew P. Johnson, Lena F. Kourkoutis, C. Neil Hunter, and Klaus Schulten J. Parallel Computing, 55:17-27, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.parco.2015.10.015
"Immersive Molecular Visualization with Omnidirectional Stereoscopic Ray Tracing and Remote Rendering" John E. Stone, William R. Sherman, and Klaus Schulten. High Performance Data Analysis and Visualization Workshop, 2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), pp. 1048-1057, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/IPDPSW.2016.121
"Omnidirectional Stereoscopic Projections for VR" John E. Stone. In, William R. Sherman, editor, VR Developer Gems, Taylor and Francis / CRC Press, Chapter 24, 2019.
"Interactive Ray Tracing Techniques for High-Fidelity Scientific Visualization" John E. Stone. In, Eric Haines and Tomas Akenine-Möller, editors, Ray Tracing Gems, Apress, Chapter 27, pp. 493-515, 2019. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-4427-2
"A Planetarium Dome Master Camera" John E. Stone. In, Eric Haines and Tomas Akenine-Möller, editors, Ray Tracing Gems, Apress, Chapter 4, pp. 49-60, 2019. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-4427-2
Portions of this code are derived from Tachyon: "An Efficient Library for Parallel Ray Tracing and Animation" John E. Stone. Master's Thesis, University of Missouri-Rolla, Department of Computer Science, April 1998
"Rendering of Numerical Flow Simulations Using MPI" John Stone and Mark Underwood. Second MPI Developers Conference, pages 138-141, 1996. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MPIDC.1996.534105
Definition in file OptiXShaders.cu.
Definition at line 2702 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2701 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2694 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2693 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Value: RT_PROGRAM void \ closest_hit_radiance_CLIP_VIEW_##mclipview##_HEADLIGHT_##mhlight##_FOG_##mfog##_SHADOWS_##mshad##_AO_##mao##_OUTLINE_##moutl##_REFL_##mrefl##_TRANS_##mtrans() { \ \ shader_template<CLIP_VIEW_##mclipview, \ HEADLIGHT_##mhlight, \ FOG_##mfog, \ SHADOWS_##mshad, \ AO_##mao, \ OUTLINE_##moutl, \ REFL_##mrefl, \ TRANS_##mtrans > \ (get_intersection_color<0>(), \ get_intersection_normal<0>(), \ Ka, Kd, Ks, phong_exp, Krefl, \ opacity, outline, outlinewidth, transmode); \ } Definition at line 2710 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2698 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2697 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2696 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2695 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 375 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 376 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by jitter_disc2f, jitter_offset2f, and jitter_sphere3f. |
Definition at line 110 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by shade_ambient_occlusion, shade_light, and shader_template. |
Definition at line 111 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by shader_template. |
Definition at line 97 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 93 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 109 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 108 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 132 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2704 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2703 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2706 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2705 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 127 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by shade_ambient_occlusion, and shade_light. |
Definition at line 126 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by shade_ambient_occlusion, and shade_light. |
Definition at line 2700 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2699 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2708 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2707 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 608 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References accumulation_buffer, and make_float4. Referenced by vmd_camera_cubemap_general, vmd_camera_dome_general, vmd_camera_equirectangular_general, vmd_camera_oculus_rift_general, vmd_camera_orthographic_general, and vmd_camera_perspective_general. |
Definition at line 1999 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References make_float3, and sphere_fade_and_clip. |
Definition at line 1969 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References make_float3. |
Definition at line 1980 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References make_float3. |
Definition at line 2030 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by get_intersection_normal. |
Definition at line 566 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References accumulation_buffer, and make_float4. |
Definition at line 532 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References dot, make_float3, make_float4, and n. |
Definition at line 2100 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2204 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References cylinder_buffer, make_float3, and result. |
Definition at line 2278 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References cylinder_color_buffer, make_float3, and result. |
Definition at line 2222 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References cylinder_color_buffer, dot, length, and n. |
Definition at line 2144 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References cylinder_buffer, dot, length, and n. |
Definition at line 680 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References jitter_disc2f. Referenced by vmd_camera_cubemap_general, vmd_camera_dome_general, vmd_camera_equirectangular_general, vmd_camera_oculus_rift_general, vmd_camera_orthographic_general, and vmd_camera_perspective_general. |
Definition at line 577 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References accumulation_buffer, framebuffer, and make_color_rgb4u. |
Definition at line 596 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1431 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References framebuffer, make_color_rgb4u, and make_float3. |
Definition at line 1507 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by shader_template. |
Definition at line 1463 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References dot. Referenced by shader_template. |
Definition at line 2482 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References length. Referenced by tricolor_bounds, trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f_bounds, trimesh_n3b_v3f_bounds, trimesh_n3f_v3f_bounds, and trimesh_v3f_bounds. |
Definition at line 2068 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 2038 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References calc_ffworld_normal, and z. |
Definition at line 410 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References myrt_rand, and MYRT_RAND_MAX_INV. Referenced by dof_ray. |
Definition at line 401 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References myrt_rand, and MYRT_RAND_MAX_INV. Referenced by vmd_camera_cubemap_general, vmd_camera_dome_general, vmd_camera_equirectangular_general, vmd_camera_oculus_rift_general, vmd_camera_orthographic_general, and vmd_camera_perspective_general. |
Definition at line 436 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References dot, myrt_rand, and MYRT_RAND_MAX_INV. Referenced by shade_ambient_occlusion. |
Definition at line 311 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by draw_accumulation_buffer, and exception. |
Definition at line 301 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 358 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References dot. |
Definition at line 340 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References dot. |
Definition at line 325 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 391 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by jitter_disc2f, jitter_offset2f, and jitter_sphere3f. |
Definition at line 514 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References dot. |
Definition at line 2323 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References make_float3, result, and ring_color_buffer. |
Definition at line 2296 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References dot, length, and ring_color_buffer. |
Referenced by shader_template. |
max AO occluder distance...
Definition at line 1517 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References PerRayData_shadow::attenuation, dot, jitter_sphere3f, make_float3, ORT_RAY_STEP, REVERSE_RAY_LENGTH, REVERSE_RAY_STEP, RT_SHADOWS_ON_REVERSE, and subframe_count. Referenced by shader_template. |
scene-wide shading property.
Definition at line 1590 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References PerRayData_shadow::attenuation, dot, make_float3, ORT_RAY_STEP, result, REVERSE_RAY_LENGTH, REVERSE_RAY_STEP, and RT_SHADOWS_ON_REVERSE. |
material-specific shading property.
Definition at line 1681 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References PerRayData_radiance::alpha, PerRayData_radiance::depth, DirectionalLight::dir, dot, colvar::f, fog_color, fog_coord, PerRayData_radiance::importance, length, make_float3, ORT_RAY_STEP, ORT_RAY_STEP2, PositionalLight::pos, PerRayData_radiance::result, result, rtDeclareVariable, shade_ambient_occlusion, sphere_fade_and_clip, and PerRayData_radiance::transcnt. |
Definition at line 2432 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References make_float3, result, and sphere_buffer. |
Definition at line 2461 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References make_float3, result, and sphere_color_buffer. |
Definition at line 2449 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References sphere_color_buffer, and sphere_intersect_hearn_baker2. |
Definition at line 2419 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References sphere_buffer, and sphere_intersect_hearn_baker2. |
Definition at line 500 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References length. Referenced by any_hit_clip_sphere, and shader_template. |
Definition at line 2347 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References dot. Referenced by sphere_array_color_intersect, and sphere_array_intersect. |
Definition at line 665 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by shade_ambient_occlusion, vmd_camera_cubemap_general, vmd_camera_dome_general, vmd_camera_equirectangular_general, vmd_camera_oculus_rift_general, vmd_camera_orthographic_general, and vmd_camera_perspective_general. |
Definition at line 148 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References n. |
Definition at line 2527 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References generic_tri_bounds, result, and tricolor_buffer. |
Definition at line 2502 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References n, and tricolor_buffer. |
Definition at line 2570 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References generic_tri_bounds, result, and trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f_buffer. |
Definition at line 2538 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References n, and trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f_buffer. |
Definition at line 2644 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References generic_tri_bounds, result, and trimesh_n3b_v3f_buffer. |
Definition at line 2616 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References n, and trimesh_n3b_v3f_buffer. |
Definition at line 2605 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References generic_tri_bounds, result, and trimesh_n3f_v3f_buffer. |
Definition at line 2581 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References n, and trimesh_n3f_v3f_buffer. |
Definition at line 2673 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References generic_tri_bounds, result, and trimesh_v3f_buffer. |
Definition at line 2654 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References n, and trimesh_v3f_buffer. |
Definition at line 827 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 831 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 697 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References accumulate_color, PerRayData_radiance::depth, dof_ray, PerRayData_radiance::importance, jitter_offset2f, make_float2, make_float3, PerRayData_radiance::result, subframe_count, and PerRayData_radiance::transcnt. |
Definition at line 835 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 839 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 851 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References accumulate_color, PerRayData_radiance::alpha, PerRayData_radiance::depth, dof_ray, PerRayData_radiance::importance, jitter_offset2f, make_float2, make_float3, PerRayData_radiance::result, subframe_count, and PerRayData_radiance::transcnt. |
Definition at line 965 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 969 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 973 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 977 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1076 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1080 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 990 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References accumulate_color, PerRayData_radiance::depth, dof_ray, PerRayData_radiance::importance, jitter_offset2f, make_float2, make_float3, PerRayData_radiance::result, subframe_count, and PerRayData_radiance::transcnt. |
Definition at line 1084 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1088 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1206 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1210 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1098 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References accumulate_color, PerRayData_radiance::depth, dof_ray, PerRayData_radiance::importance, jitter_offset2f, make_float2, make_float3, PerRayData_radiance::result, subframe_count, and PerRayData_radiance::transcnt. |
Definition at line 1214 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1218 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1411 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1415 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1330 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References accumulate_color, PerRayData_radiance::alpha, PerRayData_radiance::depth, dof_ray, PerRayData_radiance::importance, jitter_offset2f, make_float2, make_float3, PerRayData_radiance::result, subframe_count, and PerRayData_radiance::transcnt. |
Definition at line 1419 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1423 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1308 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1312 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1229 of file OptiXShaders.cu. References accumulate_color, PerRayData_radiance::alpha, PerRayData_radiance::depth, dof_ray, PerRayData_radiance::importance, jitter_offset2f, make_float2, make_float3, PerRayData_radiance::result, subframe_count, and PerRayData_radiance::transcnt. |
Definition at line 1316 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 1320 of file OptiXShaders.cu. |
Definition at line 165 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by accumulate_color, clear_accumulation_buffer, and draw_accumulation_buffer. |
Definition at line 2123 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by cylinder_array_bounds, and cylinder_array_intersect. |
Definition at line 2124 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by cylinder_array_color_bounds, and cylinder_array_color_intersect. |
Definition at line 164 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by draw_accumulation_buffer, exception, and glwin_init_exts. |
Definition at line 2127 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by ring_array_color_bounds, and ring_array_color_intersect. |
Definition at line 2130 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by sphere_array_bounds, and sphere_array_intersect. |
Definition at line 2131 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by sphere_array_color_bounds, and sphere_array_color_intersect. |
Definition at line 2134 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by tricolor_bounds, and tricolor_intersect. |
Definition at line 2135 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f_bounds, and trimesh_c4u_n3b_v3f_intersect. |
Definition at line 2137 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by trimesh_n3b_v3f_bounds, and trimesh_n3b_v3f_intersect. |
Definition at line 2136 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by trimesh_n3f_v3f_bounds, and trimesh_n3f_v3f_intersect. |
Definition at line 2138 of file OptiXShaders.cu. Referenced by trimesh_v3f_bounds, and trimesh_v3f_intersect. |