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GraphicsFltkReps.h File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "FL/forms.H"
#include "FL/Fl_Counter.H"
#include "FL/Fl_Value_Slider.H"
#include "FL/Fl_Float_Input.H"
#include "FL/Fl_Tabs.H"
#include "AtomRep.h"
#include "Molecule.h"
#include "VMDApp.h"
#include "MoleculeList.h"

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class  DeltaCounter
 counter control used to set fieldline integration delta. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRep
 GUI controls for each draw style, creates rep commands for CmdMolChangeRepItem or CmdMolRep, and sets its valuators correctly given an AtomRep. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepBeads
 'Beads' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepBonds
 'Bonds' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepCartoon
 'Cartoon' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepCPK
 'CPK' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepDotted
 'Dotted' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepDynamicBonds
 'DynamicBonds' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepFieldLines
 'FieldLines' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepHBonds
 'HBonds' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepIsosurface
 'Isosurface' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepLicorice
 'Licorice' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepLines
 'Lines' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepMSMS
 'MSMS' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepNanoShaper
 'NanoShaper' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepNewCartoon
 'NewCartoon' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepNewRibbons
 'NewRibbons' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepOrbital
 'Orbital' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepPoints
 'Points' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepQuickSurf
 'QuickSurf' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepRibbons
 'Ribbons' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepSolvent
 'Solvent' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepSurf
 'Surf' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepTrace
 'Trace' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepTube
 'Tube' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepVDW
 'VDW' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepVolumeSlice
 'VolumeSlice' representation controls. More...

class  GraphicsFltkRepVolumetric
 Base class for reps that use volumetric data XXX We can't get the information we need from AtomRep to fill in the data set names or their min/max ranges. Thus we have to add methods for GraphicsFltkMenu to tell us what this information is. More...

class  GridResCounter
 counter control used to set grid spacing. More...

class  IsoSlider
 slider control with text entry box, used to select isovalues, etc. More...

struct  GraphicsFltkRepVolumetric::minmax
 volumetric rep internal class for managing min/max values. More...

class  isosurface_cbdata
 isosurface callback data structure containing multiple pointers. More...

struct  GraphicsFltkRepOrbital::minmax
 volumetric rep internal class for managing min/max values. More...

class  orbital_cbdata
 orbital callback data structure containing multiple pointers. More...

class  quicksurf_cbdata
 QuickSurf callback data structure containing multiple pointers. More...

class  RadiusCounter
 counter control used to set radii. More...

class  RepChoice
 chooser control used to select from a list of representation settings. More...

class  RepChoiceSmall
 narrow chooser control used to select from a list of representation settings. More...

class  ResolutionCounter
 counter control used to set tessellation resolution. More...

class  ShortSlider
 shorter slider control for use with longer labels. More...

class  StepCounter
 counter control used to set volume extraction step size. More...


#define CTRWIDTH   120
#define CTRWIDTHSM   80
#define CTRHEIGHT   25

Define Documentation

#define CTRHEIGHT   25

Definition at line 57 of file GraphicsFltkReps.h.

Referenced by DeltaCounter::DeltaCounter, GraphicsFltkMenu::GraphicsFltkMenu, GraphicsFltkRepIsosurface::GraphicsFltkRepIsosurface, GraphicsFltkRepOrbital::GraphicsFltkRepOrbital, GridResCounter::GridResCounter, IsoSlider::IsoSlider, PBCControls::PBCControls, RadiusCounter::RadiusCounter, RepChoice::RepChoice, RepChoiceSmall::RepChoiceSmall, ResolutionCounter::ResolutionCounter, ShortSlider::ShortSlider, and StepCounter::StepCounter.

#define CTRWIDTH   120

Definition at line 55 of file GraphicsFltkReps.h.

Referenced by DeltaCounter::DeltaCounter, GraphicsFltkMenu::GraphicsFltkMenu, GridResCounter::GridResCounter, IsoSlider::IsoSlider, PBCControls::PBCControls, RadiusCounter::RadiusCounter, RepChoice::RepChoice, ResolutionCounter::ResolutionCounter, and ShortSlider::ShortSlider.

#define CTRWIDTHSM   80

Definition at line 56 of file GraphicsFltkReps.h.

Referenced by RepChoiceSmall::RepChoiceSmall.

Generated on Fri Feb 14 02:45:20 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002