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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr                                                                       
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the           
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois                       
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved                        
00006  *cr                                                                   
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 // generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0009
00011 #include <stdio.h>
00012 #include <math.h>
00013 #include "GeometryFltkMenu.h"
00014 #include "GeometryList.h"
00015 #include "Command.h"
00016 #include "VMDApp.h"
00017 #include "PickList.h"
00018 #include "Atom.h"
00019 #include "Molecule.h"
00020 #include "MoleculeList.h"
00021 #include "FL/fl_draw.H"
00022 #include "FL/forms.H"
00023 #include "FL/Fl_Input.H"
00024 #include "TextEvent.h"
00025 #include "Inform.h"
00027 #if defined(VMD_FLCHART_WORKAROUND)
00031 class myFl_Chart : public Fl_Widget {
00032 protected:
00033   void draw();
00035 private:
00036   int num;
00037   float *values;
00038   float min, max;
00039   int imin, imax;
00041 public:
00042   myFl_Chart(int, int, int, int, const char * = 0);
00043   ~myFl_Chart();
00045   void clear();
00046   void set_data(const float *data, int n);
00047 };
00049 myFl_Chart::myFl_Chart(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *l)
00050 : Fl_Widget(x,y,w,h,l) {
00051   box(FL_BORDER_BOX);
00052   align(FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM);
00053   num = 0;
00054   values = NULL;
00055   min = max = 0;
00056   imin = imax = 0;
00057 }
00059 myFl_Chart::~myFl_Chart() {
00060   delete [] values;
00061 }
00063 void myFl_Chart::clear() {
00064   delete [] values;
00065   values = NULL;
00066   num = 0;
00067   redraw();
00068 }
00070 void myFl_Chart::set_data(const float *data, int n) {
00071   if (n < 1) {
00072     clear();
00073     return;
00074   }
00075   delete [] values;
00076   values = new float[n];
00077   memcpy(values, data, n*sizeof(float));
00078   num = n;
00079   min = max = data[0];
00080   imin = imax = 0;
00081   for (int i=1; i<n; i++) {
00082     if (min > data[i]) { min = data[i]; imin = i; }
00083     if (max < data[i]) { max = data[i]; imax = i; }
00084   }
00085   redraw();
00086 }
00088 // Use Fltk's definition of rint, since Windows sees fit to omit rint
00089 // from its math library.  This definition isn't correct for negative
00090 // arguments, but it's what's used in the original Fl_Chart class,
00091 // from which this code was derived, so I'll keep doing it there way.
00092 static double fltk_rint(double v) {return floor(v+.5);}
00094 void myFl_Chart::draw() {
00095   int xx, yy, ww, hh;
00096   if (!num) return;
00097   xx = x()+9;
00098   yy = y()+9;
00099   ww = w()-2*9;
00100   hh = h()-2*9;
00102   draw_box();
00104   double lh = fl_height(); // compensate for text height?
00105   double incr;
00106   int zeroh;
00107   if (min > 0) {
00108     incr = (hh-2*lh)/max;
00109     zeroh = yy+hh-9;
00110   } else if (max < 0) {
00111     incr = (hh-2*lh)/min;
00112     zeroh = yy-9;
00113   } else {
00114     incr = (hh-2*lh)/(max-min);
00115     zeroh = yy+hh+(int)fltk_rint(min*incr) - 9;
00116   }
00117   double bwidth = ww/double(num);
00119   for (int i=1; i<num; i++) {
00120     int x0 = xx + (int)fltk_rint((i-.5)*bwidth);
00121     int x1 = xx + (int)fltk_rint((i+.5)*bwidth);
00122     int y0 = zeroh - (int)fltk_rint(values[i-1]*incr);
00123     int y1 = zeroh - (int)fltk_rint(values[i]*incr);
00124     int color = FL_GREEN;
00126     if (i == imin) color = FL_RED;
00127     else if (i == imax) color = FL_BLUE;
00128     fl_color(color);
00129     if ((values[i-1]>0.0)!=(values[i]>0.0)) {
00130       double ttt = values[i-1]/(values[i-1]-values[i]);
00131       int xt = xx + (int)fltk_rint((i-.5+ttt)*bwidth);
00132       fl_polygon(x0,zeroh, x0,y0, xt,zeroh);
00133       fl_polygon(xt,zeroh, x1,y1, x1,zeroh);
00134     } else {
00135       //assert(x0 >= xx && x0 <= xx+ww);
00136       //assert(x1 >= xx && x1 <= xx+ww);
00137       //assert(y0 >= yy && y0 <= yy+hh);
00138       //assert(y1 >= yy && y1 <= yy+hh);
00139       //assert(zeroh >= yy && zeroh <= yy+hh);
00140       fl_polygon(x0, zeroh, x0, y0, x1, y1, x1, zeroh);
00141     }
00142     fl_color(FL_BLACK);
00143     fl_line(x0,y0,x1,y1);
00144   }
00145   fl_line(xx, zeroh, xx+ww, zeroh);
00146   char buf[30] = { 0 };
00147   sprintf(buf, "%d: %3.2f", imin, min);
00148   fl_draw(buf, xx+(int)fltk_rint((imin+.5)*bwidth), zeroh-(int)fltk_rint(min*incr),0,0, 
00149        min >= 0 ? FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM : FL_ALIGN_TOP);
00150   sprintf(buf, "%d: %3.2f", imax, max);
00151   fl_draw(buf, xx+(int)fltk_rint((imax+.5)*bwidth), zeroh-(int)fltk_rint(max*incr),0,0, 
00152        max >= 0 ? FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM : FL_ALIGN_TOP);
00153 }
00158 void GeometryFltkMenu::handle_pick(Molecule *m, int atomid, float value) {
00159   char buf[64] = { 0 };
00161   if (!m || !m->current()) return;
00162   MolAtom *atm = m->atom(atomid);
00163   float *framepos = m->current()->pos;
00165   char *molnamebuf = new char[20+strlen(m->molname())];
00166   sprintf(molnamebuf, "%d: %s", m->id(), m->molname());
00167   pickedmolecule->value(molnamebuf);
00168   delete [] molnamebuf;
00169   pickedresname->value(m->>resnameindex));
00170   sprintf(buf, "%d", atm->resid);
00171   pickedresid->value(buf);
00172   pickedname->value(m->>nameindex));
00173   pickedtype->value(m->>typeindex));
00174   sprintf(buf, "%d", atomid);
00175   pickedindex->value(buf);
00176   pickedchain->value(m->>chainindex));
00177   pickedsegname->value(m->>segnameindex));
00178   sprintf(buf, "%8.3f   %8.3f   %8.3f", framepos[3*atomid+0], 
00179     framepos[3*atomid+1], framepos[3*atomid+2]);
00180   pickedpos->value(buf);
00181   sprintf(buf, "%8.3f", value);
00182   pickedvalue->value(buf);
00183 }
00185 void GeometryFltkMenu::fill_label_browser() {
00186   int cat = labeltypechooser->value();
00187   GeomListPtr geomlist = glist->geom_list(cat);
00188   int gnum = geomlist->num();
00190   int curnum = labelbrowser->size();
00191   // Only clear if the number has changed so that when we show or hide
00192   // it doesn't reset the items we've selected.
00193   if (curnum != gnum) {
00194     labelbrowser->clear();
00195   }
00196   // for each label, break up the name by '/'.  Each element goes in its
00197   // own column in the browser, with a format string preceding to specify
00198   // the color of the item.  
00199   for (int j=0; j<gnum; j++) {
00200     char geomname[128] = { 0 };
00201     char geomstr[128] = { 0 };
00202     char buf[20] = { 0 };
00203     GeometryMol *g = (*geomlist)[j];
00204     strcpy(geomname, g->name());
00205     geomstr[0] = '\0';
00206     char *start = geomname; 
00207     char *s = start;
00208     int done = 0;
00209     while (!done) {
00210       if (*s == '/' || *s == '\0') {
00211         if (!*s) 
00212           done = 1;   
00213         *s = '\0';
00214         // color 203 is "Orchid".
00215         sprintf(buf, "%s%s\t", g->displayed() ? VMDMENU_GEOM_ACTIVE : VMDMENU_GEOM_INACTIVE, start);
00216         strcat(geomstr, buf);
00217         start = s+1;
00218         s = start;
00219       } else {
00220         s++;
00221       }
00222     }
00223     if (curnum != gnum)
00224       labelbrowser->add(geomstr);
00225     else
00226       labelbrowser->text(j+1, geomstr);
00227   }
00228 }
00230 void GeometryFltkMenu::update_labelprops() {
00231   char tmpbuf[100] = { 0 };
00232   float textsize = app->label_get_text_size();
00233   sprintf(tmpbuf, "%5.2f", textsize);
00234   textsizeinput->value(tmpbuf);
00235   textsizeslider->value(textsize);
00237   float textthickness = app->label_get_text_thickness();
00238   sprintf(tmpbuf, "%5.2f", textthickness);
00239   textthicknessinput->value(tmpbuf);
00240   textthicknessslider->value(textthickness);
00242   // get the offset of the selected label, if any
00243   int ind = labelbrowser->value();
00244   if (ind > 0) {
00245     textoffsetpositioner->activate();
00246     offsetresetbutton->activate();
00247     const float *offset = app->geometryList->getTextOffset(
00248         labeltypechooser->text(), ind-1);
00249     if (offset) {
00250       textoffsetpositioner->xvalue(offset[0]);
00251       textoffsetpositioner->yvalue(-offset[1]);
00252     } else {
00253       msgWarn << "No label found to update text offset!" << sendmsg;
00254     }
00255     if (labeltypechooser->value() == 0) { // only for atom labels
00256       textformatinput->activate();
00257       if (!user_is_typing_in_format_input) {
00258         const char *format = app->geometryList->getTextFormat(
00259           labeltypechooser->text(), ind-1);
00260         if (format) {
00261           textformatinput->value(format);
00262         } else {
00263           msgWarn << "No label found to update text format!" << sendmsg;
00264         }
00265       }
00266     }
00267   } else {
00268     textoffsetpositioner->deactivate();
00269     offsetresetbutton->deactivate();
00270   }
00271   if (ind < 1 || labeltypechooser->value() != 0) {
00272     textformatinput->deactivate();
00273   }
00274 }
00276 // populate the geometry type chooser.
00277 void GeometryFltkMenu::update_geometry_types() {
00278   labeltypechooser->clear();
00279   for (int j=0; j<glist->num_lists(); j++)
00280     labeltypechooser->add(glist->geom_list_name(j));
00281   labeltypechooser->value(0);
00282 }
00284 void GeometryFltkMenu::typechooser_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
00285   ((GeometryFltkMenu *)v)->fill_label_browser();
00286   ((GeometryFltkMenu *)v)->update_labelprops();
00287 }
00289 void GeometryFltkMenu::graphinwindow_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
00290   GeometryFltkMenu *self = (GeometryFltkMenu *)v;
00291   int last_clicked = self->labelbrowser->value();
00292   if (!self->labelbrowser->selected(last_clicked)) {
00293     return;
00294   }
00296   int item = last_clicked-1;
00297   GeomListPtr geomlist = self->glist->geom_list(self->labeltypechooser->value());
00298   // make sure the label hasn't been deleted out from under us
00299   if (item >= geomlist->num()) {
00300     return;
00301   }
00302   GeometryMol *geom = (*geomlist)[item];
00303   ResizeArray<float> values;
00304   if (!geom->calculate_all(values)) {
00305     return;
00306   }
00307   if (values.num() < 1) {
00308     return;
00309   }
00310 #if defined(VMD_FLCHART_WORKAROUND)
00311   // XXX workaround Fl_Chart bug that could cause out-of-bounds drawing
00312   self->chart->set_data(&(values[0]), values.num());
00313 #else
00314   int i;
00315   self->chart->clear();
00316   if (values.num() > 0) {
00317     self->chart->maxsize(values.num());
00318     for (i=0; i<values.num(); i++) {
00319       self->chart->insert(i, values[i], NULL, 0);
00320     }
00321   }
00322 #endif
00323 }
00325 void GeometryFltkMenu::show_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
00326   GeometryFltkMenu *self = (GeometryFltkMenu *)v;
00327   for (int i=self->labelbrowser->size(); i>0; i--) {
00328     if (self->labelbrowser->selected(i)) {
00329       self->app->label_show(self->labeltypechooser->text(), i-1, 1);
00330     }
00331   }
00332 }
00334 void GeometryFltkMenu::hide_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
00335   GeometryFltkMenu *self = (GeometryFltkMenu *)v;
00336   for (int i=self->labelbrowser->size(); i>0; i--) {
00337     if (self->labelbrowser->selected(i)) {
00338       self->app->label_show(self->labeltypechooser->text(), i-1, 0);
00339     }
00340   }
00341 }
00343 void GeometryFltkMenu::delete_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
00344   GeometryFltkMenu *self = (GeometryFltkMenu *)v;
00345   ResizeArray<int> tmp;
00346   int i;
00347   for (i=self->labelbrowser->size(); i>0; i--) {
00348     if (self->labelbrowser->selected(i)) tmp.append(i-1);
00349   }
00350   for (i=0; i<tmp.num(); i++) 
00351     self->app->label_delete(self->labeltypechooser->text(), tmp[i]);
00352 }
00354 void GeometryFltkMenu::labelbrowser_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
00355   GeometryFltkMenu *self = (GeometryFltkMenu *)v;
00356   int ind = self->labelbrowser->value();
00357   if (ind < 1) return;
00358   int labeltype = self->labeltypechooser->value();
00359   //GeomListPtr geomlist = self->glist->geom_list(labeltype);
00360   GeometryMol *geom = (*(self->glist->geom_list(labeltype)))[ind-1];
00361   int atomid = geom->com_index(0);
00362   int molid = geom->obj_index(0);
00363   Molecule *m = self->app->moleculeList->mol_from_id(molid);
00364   // make sure we have the up-to-date value.
00365   geom->calculate();
00366   self->handle_pick(m, atomid, geom->value());
00367   if (self->previewcheckbutton->value()) {
00368     self->graphinwindow_cb(self->chart, self);
00369   }
00370   // show the correct label offset
00371   self->update_labelprops();
00372 }
00374 void GeometryFltkMenu::exportgraph_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
00375   GeometryFltkMenu *self = (GeometryFltkMenu *)v;
00376   if (self->labelbrowser->size() < 1) {
00377     msgInfo << "No labels selected" << sendmsg;
00378     return;
00379   }
00380   GeomListPtr geomlist = self->glist->geom_list(self->labeltypechooser->value());
00381   if (geomlist->num() < 1) {
00382     msgErr << "GeometryFltkMenu::exportgraph_cb: No labels in list!  That's weird." << sendmsg;
00383     return;
00384   }
00385   ResizeArray<int> items;
00386   for (int item=0; item <self->labelbrowser->size(); item++) {
00387     if (!self->labelbrowser->selected(1+item)) continue;
00388     items.append(item);
00389     GeometryMol *geom = (*geomlist)[item];
00390     ResizeArray<float> values;
00391     if (!geom->calculate_all(values)) {
00392       msgErr << "GeometryFltkMenu::exportgraph_cb: Couldn't calculate values" << sendmsg;
00393       return;
00394     }
00395     if (values.num() < 1) {
00396       msgErr << "Nothing to plot!" << sendmsg;
00397       return;
00398     }
00399   }
00400   self->runcommand(new GraphLabelEvent(self->labeltypechooser->text(),
00401         &items[0], items.num()));
00402 }
00404 // XXX Massive replication of code in exportgraph_cb, savetofile_cb, and
00405 // graphinwindow_cb.
00406 void GeometryFltkMenu::savetofile_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
00407   GeometryFltkMenu *self = (GeometryFltkMenu *)v;
00408   if (self->labelbrowser->size() < 1) {
00409     msgInfo << "No labels selected" << sendmsg;
00410     return;
00411   }
00412   GeomListPtr geomlist = self->glist->geom_list(self->labeltypechooser->value());
00413   if (geomlist->num() < 1) {
00414     msgErr << "GeometryFltkMenu::savetofile_cb: No labels in list!  That's weird." << sendmsg;
00415     return;
00416   }
00417   for (int item=0; item <self->labelbrowser->size(); item++) {
00418     if (!self->labelbrowser->selected(1+item)) continue;
00419     GeometryMol *geom = (*geomlist)[item];
00420     ResizeArray<float> values;
00421     if (!geom->calculate_all(values)) {
00422       msgErr << "GeometryFltkMenu::savetofile_cb: Couldn't calculate values" << sendmsg;
00423       return;
00424     }
00425     if (values.num() < 1) {
00426       msgErr << "Nothing to plot!" << sendmsg;
00427       return;
00428     }
00429     char *file = self->app->vmd_choose_file(geom->unique_name(),
00430                                             "*.dat",
00431                                             "data file",
00432                                             1);
00433     if (!file) continue;
00434     FILE *fd = fopen(file, "w");
00435     for (int i=0; i<values.num(); i++) {
00436       fprintf(fd, "%d\t%f\n", i, values[i]);
00437     }
00438     fclose(fd);
00439   }
00440 }
00442 // handlers for adjusting label offset
00443 static void textoffset_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) {
00444   Fl_Positioner *p = (Fl_Positioner *)w;
00446   float x = (float)  p->xvalue();
00447   float y = (float) -p->yvalue();
00448   ((GeometryFltkMenu *)v)->apply_offset_to_selected_labels(x, y);
00449 }
00451 static void offsetreset_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *v) {
00452   ((GeometryFltkMenu *)v)->apply_offset_to_selected_labels(0, 0);
00453 }
00455 void GeometryFltkMenu::apply_offset_to_selected_labels(float x, float y) {
00456   // get the selected geometry category
00457   const char *geomtype = labeltypechooser->text();
00459   // get all the currently selected labels
00460   for (int l=labelbrowser->size(); l>0; l--) {
00461     if (labelbrowser->selected(l)) {
00462       app->label_set_textoffset(geomtype, l-1, x, y);
00463     }
00464   }
00465 }
00467 // handlers for setting label format
00468 static void textformat_cb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) {
00469   Fl_Input *input = (Fl_Input *)w;
00470   ((GeometryFltkMenu *)v)->apply_format_to_selected_labels(input->value());
00471 }
00472 void GeometryFltkMenu::apply_format_to_selected_labels(const char *format) {
00473   // get the selected geometry category
00474   const char *geomtype = labeltypechooser->text();
00476   // prevent the format entry from getting updated as we type, because
00477   // it selects all text, which makes it impossible to type more the one
00478   // character at a time.
00479   user_is_typing_in_format_input = TRUE;
00482   // get all the currently selected labels
00483   for (int l=labelbrowser->size(); l>0; l--) {
00484     if (labelbrowser->selected(l)) {
00485       app->label_set_textformat(geomtype, l-1, format);
00486     }
00487   }
00488   user_is_typing_in_format_input = FALSE;
00489 }
00491 static void textsizeslidercb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) {
00492   Fl_Slider *slider = (Fl_Slider *)w;
00493   VMDApp *app = (VMDApp *)v;
00494   app->label_set_text_size((float) slider->value());
00495 }
00497 static void textsizeinputcb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) {
00498   Fl_Float_Input *input = (Fl_Float_Input *)w;
00499   VMDApp *app = (VMDApp *)v;
00500   char *endptr = NULL;
00501   const char *strval = input->value();
00502   double val = strtod(strval, &endptr);
00503   if (endptr != strval) {
00504     // valid conversion performed
00505     app->label_set_text_size((float)val);
00506   }
00507 }
00509 static void textthicknessslidercb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) {
00510   Fl_Slider *slider = (Fl_Slider *)w;
00511   VMDApp *app = (VMDApp *)v;
00512   app->label_set_text_thickness((float) slider->value());
00513 }
00515 static void textthicknessinputcb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) {
00516   Fl_Float_Input *input = (Fl_Float_Input *)w;
00517   VMDApp *app = (VMDApp *)v;
00518   char *endptr = NULL;
00519   const char *strval = input->value();
00520   double val = strtod(strval, &endptr);
00521   if (endptr != strval) {
00522     // valid conversion performed
00523     app->label_set_text_thickness((float)val);
00524   }
00525 }
00527 class My_Fl_Positioner : public Fl_Positioner {
00528   public:
00529     My_Fl_Positioner(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *t=NULL)
00530     : Fl_Positioner(x, y, w, h, t) {}
00531     virtual void draw() {
00532       Fl_Positioner::draw();
00533       fl_circle(90+50, 190+50, 5);
00534     }
00535 };
00537 static const int columns[] = {85, 85, 85, 85, 0};
00538 void GeometryFltkMenu::make_window() {
00539   size(380,335);
00541   {
00542     labelbrowser = new Fl_Multi_Browser(10, 45, 360, 70);
00543     VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(labelbrowser, "Select label to modify")
00544     labelbrowser->color(VMDMENU_BROWSER_BG);
00545     labelbrowser->selection_color(VMDMENU_BROWSER_SEL);
00546     labelbrowser->callback(labelbrowser_cb, this);
00547     labelbrowser->column_widths(columns);
00549     { Fl_Choice* o = labeltypechooser = new Fl_Choice(10, 15, 95, 25);
00550       VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(labeltypechooser, "Select label type to show in browser")
00551       o->color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_BG);
00552       o->selection_color(VMDMENU_CHOOSER_SEL);
00553       o->box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX);
00554       o->labeltype(FL_NO_LABEL);
00555       o->callback(typechooser_cb, this);
00556     }
00557     showbutton = new Fl_Button(125, 15, 75, 25, "Show");
00558 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00559     showbutton->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00560 #endif
00561     VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(showbutton, "Show (unhide) selected label")
00562     showbutton->callback(show_cb, this);
00564     hidebutton = new Fl_Button(200, 15, 75, 25, "Hide");
00565 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00566     hidebutton->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00567 #endif
00568     VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(hidebutton, "Hide (do not display) selected label")
00569     hidebutton->callback(hide_cb, this);
00571     deletebutton = new Fl_Button(275, 15, 75, 25, "Delete");
00572 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00573     deletebutton->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00574 #endif
00575     VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(deletebutton, "Delete selected label")
00576     deletebutton->callback(delete_cb, this);
00578     { Fl_Tabs* o = new Fl_Tabs(10, 120, 360, 215);
00579 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00580         o->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00581         o->selection_color(VMDMENU_WINDOW);
00582 #endif
00584       { Fl_Group* o = pickinggroup = new Fl_Group(35, 145, 315, 180, "Picked Atom");
00585 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00586         o->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00587         o->selection_color(VMDMENU_WINDOW);
00588 #endif
00590         Fl_Widget *w;
00591         w = pickedmolecule = new Fl_Output(110, 155, 230, 25, "Molecule:");
00592         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(pickedmolecule, "Parent molecule of picked atom")
00593         w->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00595         w = pickedresname = new Fl_Output(110, 205, 70, 25, "ResName:");
00596         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(pickedresname, "Parent residue name of picked atom")
00597         w->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00599         w = pickedresid = new Fl_Output(110, 230, 70, 25, "ResID:");
00600         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(pickedresid, "Parent residue ID of picked atom")
00601         w->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00603         w = pickedname = new Fl_Output(110, 255, 70, 25, "Name:");
00604         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(pickedname, "Name of picked atom")
00605         w->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00607         w = pickedtype = new Fl_Output(110, 280, 70, 25, "Type:");
00608         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(pickedtype, "Type of picked atom")
00609         w->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00611         w = pickedpos = new Fl_Output(110, 180, 230, 25, "XYZ:");
00612         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(pickedpos, "Coordinates of picked atom")
00613         w->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00615         w = pickedchain = new Fl_Output(270, 205, 70, 25, "Chain:");
00616         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(pickedchain, "Parent chain of picked atom")
00617         w->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00619         w = pickedsegname = new Fl_Output(270, 230, 70, 25, "SegName:");
00620         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(pickedsegname, "Parent segment name of picked atom")
00621         w->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00623         w = pickedindex = new Fl_Output(270, 255, 70, 25, "Index:");
00624         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(pickedindex, "Index of picked atom")
00625         w->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00627         w = pickedvalue = new Fl_Output(270, 280, 70, 25, "Value:");
00628         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(pickedvalue, "Value of label (bond length, angle, dihedral, etc)")
00629         w->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00631         o->end();
00632       }
00633       { Fl_Group* o = geometrygroup = new Fl_Group(35, 145, 315, 180, "Graph");
00634 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00635         o->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00636         o->selection_color(VMDMENU_WINDOW);
00637 #endif
00638         o->hide();
00639         savetofilebutton = new Fl_Button(285, 155, 55, 25, "Save...");
00640 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00641         savetofilebutton->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00642 #endif
00643         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(savetofilebutton, "Save label values to a file")
00644         savetofilebutton->callback(savetofile_cb, this);
00646         exportgraphbutton = new Fl_Button(200, 155, 65, 25, "Graph...");
00647 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00648         exportgraphbutton->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00649 #endif
00650         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(exportgraphbutton, "Export label values to other graphing tools")
00651         exportgraphbutton->callback(exportgraph_cb, this);
00653         previewcheckbutton = new Fl_Check_Button(40, 155, 100, 25, "Show preview");
00654         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(previewcheckbutton, "Show quick preview graph of label value")
00655 #if defined(VMD_FLCHART_WORKAROUND)
00656         // XXX workaround Fl_Chart bug that could cause out-of-bounds drawing
00657         chart = new myFl_Chart(45, 190, 295, 125);
00658 #else
00659         //chart = new Fl_Chart(20, 210, 330, 90);
00660         chart = new Fl_Chart(45, 190, 295, 125);
00661         chart->type(FL_FILLED_CHART);
00662 #endif
00663         o->end();
00664       }
00665       { Fl_Group *o = propertiesgroup = new Fl_Group(35, 145, 315, 180, "Properties");
00666 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00667         o->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00668         o->selection_color(VMDMENU_WINDOW);
00669 #endif
00670         o->hide();
00671         textoffsetpositioner = new My_Fl_Positioner(90, 155, 100, 100, "Offset:");
00672         textoffsetpositioner->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT);
00673         textoffsetpositioner->color(VMDMENU_POSITIONER_BG);
00674         textoffsetpositioner->selection_color(VMDMENU_POSITIONER_SEL);
00675         textoffsetpositioner->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED);
00676         textoffsetpositioner->callback(textoffset_cb, this);
00677         // make more room on the left side and below so it's possible to get atom labels
00678         // all the way to the left of their atom
00679         textoffsetpositioner->xbounds(-.7, .7);
00680         textoffsetpositioner->ybounds(-.5, .5);
00681         textoffsetpositioner->value(0,0);
00682         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(textoffsetpositioner, "Set the label offset relative to its default position");
00684         offsetresetbutton = new Fl_Button(200, 193, 55, 25, "Reset");
00685 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00686         offsetresetbutton->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00687 #endif
00688         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(offsetresetbutton, "Reset the label offset to (0,0)");
00689         offsetresetbutton->callback(offsetreset_cb, this);
00691         textformatinput = new Fl_Input(90, 260, 245, 25, "Format:");
00692         textformatinput->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00693         textformatinput->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED);
00694         textformatinput->callback(textformat_cb, this);
00695         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(textformatinput, "Set selected atom labels with substitutions: %R->resname, %1R->1-char resname, %r->camelcase resname, %d->resid, %a->name, %q->charge, %i->0-index, %1i->1-index, %p->atomic number, %e->element, %s->segname, %o->occupancy, %b->beta, %c->chain");
00697         o->end();
00698       }
00699       { Fl_Group *o = globalpropsgroup = new Fl_Group(35, 145, 315, 180, "Global Properties");
00700 #if defined(VMDMENU_WINDOW)
00701         o->color(VMDMENU_WINDOW, FL_GRAY);
00702         o->selection_color(VMDMENU_WINDOW);
00703 #endif
00704         o->hide();
00705         textsizeinput = new Fl_Float_Input(130, 155, 50, 25, "Text Size:");
00706         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(textsizeinput, "Set label text size")
00707         textsizeinput->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY);
00708         textsizeinput->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00709         textsizeinput->callback(textsizeinputcb, app);
00711         textsizeslider = new Fl_Slider(180, 155, 180, 25);
00712         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(textsizeslider, "Set label text size")
00713         textsizeslider->type(FL_HOR_SLIDER);
00714         textsizeslider->color(VMDMENU_SLIDER_BG);
00715         textsizeslider->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED);
00716         textsizeslider->callback(textsizeslidercb, app); 
00717         textsizeslider->range(0, 5);
00719         textthicknessinput = new Fl_Float_Input(130, 190, 50, 25, "Text Thickness:");
00720         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(textsizeinput, "Set label text line thickness")
00721         textthicknessinput->when(FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY);
00722         textthicknessinput->selection_color(VMDMENU_VALUE_SEL);
00723         textthicknessinput->callback(textthicknessinputcb, app);
00725         textthicknessslider = new Fl_Slider(180, 190, 180, 25);
00726         VMDFLTKTOOLTIP(textsizeslider, "Set label text line thickness")
00727         textthicknessslider->type(FL_HOR_SLIDER);
00728         textthicknessslider->color(VMDMENU_SLIDER_BG);
00729         textthicknessslider->when(FL_WHEN_CHANGED);
00730         textthicknessslider->callback(textthicknessslidercb, app); 
00731         textthicknessslider->range(0, 5);
00733         o->end();
00734       }
00735       o->end();
00736     }
00737     Fl_Window::end();
00739     update_labelprops();
00740   }
00741 }
00743 GeometryFltkMenu::GeometryFltkMenu(VMDApp *vmdapp) 
00744 : VMDFltkMenu("labels", "Labels", vmdapp), glist(vmdapp->geometryList) {
00746   command_wanted(Command::LABEL_ADD);
00747   command_wanted(Command::LABEL_DELETE);
00748   command_wanted(Command::LABEL_SHOW);
00749   command_wanted(Command::LABEL_ADDSPRING);
00750   command_wanted(Command::LABEL_TEXTSIZE);
00751   command_wanted(Command::LABEL_TEXTTHICKNESS);
00752   command_wanted(Command::LABEL_TEXTOFFSET);
00753   command_wanted(Command::LABEL_TEXTFORMAT);
00754   command_wanted(Command::ANIM_NEW_FRAME);
00755   command_wanted(Command::PICK_EVENT);
00756   command_wanted(Command::MOL_DEL);
00758   user_is_typing_in_format_input = FALSE;
00760   make_window();
00761   update_geometry_types();
00762 }
00764 int GeometryFltkMenu::act_on_command(int type, Command *cmd) {
00765   switch (type) {
00766   case Command::PICK_EVENT:
00767     {
00768       PickEvent *event = (PickEvent *)cmd;
00769       Molecule *m = app->moleculeList->check_pickable(event->pickable);
00770       if (m) 
00771         handle_pick(m, event->tag, 0);
00772     }
00773     break;
00775   case Command::LABEL_ADD:
00776   case Command::LABEL_ADDSPRING:
00777   case Command::LABEL_DELETE:
00778   case Command::LABEL_SHOW:
00779     fill_label_browser();
00780     update_labelprops();
00781     break;
00783   case Command::ANIM_NEW_FRAME:
00784     labelbrowser->do_callback();
00785     break;
00787   case Command::LABEL_TEXTSIZE:
00788   case Command::LABEL_TEXTTHICKNESS:
00789   case Command::LABEL_TEXTOFFSET:
00790   case Command::LABEL_TEXTFORMAT:
00791     update_labelprops();
00792     break;
00794   case Command::MOL_DEL:
00795     glist->prepare();     // mark all non-ok geoms and delete them before
00796     fill_label_browser(); // refilling the label browser with the current list
00797     update_labelprops();
00798     break;
00799   }
00800   return 1;
00801 }

Generated on Wed Feb 12 02:44:02 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002