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00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *cr                                                                       
00003  *cr            (C) Copyright 1995-2019 The Board of Trustees of the           
00004  *cr                        University of Illinois                       
00005  *cr                         All Rights Reserved                        
00006  *cr                                                                   
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00011  *
00012  *      $RCSfile: DrawMolItemOrbital.C,v $
00013  *      $Author: johns $        $Locker:  $             $State: Exp $
00014  *      $Revision: 1.53 $       $Date: 2021/10/28 21:12:15 $
00015  *
00016  ***************************************************************************
00018  *   A continuation of rendering types from DrawMolItem
00019  *
00020  *   This file only contains representations for visualizing QM orbital data
00021  ***************************************************************************/
00022 #include <math.h>
00023 #include <stdlib.h>
00024 #include <stdio.h>
00026 #include "DrawMolItem.h"
00027 #include "DrawMolecule.h"
00028 #include "BaseMolecule.h" // need volume data definitions
00029 #include "Inform.h"
00030 #include "Isosurface.h"
00031 #include "MoleculeList.h"
00032 #include "Scene.h"
00033 #include "Orbital.h"
00034 #include "QMData.h"
00035 #include "VolumetricData.h"
00036 #include "VMDApp.h"
00037 #include "utilities.h"
00038 #include "WKFUtils.h" // timers
00040 #define MYSGN(a) (((a) > 0) ? 1 : -1)
00042 void DrawMolItem::draw_orbital(int density, int wavefnctype, int wavefncspin, 
00043                                int wavefncexcitation, int orbid, 
00044                                float isovalue, 
00045                                int drawbox, int style, 
00046                                float gridspacing, int stepsize, int thickness) {
00047   if (!mol->numframes() || gridspacing <= 0.0f)
00048     return; 
00050   // only recalculate the orbital grid if necessary
00051   int regenorbital=1;
00052   int useorbgridfromrep = -1;  // XXX repID with an existing grid we can reuse 
00054   if (density != orbgridisdensity ||
00055       wavefnctype != waveftype ||
00056       wavefncspin != wavefspin ||
00057       wavefncexcitation != wavefexcitation ||
00058       orbid != gridorbid ||
00059       gridspacing != orbgridspacing ||
00060       orbvol == NULL || 
00061       needRegenerate & MOL_REGEN ||
00062       needRegenerate & SEL_REGEN) {
00065     //
00066     // XXX hack to look for an existing orbital grid we can reuse as-is...
00067     //
00068     // This search loop allows the molecular orbital representations 
00069     // within the same molecule to reuse any existing
00070     // rep's molecular orbital grid if the orbital ID and various 
00071     // grid-specific parameters are all compatible.  This optimization
00072     // short-circuits the need for a rep to compute its own grid if
00073     // any other rep already has what it needs.  For large QM/MM scenes,
00074     // this optimization can be worth as much as a 2X speedup when
00075     // orbital computation dominates animation performance.
00076     int repcnt = mol->repList.num();
00077     int r;
00078     for (r=0; r<repcnt && useorbgridfromrep < 0; r++) {
00079       DrawMolItem *dmi = mol->repList[r];
00080       if (dmi->repNumber != repNumber) {
00081         AtomRep *ar = dmi->atomRep;
00082         if (ar->method() == AtomRep::ORBITAL) {
00083           if (orbid == dmi->gridorbid &&
00084               wavefnctype == dmi->waveftype &&
00085               wavefncspin == dmi->wavefspin &&
00086               wavefncexcitation == dmi->wavefexcitation &&
00087               gridspacing == dmi->orbgridspacing &&
00088               density == dmi->orbgridisdensity &&
00089               dmi->orbvol != NULL) {
00090 //            printf("Rep[%d]: orbid %d,  rep[%d]: %d\n", repNumber, orbid, r, dmi->gridorbid);
00091             useorbgridfromrep=r;
00092             delete orbvol;
00093             orbvol = dmi->orbvol; // XXX watch out when borrowing orbvol!
00094           }
00095         }
00096       }
00097     }
00099     if (useorbgridfromrep >= 0)
00100       regenorbital=0;
00101     else  
00102 #endif 
00103       regenorbital=1;
00104   }
00106   double motime=0, voltime=0, gradtime=0;
00107   wkf_timerhandle timer = wkf_timer_create();
00108   wkf_timer_start(timer);
00110   if (regenorbital) {
00111     // XXX this needs to be fixed so that things like the
00112     //     draw multiple frames feature will work correctly for Orbitals
00113     int frame = mol->frame(); // draw currently active frame
00114     const Timestep *ts = mol->get_frame(frame);
00116     if (!ts->qm_timestep || !mol->qm_data || 
00117         !mol->qm_data->num_basis || orbid < 1) {
00118       wkf_timer_destroy(timer);
00119       return;
00120     }
00122     // Find the  timestep independent wavefunction ID tag
00123     // by comparing type, spin, and excitation with the
00124     // signatures of existing wavefunctions.
00125     int waveid = mol->qm_data->find_wavef_id_from_gui_specs(
00126                   wavefnctype, wavefncspin, wavefncexcitation);
00128     // Translate the wavefunction ID into the index the
00129     // wavefunction has in this timestep
00130     int iwave = ts->qm_timestep->get_wavef_index(waveid);
00132     if (iwave<0 || 
00133         !ts->qm_timestep->get_wavecoeffs(iwave) ||
00134         !ts->qm_timestep->get_num_orbitals(iwave) ||
00135         orbid > ts->qm_timestep->get_num_orbitals(iwave)) {
00136       wkf_timer_destroy(timer);
00137       return;
00138     }
00140     // Get the orbital index for this timestep from the orbital ID.
00141     int orbindex = ts->qm_timestep->get_orbital_index_from_id(iwave, orbid);
00143     // Build an Orbital object and prepare to calculate a grid
00144     Orbital *orbital = mol->qm_data->create_orbital(iwave, orbindex, 
00145                                                     ts->pos, ts->qm_timestep);
00147     // Set the bounding box of the atom coordinates as the grid dimensions
00148     orbital->set_grid_to_bbox(ts->pos, 3.0, gridspacing);
00150     // XXX needs more testing, can get stuck for certain orbitals
00151 #if 0
00152     // XXX for GPU, we need to only optimize to a stepsize of 4 or more, as
00153     //     otherwise doing this actually slows us down rather than speeding up
00154     //     orbital.find_optimal_grid(0.01, 4, 8);
00155     // 
00156     // optimize: minstep 2, maxstep 8, threshold 0.01
00157     orbital->find_optimal_grid(0.01, 2, 8);
00158 #endif
00160     // Calculate the molecular orbital
00161     orbital->calculate_mo(mol, density);
00163     motime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);
00165     // query orbital grid origin, dimensions, and axes 
00166     const int *numvoxels = orbital->get_numvoxels();
00167     const float *origin = orbital->get_origin();
00169     float xaxis[3], yaxis[3], zaxis[3];
00170     orbital->get_grid_axes(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis);
00172     // build a VolumetricData object for rendering
00173     char dataname[64];
00174     sprintf(dataname, "molecular orbital %i", orbid);
00176     // update attributes of cached orbital grid
00177     orbgridisdensity = density;
00178     waveftype = wavefnctype;
00179     wavefspin = wavefncspin;
00180     wavefexcitation = wavefncexcitation;
00181     gridorbid = orbid;
00182     orbgridspacing = gridspacing;
00183     delete orbvol;
00184     orbvol = new VolumetricData(dataname, origin, 
00185                                 xaxis, yaxis, zaxis,
00186                                 numvoxels[0], numvoxels[1], numvoxels[2],
00187                                 orbital->get_grid_data());
00188     delete orbital;
00190     voltime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);
00192     orbvol->compute_volume_gradient(); // calc gradients: smooth vertex normals
00194     gradtime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);
00195   } // regen the orbital grid...
00198   // draw the newly created VolumetricData object 
00199   sprintf(commentBuffer, "Mol[%d] Rep[%d] Orbital", mol->id(), repNumber);
00200   cmdCommentX.putdata(commentBuffer, cmdList);
00202   if (drawbox > 0) {
00203     // don't texture the box if color by volume is active
00204     if (atomColor->method() == AtomColor::VOLUME) {
00205       append(DVOLTEXOFF);
00206     }
00207     // wireframe only?  or solid?
00208     if (style > 0 || drawbox == 2) {
00209       draw_volume_box_lines(orbvol);
00210     } else {
00211       draw_volume_box_solid(orbvol);
00212     }
00213     if (atomColor->method() == AtomColor::VOLUME) {
00214       append(DVOLTEXON);
00215     }
00216   }
00218   if ((drawbox == 2) || (drawbox == 0)) {
00219     switch (style) {
00220       case 3:
00221         // shaded points isosurface looping over X-axis, 1 point per voxel
00222         draw_volume_isosurface_lit_points(orbvol, isovalue, stepsize, thickness);
00223         break;
00225       case 2:
00226         // points isosurface looping over X-axis, max of 1 point per voxel
00227         draw_volume_isosurface_points(orbvol, isovalue, stepsize, thickness);
00228         break;
00230       case 1:
00231         // lines implementation, max of 18 line per voxel (3-per triangle)
00232         draw_volume_isosurface_lines(orbvol, isovalue, stepsize, thickness);
00233         break;
00235       case 0:
00236       default:
00237         // trimesh polygonalized surface, max of 6 triangles per voxel
00238         draw_volume_isosurface_trimesh(orbvol, isovalue, stepsize);
00239         break;
00240     }
00241   }
00243   // XXX if we reused the orbital grid from another rep, we have to 
00244   //     null out orbvol so we don't try and free another reps memory later...
00245   if (useorbgridfromrep >= 0) {
00246     orbvol = NULL; // XXX watch out, un-copy the pointer to the borrowed grid
00247   }
00249   if (regenorbital) {
00250     double surftime = wkf_timer_timenow(timer);
00251     if (surftime > 5) {
00252       char strmsg[1024];
00253       sprintf(strmsg, "Total MO rep time: %.3f [MO: %.3f vol: %.3f grad: %.3f surf: %.2f]",
00254               surftime, motime, voltime - motime, gradtime - motime, surftime - gradtime);
00256       msgInfo << strmsg << sendmsg;
00257     }
00258   }
00260   wkf_timer_destroy(timer);
00261 }

Generated on Tue Feb 11 02:43:15 2025 for VMD (current) by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002