#include <string.h>
#include "Command.h"
#include "VMDApp.h"
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Compounds | |
class | CmdMolActive |
make the Nth molecule 'active' or 'inactive'. More... | |
class | CmdMolAddRep |
add a new representation to the specified molecule. More... | |
class | CmdMolBondsRecalc |
re-analyze structure after atom names, bonds, etc have been modified. More... | |
class | CmdMolCancel |
Cancel the loading/saving of a coordinate file. More... | |
class | CmdMolChangeRep |
change the representation to the current defaults. More... | |
class | CmdMolChangeRepItem |
change 1 representation characteristic for the specified mol. More... | |
class | CmdMolColor |
set the current atom coloring method in moleculeList. More... | |
class | CmdMolDelete |
delete the Nth molecule in the molecule List. More... | |
class | CmdMolDeleteRep |
delete a representation for the specified molecule. More... | |
class | CmdMolDrawFrames |
Set the range of frames to draw for this rep. More... | |
class | CmdMolFix |
make the Nth molecule 'fixed' or 'free'. More... | |
class | CmdMolLoad |
Notification that a molecule has been created. More... | |
class | CmdMolMaterial |
set the current atom material method in moleculeList. More... | |
class | CmdMolNew |
Create a new molecule. More... | |
class | CmdMolNumPeriodic |
Set the number of periodic images displayed for the selected representation. More... | |
class | CmdMolOn |
make the Nth molecule 'on' or 'off'. More... | |
class | CmdMolReanalyze |
re-analyze structure after atom names, bonds, etc have been modified. More... | |
class | CmdMolRename |
rename a molecule. More... | |
class | CmdMolRep |
set the current atom representation in moleculeList. More... | |
class | CmdMolRepColorUpdate |
Change the auto-update for the color of the specified rep. More... | |
class | CmdMolRepSelUpdate |
Change the auto-update for the selection of the specified rep. More... | |
class | CmdMolScaleMinmax |
Set the color scale min/max range for the selected representation. More... | |
class | CmdMolSelect |
set the current atom selection in moleculeList. More... | |
class | CmdMolShowInstances |
Set which instance images are displayed for the selected representation. More... | |
class | CmdMolShowPeriodic |
Set which periodic images are displayed for the selected representation. More... | |
class | CmdMolShowRep |
Set the "shown" state for the selected representation. More... | |
class | CmdMolSmoothRep |
Set the trajectory smoothing window size for the selected representation. More... | |
class | CmdMolSSRecalc |
recalculate secondary structure based on current coordinates. More... | |
class | CmdMolTop |
make the Nth molecule 'top'. More... | |
class | CmdMolVolume |
Add a new volumetric dataset to the selected molecule. More... |