#include "Command.h"
#include "DisplayDevice.h"
#include "utilities.h"
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Compounds | |
class | CmdDisplayAAOn |
turn on/off antialiasing. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayAOAmbient |
Set ambient occlusion ambient factor. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayAODirect |
Set ambient occlusion direct lighting factor. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayAOOn |
Set ambient occlusion rendering mode. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayAxes |
Change the axes location. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayBackgroundGradientOn |
turn on/off background gradient. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayCacheMode |
set caching mode of display. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayClip |
clipping plane controls This handles the whole range of clipping plane options There are derived classes so you won't have to have the funky flags to change {near,fixed} clipping plane {to a fixed,by a relative} amount or not. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayClipFar |
Change the far clipping plane to a fixed value. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayClipFarRel |
Change the far clipping plane to by a relative value. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayClipNear |
Change the near clipping plane to a fixed value leaving everything else up to the base class :). More... | |
class | CmdDisplayClipNearRel |
Change the near clipping plane to by a relative value. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayCueDensity |
Set the depth cueing exp/exp2 density parameter. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayCueEnd |
Set the depth cueing end distance. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayCueMode |
Set depth cueing mode. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayCueStart |
Set the depth cueing start distance. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayCullingOn |
turn on/off culling. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayDepthcueOn |
turn on/off depth cueing. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayDoFFNumber |
Set depth of field f/stop number. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayDoFFocalDist |
Set depth of field focal plane distance. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayDoFOn |
Set depth of field rendering mode. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayEyesep |
set eye separation of display. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayFocallen |
set focal length of display. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayFPSOn |
FPS indicator. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayLightHL |
Highlight the Nth light. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayLightMove |
set the position of the Nth light. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayLightOn |
Turn on/off the Nth light. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayLightRot |
rotate the position of the Nth light. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayProj |
set the projection to either perspective or orthographic. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayRenderMode |
set rendering mode of display. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayScreenDistance |
set distance to screen from origin. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayScreenHeight |
set screen height value. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayShadowOn |
Set shadow rendering mode. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayStageLocation |
Change the stage location. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayStagePanels |
Set the number of stage panels. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayStageSize |
Set the number of stage panels. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayStereo |
set stereo mode of display. More... | |
class | CmdDisplayStereoSwap |
turn on/off stereo eye swap. More... | |
class | CmdResetView |
reset the current view for the current scene. More... |