NAMD-L: By Subject
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About this archive
Starting: Thu Jan 03 2013 - 06:24:44 CST
Ending: Tue Dec 30 2014 - 07:38:36 CST
- "BAK" format files
- "Beefier" benchmark
- "Hands-on" Workshop on Computational Biophysics at Lake Tahoe, August 4-8, 2014
- 'Hands-on' Workshop on Computational Biophysics using VMD, NAMD, and ProDy, June 10-14, 2013 in Pittsburgh, PA
- (no subject)
- *** glibc detected *** namd2: invalid fastbin entry (free)
- +p option on Windows 7
- .inpcrd to .pdb
- .psf file in VMD
- 1-5 Intramolecular repulsions
- 11/22/2014 6:32:52 PM
- 2-residue patch for Asn-Lys side chain amide bond
- 2-residue patch for hydrocarbon staple
- 2014 Aspen Center for Physics Workshop
- 2014 Biophysics Workshop In Aspen Colorado
- 2d periodic box
- 50% system CPU usage when parallel running NAMD on Rocks cluster
- 6 equilibration steps at charmm gui server
- [ANN] MDTraj 1.0: Trajectory Analysis in Python
- [charm] Charm 6.5.0 compilation issue
- [Checkpoint] BLCR and NAMD
- [External] Boost value in aMD simulation
- [OT] A new method for quantifying convergence of MD simulations
- [SOLVED] Charmrun> error x attaching to node
- [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Reg System Prepartion namd
- A fancy problem in calculating the protonated glutamic acid modelled by adding the patch of GLUP
- A larger protein data bank for performance benchmark
- a problem about pbc in a namd trajectory
- A problem in ABF simulations
- aa_ref-monomer-noh.dcd file in the tutorial of shape-based coarse grained (SBCG) simulation
- aa_ref-monomer-noh.dcd in shape-based coarse grained simulation
- ABF - distance between two domains
- ABF calculations in NAMD
- ABF force distribution
- ABF hBond
- ABF historyFile and distFile
- abf integrate on two dimensional pmf
- ABF simulation fails with "FATAL ERROR: Low global exclusion count!"
- ABF simulation, free energy to remove a DNA strand
- ABF simulations
- ABF simulations with barriers (adsorption)
- ABF subdividing the reaction coordinate
- ABF thermostats and energy introduced into the system
- ABF with the RMSD colvar
- ABF zCoord analog in colvars ?
- ABF/colvar error in NAMD2.9
- ABF: Distances in colvars.traj not identical with VMD exported distances
- abf_integrate
- About "add solvation"
- About a REMD tutorial
- About asterisk in IC statements in topology files
- About Bond Deletion
- About Constraint Failure
- About converting NAMD dcd file into CHARMM dcd file
- About electrostatic treatment
- About Fiorin-Klein-Henin recent colvar examples
- About Free energy tutorial for Membrane-Protein system
- about interaction between protein and its image in namd simulation
- About keep_water_out.tcl
- About Membrane anlysis
- About Muticore Linux Ibnstalltion if NAmd
- About NAMD
- About Namd Compilation
- About Namd Installation
- About Number of atoms in fixed atoms PDB doesn't match coordinate PDB
- About PLUMED with NAMD VMD
- About Psfgen error for Lipid molecules
- About Psfgen for cyclic peptide
- About Psfgen for membrane
- About restaring Simulation
- About Tcl8.3 error in namd2.8
- About the scope of show_replicas.vmd
- about the vdw Interpolation calculation in NAMD source code
- About Usage of Topolgy and Parameter
- About Warning in compilation of Namd
- Accelerated MD (aMD)
- accelerated MD and External Electric Field
- accelerated MD as the engine for loop refirement
- Accelerated MD in NAMD
- accelerated MD log
- Accelerated MD parameters
- accelerated MD parameters for dual boost mode
- Accelerated MD with transmembrane protein
- Accelerated Molecular Dynamics logs
- Accelerated molecular dynamics: Energy value in output file
- accelMD on GPUs
- Accumulating free energy change for applying colvar restraint
- Adaptive tempering exception error
- Adaptive tempering floating point exception
- Add acetyle and amin Group to peptide
- Adding HEME parameters
- Adding hydrogen atoms to the crystall structure
- alchElecLambdaStart (Thermodynamic Integration)
- alchemical free energy simulations with parmtop
- Alignment
- All CUDA devices are in prohibited mode, of compute capability 1.0, or otherwise unusable.
- Altering extrabonds forces during MD
- Always 24-way SMP?
- Amorphous Structure code or builder
- analysis of simulation output
- Analysis problem (Data vector empty)
- analyzing NAMD trajectory with NAMD Energy
- angles between residues
- anisotropic pressure control
- Annealing of SiO
- Annealing process of silica with excluded block
- Announcement: Hands-On Workshop On Computational Biophysics
- Any alternative to colvars for minimization?
- apoa1 slow Phase 1
- Apply magnetic field through TCLBC
- Apply torque with NAMD
- Approaching Deadline December 1st 2013 - Advanced LAMMPS and Scientific Software Development Workshop at ICTP in March 2014
- Are coordinates in the tclForces module loaded as wrapped?
- Are random forces applied at every step (when using the langevin thermostat) ?
- Aron Broom on NVIDIA CUDA Spotlight
- Asking for Free energy calculation advice
- Asking help on results of our GPU benchmark
- Assessing convergence in FEP calculations
- Assigning atom serial number after the first 99999 atoms
- Assigning different temperatures to simulation
- Assigning Partial Charges to FE in Active Site Superoxide Dismutase.
- Atom indices in collective variable definition
- Atom numbering
- Atom selection in Tcl Force script with Amber partop file
- Atomselect for coor, vel, xsc
- atomselect option for extracting protein-ligand complex
- automatic extraction of RMSD values of the heavy atoms of residues from NAMD output?
- autopsf (patch)
- AW:
- AW: "Beefier" benchmark
- AW: 50% system CPU usage when parallel running NAMD on Rocks cluster
- AW: [SOLVED] Charmrun> error x attaching to node
- AW: A larger protein data bank for performance benchmark
- AW: a problem about pbc in a namd trajectory
- AW: About Bond Deletion
- AW: About Constraint Failure
- AW: About NAMD
- AW: All CUDA devices are in prohibited mode, of compute capability 1.0, or otherwise unusable.
- AW: Always 24-way SMP?
- AW: anisotropic pressure control
- AW: Any alternative to colvars for minimization?
- AW: apoa1 slow Phase 1
- AW: Are random forces applied at every step (when using the langevin thermostat) ?
- AW: Asking help on results of our GPU benchmark
- AW: Assigning different temperatures to simulation
- AW: Assigning Partial Charges to FE in Active Site Superoxide Dismutase.
- AW: AW: "Beefier" benchmark
- AW: AW: AW: "Beefier" benchmark
- AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: Using nodelist file causes namd to hang
- AW: AW: AW: AW: FATAL ERROR: PME offload requires exactly one CUDA device per process.
- AW: AW: AW: AW: Using nodelist file causes namd to hang
- AW: AW: AW: FATAL ERROR: PME offload requires exactly one CUDA device per process.
- AW: AW: AW: Hybrid MPI + Multicore + Cuda build
- AW: AW: AW: Martini RBCG simulation frequently crashing with "atoms moving too fast"
- AW: AW: AW: pbc error
- AW: AW: AW: Using nodelist file causes namd to hang
- AW: AW: benchmark info
- AW: AW: charm++ MPI build errors on LSF Cluster: "Can not compile a MPI program"
- AW: AW: Coarse-Grained fatal error!
- AW: AW: CUDA problem?
- AW: AW: FATAL ERROR: PME offload requires exactly one CUDA device per process.
- AW: AW: hi every body,
- AW: AW: How to refer to side-chain via tcl-force scripting?
- AW: AW: Hybrid MPI + Multicore + Cuda build
- AW: AW: Martini RBCG simulation frequently crashing with "atoms moving too fast"
- AW: AW: Minimisation of protein in a water box
- AW: AW: Question to NAMD source
- AW: AW: smd simulation
- AW: AW: Using nodelist file causes namd to hang
- AW: AW: vmd-l: Occupancy maps
- AW: AW: Xeon vs i7 and ECC vs SDRAM
- AW: benchmark info
- AW: BUG: TCL coorfile command
- AW: Build polymer from monomer
- AW: Building crystal polymer
- AW: Bulk properties of polymers
- AW: C++ API
- AW: Can I define a simulation box but turn off the PBC at the same time?
- AW: Can protein-water electrostatic interaction be turned off keeping protein-protein (vdw+elect) and water-water (vdw+elect) interactions intact?
- AW: Can protein-water interaction be turned off keeping protein-protein and water-water interactions intact?
- AW: catdcd error
- AW: catdcd output and .psf file atom count mismatch
- AW: cell origin problem
- AW: charm++ MPI build errors on LSF Cluster: "Can not compile a MPI program"
- AW: charm-gui membrane builder
- AW: Coarse-Grained fatal error!
- AW: Coarse-grained reverse transformation
- AW: Colvar cannot be ran on supercomputer newton
- AW: Constraint failure in RATTLE
- AW: Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm
- AW: converting dcd files to netcdf or ascii
- AW: Coordinate vs. time plots
- AW: coordinates in namd
- AW: Coordinates of Carbon atoms on Graphite
- AW: CUDA error in cuda_check_local_progress
- AW: DCD writing error on cluster
- AW: Dihedrals multiplicity!
- AW: DNA surrounded by a shell of water in a big box with vacuum
- AW: Does MOLLY really retain bond motion for water?
- AW: Drifting water molecules
- AW: Error
- AW: Error in distributing the cores for a single processor
- AW: Error on write to binary file
- AW: ERROR: Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm for atom 593!
- AW: explicit NVT simulation
- AW: Exploding vdW energies in automatically generated POPC membranes
- AW: Extract KE, PE and total energy from log file
- AW: Fatal error..
- AW: FATAL ERROR: error parsing config file while executing <feff>
- AW: FATAL ERROR: seek failed while writing DCD file: No such file or directory
- AW: FEP on an amino acid ligand
- AW: First meeting with NAMD
- AW: Fixed and SMD atoms
- AW: fixed atom/Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm/
- AW: Fixing atoms while equilibration
- AW: floating point reproduceability
- AW: GPU/CPU workstation optimal simulation parameters for NAMD2.9 performance
- AW: GPUs silently stop working during simulation when oversubscribed
- AW: H-bonds cutoff angle criterian
- AW: H-bonds cutoff angle criterian. .
- AW: Help with "ERROR: Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm for atom XXXX!"
- AW: hi every body,
- AW: how to apply force SMD method on an anisotropic geometry
- AW: how to do a vacuum minimization without electrostatics and periodic boundary conditions?
- AW: How to extract the .coor, .vel and .xsc files for a conformation in the middle of trajectory
- AW: how to get cell vectors in tcl forces script
- AW: How to refer to side-chain via tcl-force scripting?
- AW: Hybrid MPI + Multicore + Cuda build
- AW: ibverb&&smp build NAMD
- AW: inconsistency between "Benchmark" and "Timing" output
- AW: information about simulation speed
- AW: Job script for multi node job
- AW: keeping Crystal angles constant
- AW: LES very slow
- AW: Link between simulations
- AW: Loading Velocity DCD file
- AW: Log file is not being updated
- AW: making patch
- AW: Martini RBCG simulation frequently crashing with "atoms moving too fast"
- AW: MD crashes at 300K after warm up MD
- AW: Minimisation of protein in a water box
- AW: Movie of a channel trajectory
- AW: moving out of the box
- AW: Mysterious slow down in parallel
- AW: NAMD 2.10 Manual
- AW: NAMD 2.10b1 CUDA PME offload
- AW: NAMD 2.9 CUDA compilation
- AW: NAMD 2.9 install on CLuster mpirun/charmrun with ibverb version ?
- AW: namd 2.9 tip4p-2005
- AW: NAMD CUDA performance
- AW: NAMD error LInux 3.11.10-21-desktop kernel AMD opternon 6272
- AW: NAMD Multicore CUDA usage
- AW: NAMD related
- AW: namd scale-up
- AW: NAMD with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors ?
- AW: NAMD-2.9:Help needed on how to write to different DCD files in a single running NAMD simulation??
- AW: NAMD-SMP-Ibverbs-CUDA assistance
- AW: NAMD/VMD installation on Linux Clusters with InfiniBand
- AW: NAMD2.9 single-node benchmarks, 0-2 Kepler GPU's.
- AW: NAMD_2.9_Linux-x86_64-ibverbs RUNS on QueenBee RUN TIME VARIATION
- AW: NAMD_2.9_Linux-x86_64-multicore-CUDA Segfaults
- AW: NamdMemoryReduction - genCompressedPsf
- AW: NBFIX 1-4 scaling term ignored for CHARMM format parameters
- AW: Nvidia GPUs
- AW: parallel code in tclforce script
- AW: paricle type in residue based coarse graining of NAMD
- AW: Pass a runtime parameter into the configuration file
- AW: pbc error
- AW: Percentage of Residues in Ramachandran Plot regions versus time of trajectory
- AW: problem in solvating a graphene layer created using VMD-nanotube builder
- AW: problem with ptch ...
- AW: Problem with replica exchange
- AW: problem with runiing namd through infiniband
- AW: Protein unfolding and Coarse grained
- AW: puzzle of SMD in NAMD-2.9 and pull code in Gromacs
- AW: question about '+devices'
- AW: Question about accelerated MD
- AW: question about CUDA-enabled
- AW: Question about how much used from CPU?
- AW: Question about loading velocity files on VMD
- AW: Question regarding reverse CG to all-atom
- AW: Question to NAMD source
- AW: questions regarding the source code in NAMD
- AW: RATTLE algorithm
- AW: rcmd: socket: All ports in use w/ NAMD_2.9_Linux-x86_64-ibverbs
- AW: recent comparison of NAMD to other MD engines
- AW: Reg: deformation of water box during equilibration
- AW: Reg: minimization
- AW: Reg: movement of protein outside box
- AW: Reg: QM/MM calculations in NAMD
- AW: Regarding installing Namd 2.9 on windows xp 32 bit system
- AW: Regarding NAMD and MD simulations
- AW: Regarding Temperature calculation from velocity trajectory of NAMD-2.9
- AW: remd across gpus
- AW: REMD on IBM iDataPlex DX360M3
- AW: remd run command question
- AW: Replica exchange, colvars & harmonic restraints
- AW: Require Suggestion
- AW: residue_rmsd.tcl segmentation fault
- AW: Restart simulation of an equilibrated bilayer with sugar molecules inserted
- AW: Runaway cuda-enabled namd2 processes
- AW: Running Charmrun/NAMD with more than 10 processes fails
- AW: Running CUDA-enabled NAMD on multiple nodes without InfiniBand?
- AW: running namd in parallel
- AW: running NAMD on Amazon EC2?
- AW: Running namd on linux in cpu+gpu mode
- AW: Running NAMD on SGE cluster - multiple modes and cores
- AW: Running NAMD via GROMACS topology
- AW: Scaling on 64 core nodes?
- AW: Scaling problem: 4 nodes OK, 5 fails to start
- AW: secondary structure analysis
- AW: Self-Assemble Monolayer--Periodic Boundary Conditions
- AW: Separate water coordinates from graphite
- AW: Should PME be used for electrostatic interaction energy calculations?
- AW: Simulation crash during NPT equilibration
- AW: slice of water box
- AW: smd simulation
- AW: solvated system for minimization
- AW: spectrum simulation
- AW: Suggestions while building a GPU-machine (CUDA) for NAMD use!
- AW: TclForces and efficient PBC corrections
- AW: TclForces wrapmode FATAL ERROR: Setting parameter wrapmode from script failed
- AW: Trouble loading frames from large DCD files
- AW: Two GPU-based workstation
- AW: Using nodelist file causes namd to hang
- AW: Various questions
- AW: VDW energy is negative but total energy is positive
- AW: velocity manipulation
- AW: vmd-l: AMD vs. nvidia support
- AW: vmd-l: Creating custom molecule in VMD scripting
- AW: vmd-l: Error: Maximum number of bonds exceeded
- AW: vmd-l: fftk-charges
- AW: vmd-l: Finding particles that are close
- AW: vmd-l: how to enable multiple core rendering?
- AW: vmd-l: matching part of two models
- AW: vmd-l: non-orthorhombic PBCs
- AW: vmd-l: Occupancy maps
- AW: vmd-l: SangbaeLee: question about pbc wrap
- AW: vmd-l: Stray PME grid
- AW: Why CPU Usage is low when I run ibverbs-smp-cuda version NAMD
- AW: Why does my volume suddenly expand as I increase temperature.
- AW: wrapping in two dimensions
- AW: writedcd problem
- AW: Xeon vs i7 and ECC vs SDRAM
- AW: 回复: Shift (or offset) of the lipid bilayer along Z axis during equilibration
- Bad global bond count
- Bad global crossterm count!
- BAR-estimator error of ParseFEP plugin version 1.5 in VMD 1.9.1
- Basic question about impropers
- benchmark info
- bilayer creation
- binding free energy calculation
- Biotin force field
- BKS potential
- Bonds in XPLOR format
- Boost value in aMD simulation
- boron nitride nanotube
- Bug in T-REMD with colvars
- BUG Report: NAMD 2.10 Nightly Build from 11.Sep
- bugs in NAMD_TI script?
- Build polymer from monomer
- Building crystal polymer
- building namd on a Cray XE6 with Interlagos procs
- Bulk properties of polymers
- C++ API
- Calculate binding free energy
- Calculating density for a molecule
- calculating free energy
- Calculating pressure on each direction
- Calculating the force needed to constrain a protein
- Call for participation: ISQBP Meeting, Telluride 15-19.06.2014
- Can a small langevinDamping coefficient lead to 'ERROR: atoms moving too fast'?
- Can I define a simulation box but turn off the PBC at the same time?
- can i use swap partition to increase ram in namd?
- Can NAMD does Langevin Dynamics Simulation
- Can protein-water electrostatic interaction be turned off keeping protein-protein (vdw+elect) and water-water (vdw+elect) interactions intact?
- Can protein-water interaction be turned off keeping protein-protein and water-water interactions intact?
- can't run multiple jobs with multiple gpus
- Cannot find colvar dih1 (dih colvars)
- carboxyl NBFIX on proteins
- Carma v.1.3 available for download
- Carma v.1.4 released.
- catdcd error
- catdcd output and .psf file atom count mismatch
- CatDCD windows binaries
- cell origin problem
- Cellulose MD simulations
- center of mass calculation in the tcl interface
- Center of mass motion included in Temperature?
- CGenFF atom type N-
- CHAMBER generated .prmtop file is not compatable with namd2
- change in pdb..
- changing damping coefficient during simulation
- Changing NAMD XY restraint
- Charge distribution
- Charm 6.5.0 compilation issue
- charm++ MPI build errors on LSF Cluster: "Can not compile a MPI program"
- charm-gui membrane builder
- CHARMGUI and ligands parametrisation
- Charmm
- CHARMM-c36, glycans and RATTLE
- chloromethyl ketone patch?
- choose the best equilibrium arrangement of water molecules
- Choosing of windows and width for Umbrella Sampling
- Citating colvars module
- citing SODIUM program
- CNT coarse grain
- Coarse grain parameter files
- Coarse-Grained fatal error!
- Coarse-grained reverse transformation
- coarse-grained simulation: FATAL ERROR: UNABLE TO FIND BOND PARAMETERS FOR C5M P5 (ATOMS 1 2)
- code implementation based on NAMD source code
- colavrs ABF restart not matching
- Collective variable data analysis using WHAM
- Collective variable module
- collective variables new paper
- Collective Variables to Restrain Ions Away From Protein
- Colvar cannot be ran on supercomputer newton
- colvar DistanceZ
- colvar keyword ForceNoPBC
- COLVAR metadynamics: center of mass of atoms crossing simulation box
- COLVAR related quesion
- Colvar: minimal distance between 2 groups of atoms
- colvars and parallel-tempering with namd2.10
- colvars angle centerReference
- colvars configuration file example
- Colvars error
- colvars fatal error
- Colvars keyword problem
- Colvars periodic boundary treatment question
- colvars replica exchange oddity
- Colvars RMSD syntax with a moving reference frame
- Colvars simulation running slow?
- colvars with replica exchange molecular dynamics
- Combining interleaved and top posting is considered harmful.
- Combining several proteins of the same type together
- Compile NAMD with FFTW3 and MPI
- Compile NAMD2.9 on Xeon Phi
- compiling namd-lite
- Compiling with Open64 for AMD Opteron 6378
- Computational Biophysics Workshop using NAMD and VMD, November 18-22, 2013, Urbana, Illinois, USA
- Computational Electrostatics for Biological Application (CEBA'13) - July 1-3 2013 - Genoa - Italy
- computing forces on atoms by postprocessing a dcd file generated with FEP enabled
- Conceptual questions about GPU acceleration
- confines volume effects
- Constant pressure energy minimization
- Constant Pressure, Variable Volume, Minimization
- Constant volume energy minimization
- Constraining two sets of atoms
- Constraint failure in RATTLE
- Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm
- Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm occurs during NAMD simulation with amber force field
- constraint file from amber prmtop/inpcrd
- Convergence of Sampling and Deciding on Simulation Length
- converting dcd files to netcdf or ascii
- Coordinate vs. time plots
- coordinates in namd
- Coordinates of Carbon atoms on Graphite
- Cost of a colvar calculation
- create psf file without hydrogens
- creating coarse grain model with martini force field
- Cross-correlation analysis in multidomain proteins
- cuda error
- CUDA error in cuda_check_local_progress
- CUDA error in cuda_check_remote_progress on Pe 2
- CUDA error memcpy to exclusions: invalid argument
- CUDA Fatal Error While Trying to Run Under Windows 8.1
- CUDA vd non-CUDA for minimization
- Current bias values
- Current CVS broken? (SortedArray.h)
- DCD file doubles a monomer
- dcd to pdb for trajectory analysis
- DCD writing error on cluster
- Defining colvars groups of atoms for ABF
- delta-G calculation
- Density of water box
- Detection of Internal water along MD trajectory
- Determining HIS protonation state using PropKa vmd plug-in
- DEVELOPER QUESTION -> NAMD Internal energy unit and TCL interface
- Difficulties with using the "rescalevels" command every MD timestep
- diffusion of protein into water box
- dihedral parameter conversion
- Dihedrals multiplicity!
- Dioxygen atom type with CHARMM36
- Dioxygen params charmm36
- direction of pull in namd
- Distance Constraints in ABF Simulation
- distanceZ - harmonic restraints
- DNA surrounded by a shell of water in a big box with vacuum
- DNA terminals and charges
- Does MOLLY really retain bond motion for water?
- Does NAMD have some way to test the result?
- Does NAMD read the PDB element field?
- Does stray PME charges with T-REMD mean insufficient resources and can explicit water abandoned for implicit GB?
- Drifting water molecules
- Drude polarizable force field
- Dual boost accelerated md energy parameters?
- dynamic_cast cannot be done without runtime type information
- editing the code of the non bonded pair potentials
- Effect of phi, psi cross term map (CMAP) correction on result of MD simulation
- efficient way to apply time-dependent electric field
- eigenvector colvar
- Electronic density profile of lipid bilayer.
- Empirical force fields: release new version of RED Server Dev/PyRED
- Empirical force fields: release of R.E.D. Server Dev./PyRED Nov. 2014
- Energy Correction Term For PME Electrostatics in a Charged Periodic System
- Energy term in output file of Accelerated dynamics
- Epoxy CHARMM
- Equilibration of the membrane bilayers with CUDA-support
- Equilibration of the membrane-protein system done in CHARMM-GUI
- Error
- error : segmentation fault
- Error compiling NAMD2.9 after patching with PLUMED2.1
- Error in distributing the cores for a single processor
- Error in implicit solvent MD
- Error in PSF gen
- error message
- Error on write to binary file
- error when doing minimization with the charmm Drude FF
- Error when running MIC version of namd on Stampede
- error while making psf file for bacteriorhodopsin system
- Error while running the infiniband version.
- Error with dummy atoms
- Error with NAMD Energy
- Error with show_replicas.vmd
- ERROR: Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm for atom 474!
- ERROR: Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm for atom 593!
- ERROR: Could not translate the value....into a Vector for the option 'cellOrigin'
- ERROR: Molecule destroyed by fatal error
- Evaluate energy of "protein + two closest ions"
- exchange force constants
- excluded interactions (NNB) in psf file for FEP simulations
- Excluding non bonded interactions between segments
- expected speed up after fixing atoms?
- explicit membrane in implicit solvent
- explicit NVT simulation
- Exploding vdW energies in automatically generated POPC membranes
- Extent of Sampling possible using classical all-atom MD Simulations
- Extract KE, PE and total energy from log file
- Extracting Kinetic Energy of Certain Atoms
- FAD topology and parameters
- fail to guess missing coordinates
- Failure of namd2.10 in keeping trace of cell in t-remd
- Failure with compilation namd2.9-cuda_plumed1.3_recon
- Fatal Error by charmc.../usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsrfftw. Please help!
- FATAL ERROR Unknown parameter in charmm parameter file
- Fatal error..
- FATAL ERROR: Bad global bond count!
- FATAL ERROR: error parsing config file while executing <feff>
- FATAL ERROR: Low global exclusion count! (9231 vs 9270) System unstable or pairlistdist or cutoff too small.
- FATAL ERROR: PME offload requires exactly one CUDA device per process.
- FATAL ERROR: seek failed while writing DCD file: No such file or directory
- FATAL ERROR: Setting parameter colvars from script failed!
- FATAL ERROR: Setting parameter tclForces from script failed!
- Fe-N bond parameters
- FEP calculations: optimizing the dlambda, number of steps
- FEP Error - TCL
- FEP error using CUDA
- FEP failure - FFTW problem?
- FEP is in kj/mol
- FEP of water molecule in binding pocket
- FEP on an amino acid ligand
- FEP OpenMPI Error
- FEP result analysis
- FEP simulation on membrane protein
- FEP simulation: protein moving out of water box.
- FEP, Ewald size-dependence charge correction
- ffTK and phase angles
- FFTK Atom types
- ffTK problem: initial parameter fiel is viod of atoms!
- ffTK problem: initial parameter file is void of of atoms!
- ffTK problem: OPT.Charges
- file for fixed atoms is not found! - but the file exist actually
- Final link of namd2 executable fails under AIX with xlC compiler
- First meeting with NAMD
- Fixed and SMD atoms
- fixed atom/Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm/
- Fixed atoms.
- FixedAtoms and Reference group in spinangle colvar
- Fixing atoms while equilibration
- Fixing Langevin piston to allow off-diagonal stress (and why does the source say "FIX THIS"?)
- Flags for TIP3 water with NAMD/AMBER FF
- floating point reproduceability
- Folic acid parameters
- Force field design
- Force field for sulfated tyrosines
- force field parameter for graphene oxide
- Force Field Parameters for PEG
- forward
- Free energy calculation of proton transfer with FEP
- Free Energy Calculation Question
- Free Energy Calculation Using Thermodynamic Integration
- Free energy calculations
- free energy methods cheat-sheet/comparison chart
- Free Energy Perturbation
- Free Energy using atomic coordinates as CVs
- Free Energy Workshop, Mnster, March 9-11Q_2015?=
- full electrostatics and pairlistdist
- FullDirect Electrostatics
- Fwd:
- Fwd: [External] Boost value in aMD simulation
- Fwd: About "add solvation"
- Fwd: Bug in T-REMD with colvars
- Fwd: Can protein-water interaction be turned off keeping protein-protein and water-water interactions intact?
- Fwd: Cannot find colvar dih1 (dih colvars)
- Fwd: charm-gui membrane builder
- Fwd: colvars with replica exchange molecular dynamics
- Fwd: Constraint failure in RATTLE
- Fwd: CUDA error in cuda_check_remote_progress on Pe 2
- Fwd: deca-alanin folding by remd parallel tempering
- Fwd: Error in PSF gen
- Fwd: Failure of namd2.10 in keeping trace of cell in t-remd
- Fwd: Failure with compilation namd2.9-cuda_plumed1.3_recon
- Fwd: Getting extra atoms by Patching!
- Fwd: Inconsistency in fast table energy vs force
- Fwd: Low global exclusion count on parallel tempering, not on MD
- Fwd: Majordomo results
- Fwd: membrane lipid involvement of cholesterol
- Fwd: NAMD 2.9 CUDA compilation
- Fwd: NAMD tcouple atoms moving too fast
- Fwd: PCIexpress 3.0 for MD with NAMD on GPUs
- Fwd: PCL dcd files
- Fwd: Pressure in NPT ensamble
- Fwd: question about CUDA-enabled
- Fwd: Reg: solvation in DMSO
- Fwd: Regarding Temperature calculation from velocity trajectory of NAMD-2.9
- Fwd: REMD on IBM iDataPlex DX360M3
- Fwd: replica exchange and colvars
- Fwd: Restarting T-REMD with colvars
- Fwd: Stray PME grid charges on increasing number of replicas and T-range with T-REMD
- Fwd: TCL command "run" erratic
- Fwd: Troubles to converge while running bidirectional FEP
- Fwd: vmd-l: HEME acting unplanar
- GBIS CUDA not yet compatible with fixed atoms
- GBIS using CUDA enabled NAMD
- Generalized Born Implicit solvation with implicit membrane
- Generating .psf for amorphous disaccharide
- Generating topology files for crystalline materials
- Geometric center of a residue over time
- get topology and parameter file for the ligand.
- getting different dihedral energy with two identical backbones
- Getting extra atoms by Patching!
- Gold nanoparticle
- GPU/CPU workstation optimal simulation parameters for NAMD2.9 performance
- GPUs silently stop working during simulation when oversubscribed
- Graphene simualtion
- grcarma : a graphical user interface to carma
- gromacs to NAMD
- Guideline for selecting water box size.
- H-Bond measurements
- H-bonds cutoff angle criterian
- harmonic restraints between multiple atom pairs
- Help regarding PMF with SMD
- Help to solve the error
- Help with "ERROR: Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm for atom XXXX!"
- HEME acting unplanar
- Hexagonal cell instability during lipid bilayer sim in NAMD 2.9
- hey! you! why did my simulation crash?
- Hi
- hi every body,
- HMMM model
- how does NAMD calculate intramolecular electrostatic interactions between Drude pairs?
- How I can to change the force field function in NAMD for protein phi-value analysis
- How Pressureprofile output are averaged ?
- How to Amend a PBD file for NAMD
- How to apply a magnetic field with NAMD
- how to apply force SMD method on an anisotropic geometry
- How to apply Symmetry boundary on NAMD
- How to compile NAMD2.9 in IBM AIX UNIX$B!)(B
- How to converse Coarse-Grained structure into all-atom structure
- how to convert CHARMM TIP3P to traditional TIP3P
- how to do a vacuum minimization without electrostatics and periodic boundary conditions?
- How to extract the .coor, .vel and .xsc files for a conformation in the middle of trajectory
- how to fix the problem
- How to get cell information from within calcforces in TclForces
- how to get cell vectors in tcl forces script
- How to maintain Density constant?
- How to optimize parameters in command for NAMD CUDA GPU MD calculations?
- How to parametrize new atom types in Namd
- How to prepare FEP input files for double mutant
- how to quantify and visualize the flow of water into a protein
- How to recenter a waterbox with ions around my protein?
- How to refer to side-chain via tcl-force scripting?
- How to remove center of mass translation of macromolecule
- How to replace NAMD electrostatics
- How to setting tilt component in colvars module
- How to setup a system with two pulling directions
- How to solvate a protein using C36 and not C27
- How to split large NAMD DCD file
- How to stop omega trans-cis switching
- how to switch off protein-water electrostatic interaction keeping the protein-water vdw interactions intact
- How to use ParseFEP plugin to carry out FEP analysis for several forward and backward *.fepout files when lambda is from 0 to 1
- How to write dcd file within Tclforce script
- How we can merge protein and ligand complex?
- Hwo to switch from NPT to NVT
- Hybrid MPI + Multicore + Cuda build
- Hydration of protein-lipid interface
- I have a question about pair interaction energy calculations.
- I would like to unsubscribe
- ibverb&&smp build NAMD
- iDataPlex
- if{} statements
- Implementation of ELASTIC NETWORK model in NAMD
- Implementing the Virtual Bond Algorithm Using Colvars
- implicit solvent
- Implicit solvent lipid bilayer simulation in NAMD.
- Implicit water with explicit ions
- Improve scaling for large amount of fixed atoms
- Improving MDFF results
- improving tclforce efficiency, getting "Signal: segmentation violation" error
- inconsistency between "Benchmark" and "Timing" output
- Inconsistency in fast table energy vs force
- INCONSISTENCY messages and minimization in toturial 1-2-sphere
- Incorporating some ions with specific location
- incorrect bond
- Info: Pairlistdist is too small for 3 computes during timestep 115001
- information about simulation speed
- Inquiry about forceConstant
- Inquiry about lipid membrane simulation
- Insertion of GPCR in the POPC Bilayer
- Inspiration for most efficient implementation of coarse grained forcefield.
- Instability in thermodynamic integration
- Installation Protocol of NAMD on Linux Cluster
- Interaction energy definition
- Interactive molecular dynamics question
- Intermolecular potential energy function in NAMD
- Invalid command error
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
- Invitation to Submit Review Article Current Protein & Peptide Science (IF: 2.326)
- Ion Au+3 simulation
- Is it so different when setting reinitvels or not?
- is the aMD implementation compatible with AMBER force fields
- Is there any point in running NAMD over an ethernet-linked cluster?
- Issues with the "Keep Water Out" tcl script
- jeremy adler
- Job script for multi node job
- Kb, Ktheta values for TIP3P water model
- keeping Crystal angles constant
- Launching namd GPU-MPI vs GPU-binary
- Lennard Jones (LJ) parameters
- LES very slow
- Ligand in association with water
- Linear force ramp increments in ABF
- Link between simulations
- Linuxtag
- Lipid bilayer tears apart during simulation
- Liquid Simulation Failure
- LJcorrection
- Loading and analysis of DCD file (~300 MB)
- Loading Velocity DCD file
- local pressure profile for water liquid-vapor
- Locally Enhanced Sampling
- Log file is not being updated
- Lone Pair on H2S
- lone pair velocities
- long running sim dies
- Loss of Translational entropy calculation in FEP
- Low global exclusion count on parallel tempering, not on MD
- Mac OS Binary for NAMD 2.10
- making patch
- Margin setup
- Martini 2.2 and ElNeDyn in NAMD
- MARTINI Bad global angle count
- Martini forcefield RBCG and ENM
- Martini RBCG
- Martini RBCG simulation frequently crashing with "atoms moving too fast"
- MD crashes at 300K after warm up MD
- MD simulation Patch grid errors
- MDFF - should hydrogens be included?
- MDFF force threshold
- MDFF volumetric map
- Mechanical Properties of protein
- medwater config
- Membrane and NPAT
- membrane bilayer crosses the z axis boundaries of the box and separates into two layers
- membrane lipid involvement of cholesterol
- membrane protein simulation lipid bilayer question
- Membrane/peptide system. Water moving from one layer to the other ...
- memory demands of REMD
- memory problem
- Merging the two files......
- metadynamics
- Metadynamics pmf restart
- Metadynamics test along eigenvector
- Metadynamics with eigenvector
- Method for solvation of protein
- Minimisation issue
- Minimisation of protein in a water box
- Minimisation problem
- minimization does not converge
- minimization with symmetry restrain
- Minimization/Equilibrium problem, atoms moving too fast
- minimizer slowly moving atoms with bad contacts downhill
- Misleading failure of VMD with charge/CGenFF from waterbox
- MM-PBSA calculation
- MMPBSA calculation using NAMD
- MMPBSA Energy Calculations using VMD (Post-Processing)
- MMPBSA-like analysis
- modeling missing loops in starting structures
- Modify Molecule.C to avoid fatal error?
- Molecular Dynamics of Rigid Linear Molecules in NAMD.
- Molecular Shape Searching on GPUs
- Monitoring progress of an ongoing molecular dynamics simulation
- Morse potentail with charmm 27
- Movie of a channel trajectory
- moving out of the box
- MPICH 3 with Namd2/Charm
- Multiple dihedral with multiplicity of 7 greater than max of 6
- multiple harmonic constrains
- Multiple input and output files
- multiple vectors in SMD
- My calcforces does not work properly after a unknown point of the simulation.
- Mysterious slow down in parallel
- NADH topology file
- NAMD "tCouple" option
- NAMD 2.10 Manual
- NAMD 2.10 released
- NAMD 2.10b1 CUDA PME offload
- NAMD 2.10b1 released
- NAMD 2.10b1: occasional corrupted frame in binary dcd output
- NAMD 2.10b2 released
- NAMD 2.9 Changing/Replacing atoms in multiple molecules
- NAMD 2.9 CUDA compilation
- NAMD 2.9 ibverbs: Charmrun crashing on checkpoint-restart
- NAMD 2.9 install on CLuster mpirun/charmrun with ibverb version ?
- NAMD 2.9 jobs hanging.
- NAMD 2.9 quits early without error message.
- NAMD 2.9 Replica-exchange. FATAL ERROR: Unknown command-line option +replicas
- namd 2.9 tip4p-2005
- Namd and CUDA on Debian Wheezy
- NAMD and usable FFs
- NAMD and water models
- NAMD build problems on PowerPC under Red Hat Enterprise
- namd conf file
- NAMD configuration file
- namd coulomb conversion factor
- NAMD CUDA performance
- NAMD CVS_CUDA ERROR: "all CUDA-capable devices are busy or unavailable"
- NAMD electrostatic interaction Failure
- NAMD electrostatic interaction Failure.
- NAMD energy calculation
- NAMD energy minimization
- NAMD energy plugin
- NAMD energy plugin - dielectric constant
- NAMD error LInux 3.11.10-21-desktop kernel AMD opternon 6272
- NAMD exiting on startup phase
- Namd grid forces -distance between molecule and surface
- namd ibverbs compile target
- NAMD Internal energy unit
- NAMD job submission on Kraken?
- NAMD mailing list unsubscribe instructions
- NAMD Multicore CUDA usage
- NAMD on CRAY XE6m-200: dynamic linking in tcl not working
- NAMD on Rescale
- NAMD on Stampede
- NAMD on Stempede (and other MIC Coprocessor systems)
- Namd options from TCL
- NAMD Output files
- NAMD PBS Parallel Job Error
- NAMD post processing analysis....
- NAMD Pressure profile calculations
- NAMD pressureProfile command
- NAMD related
- namd scale-up
- namd simulation for solids withoy solvation
- NAMD simulation with flag similar to -maxh in Gromacs
- NAMD Tutorial - Water Sphere - Altering size of water sphere
- namd with ff99sb
- NAMD with Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors ?
- NAMD with NVIDIA Quadro K5000?
- NAMD with pbs script
- NAMD-2.9:Help needed on how to write to different DCD files in a single running NAMD simulation??
- namd-I: sub-routine code in NAMD
- namd-l digest V1 #1282
- namd-l digest V1 #979
- NAMD-Lite
- namd-slurm file
- NAMD-SMP-Ibverbs-CUDA assistance
- namd/bluegeneQ
- NAMD/MIC & CUDA on Stampede
- NAMD/VMD installation on Linux Clusters with InfiniBand
- namd2 CUDA errors for non-superusers in Debian
- NAMD2.9 single-node benchmarks, 0-2 Kepler GPU's.
- NAMD_2.9_Linux-x86_64-ibverbs RUNS on QueenBee RUN TIME VARIATION
- NAMD_2.9_Linux-x86_64-multicore-CUDA Segfaults
- NAMD_energy_plot
- NAMD_multiprocessor
- namdenergy and namd
- NAMDEnergy: FATAL ERROR: Please add +idlepoll to command line for proper performance
- NamdMemoryReduction - genCompressedPsf
- Nanotube Simulation
- Nanotube tutorial
- NBFIX 1-4 scaling term ignored for CHARMM format parameters
- negative VdW energy and Elect energy
- New empirical force field tools: Release of R.E.D. Server Dev./R.E.D. Python
- New partial charges after patching
- New: Colvars project page
- Newbie GPU user, please help with my submission line
- Non standar solvent
- Non-equilibrium effects in ABF runs
- non-neutralized system
- non-planarity problem! NOE restraints!
- Nonstandard ligand-DNA system
- Normal Mode Analysis in NAMD
- not fatal error but no more information
- not reading improper angle from amber1.5 ff12SB
- Nucleic acid stains parameters
- Nucleic acid-small molecule system
- Nvidia GPUs
- NVT, NPT, order & combination
- obtaining cellBasisVectors from SCALE entries in the PDB file
- obtaining the system force
- One Chain Simulation
- OpenMPI FEP Yields SegFaults and/or infinite dG
- Organic molecule and membrane. NAMD gives fatal error:
- Orientation colvar + metadynamics questions
- Overestimated PMF
- pair interaction energy calculation
- pairInteraction and PME
- pairInteractionSelf interaction terms
- parallel code in tclforce script
- parameter and topology files for martini polarizable water
- Parameter colvars
- Parameter file for DGEBA
- Parameters for prosthetic groups
- paricle type in residue based coarse graining of NAMD
- Pass a runtime parameter into the configuration file
- Patch information for 1TUB.pdb in order to use "psfgen"
- Patch to connect monomers code
- Patching N- and C-Terms and their parameters
- Patching protein with phosphoserine, phosphothreonine and phosphotyrosine patches
- pbc error
- PBC only along the z axis.
- pbc problem
- pbc wrap
- PCIexpress 3.0 for MD with NAMD on GPUs
- PCL dcd files
- Peptide insertion into a membrane
- peptide tends to migrate out the water box
- Percentage of Residues in Ramachandran Plot regions versus time of trajectory
- Performance difference of prcompiled binary VS source code
- periodic boundary conditions
- Persistent margin errors
- pH calculation
- Phosphorylating a residue with Amber ff
- PLUMED 2.0 announcement
- PME: The Excluded Coulombic Interactions
- PMEGridSizeX (number of grid points) is very small.
- PMETolerance
- PMF and work distribution
- PMF calculation crashes with constraint failure
- PMF calculations between membrane and nano particle simulations
- pmf command
- PMF from ABF simulation not plateauing
- Point group symmetry
- Polarizability Question!
- Polarization effect of gold cluster
- Polymer Layer/ Cutoff
- Poor scaling in NAMD simulations
- posting from Yahoo addresses disabled
- Potential energy as collective variable
- Potential energy in the boundaries
- Potential of mean force calculation using colvars in NADM 2.9 package
- pre residues and ligands interaction
- pressure profile calculation problem
- pressure profile calculations
- pressure profile freezing
- Preventing rotation of a protein
- problem compiling NAMD
- Problem during TMD
- problem in calculating binding energy using MMGBSA with namd-2.9
- Problem in creating dummy atom
- problem in determining atom types and charges for ligand atoms to type in the topology file
- problem in finding atom types for ligand
- problem in installation of charm-6.4.0 in bluegeneL]
- Problem in running "Constant Velocity Pulling" example
- Problem in SMD "Constant Velocity Pulling" on Ubiquitin example
- problem in solvating a graphene layer created using VMD-nanotube builder
- Problem of ATP mutated to dATP in solution using FEP method
- problem of using SMD and TclForces keywords simultaneously
- Problem regarding the big DCD file
- Problem regarding the Pre-Minimizer Bad Contacts Removal
- Problem regarding the psfgen
- problem with Dihedral
- problem with inorganic builder genCompressedPsf
- Problem with psfgen for Carbohydrates
- problem with ptch ...
- Problem with replica exchange
- problem with restraining a dihedral angle
- problem with runiing namd through infiniband
- Problem with running FEP calculations
- Problem with running namdenergy plugin from text interface
- Problem with the cross term of C NH1 CT1 C NH1 CT1 C NH1
- problem with using patch LINK ...
- problems about new molecule parameterization
- problems running ABF simulation
- Problems with energy minimization
- problems with in text mode towards pdf and pdb files
- Protein Dielectric Constant in GBIS
- protein schematic representaton
- Protein solvation
- Protein unfolding and Coarse grained
- Protein-ligand affinity
- Protein-ligand simulation
- protein-membrane interface hydration
- protein-water interactions
- psf file does not contain cross-terms
- PSF file for a metalloprotein
- PSF files and long atom name
- psf generation error
- Psfgen - bonding terms involving disulfide bridges
- pThr topology
- pump / force application
- puzzle of SMD in NAMD-2.9 and pull code in Gromacs
- Qh
- query about the cross term in psf
- query on constraintScaling in NAMD
- Query regarding NAMD
- question
- question about '+devices'
- Question about accelerated MD
- Question about converting velocities DCD to ascii plain text
- question about CUDA-enabled
- question about FEP for amphiphile in lipid bilayer
- question about force constant
- Question about how much used from CPU?
- Question about loading velocity files on VMD
- Question about NAMD
- question about NAMD on Kraken.
- question about NVE ensamble
- question about setting up FEP calculations
- question in NAMD with icc & cuda
- question on explicit solvent reproducibility
- question regarding interaction parameters
- Question regarding loss of translational entropy calculation in FEP tutorial
- Question regarding reverse CG to all-atom
- Question to NAMD source
- Questions on calling external program to calculate force with NAMD
- Questions regarding pressure difference
- questions regarding the source code in NAMD
- Random segfault for MPI based REMD at startup
- Rapid and accurate parameterization of new molecules in CHARMM
- RATTLE algorithm
- RBCG and NAMD 2.9
- rcmd: socket: All ports in use w/ NAMD_2.9_Linux-x86_64-ibverbs
- RDF calculation of crystal system
- RDF calculation with NAMD
- RE : AW: vmd-l: Occupancy maps
- Reaction field treatment
- reassigning temperatures
- reassignTemp question
- Reassure fluctuations in course of simulation
- recent comparison of NAMD to other MD engines
- Reduce percent use of cpu
- Reg : MD simulation with DMSO instead of water
- Reg Lack of Lack of VDW parameters
- Reg loadtotalforces.
- Reg Membrane Builder
- reg Parameters
- Reg Reading of files durin simulation
- Reg VDw Parameters
- Reg: deciding cell basis vector
- Reg: deformation of water box during equilibration
- Reg: dielectric constant calculations in NAMD
- Reg: error in log file
- Reg: LangevinPistonDecay and LangevinPistonPeriod
- Reg: minimization
- Reg: movement of protein outside box
- Reg: QM/MM calculations in NAMD
- Reg: solvation in DMSO
- Regarding colvar distancez
- regarding editing protonated glutamate in the pdb file via psfgen
- regarding editing protonated glutamate in the pdb file via psfgen . .
- Regarding free energy cost incurred by using pseudo bonds
- Regarding installing Namd 2.9 on windows xp 32 bit system
- Regarding Membrane Builder
- Regarding NAMD and MD simulations
- Regarding Production Run in NAMD
- Regarding Temperature calculation from velocity trajectory of NAMD-2.9
- Regarding the Protein-Ligand Free Energy Tutorial
- Release of ConcatXY
- remd across gpus
- REMD history file and question
- REMD on IBM iDataPlex DX360M3
- remd restart
- remd run command question
- Remove from the list pls
- Repelling extracellular regions of the protein from membrane in NAMD MD simulation
- replica exchange and colvars
- Replica exchange and colvars - Missing Stage from restart
- Replica exchange on single physical node
- replica exchange parallel tempering BlueGene/Q
- Replica Exchange Simulation in NAMD Precompiled binary in single node.
- Replica exchange, colvars & harmonic restraints
- Replica-exchange metadynamics scripts
- Require Suggestion
- Resample trajectory files
- residue_rmsd.tcl segmentation fault
- Restart files are empy
- restart files not written.
- Restart simulation of an equilibrated bilayer with sugar molecules inserted
- Restarting an FEP simulation
- Restarting simulation
- Restarting T-REMD with colvars
- Restoring simulation from the previous run
- restrain ligand in z-interval
- restrain ligand to z-interval
- restrain noe's in random.inp
- restraining bonds
- Restraints between ion and small molecule
- Retaining conformation
- Reverse coarse-graining Error: CG Builder
- RE NAMDEnergy: FATAL ERROR: Please add +idlepoll to command line for proper performance
- RE: NAMDEnergy: FATAL ERROR: Please add +idlepoll to command line for proper performance
- RE: The water box shrinks at the start of the MD simulation
- Re:tutorial-l: Protein structure distorted after Energy minimization with NAMD
- RMSD calculation
- Root mean square deviation..........
- RSMDTT keyword for nucleic acids
- Rule of thumb for equilibration
- run NAMD command in GPU
- Runaway cuda-enabled namd2 processes
- runaway minimizations
- Runaway positive feedback when minimizing large systems (was: strange glitches when performing energy minimization in MDFF simulations)
- running a calculation during simulation
- running benchmarks on NAMD-Lite
- Running Charmrun/NAMD with more than 10 processes fails
- Running CUDA-enabled NAMD on multiple nodes without InfiniBand?
- running Linux-x86_64-multicore precompiled version at 2 hexa-core CPUs?
- running Multiple-replicas metadynamics
- Running NAMD in multiprocessor single machine
- running NAMD in parallel
- running NAMD on Amazon EC2?
- Running namd on linux in cpu+gpu mode
- Running NAMD on SGE cluster - multiple modes and cores
- Running NAMD via GROMACS topology
- Same NAMD files give error in Linux but not in Windows ....
- SASA calculation
- Scaling on 64 core nodes?
- Scaling problem: 4 nodes OK, 5 fails to start
- Scaling problem: 4 nodes OK, 5 nodes fail
- Scaling solvent-solute intermolecular interactions
- School on Molecular Dynamics with NAMD and LAMMPS in Philadelphia, August 18-22 2014
- secondary structure analysis
- Segmentation fault - colvar
- segmentation fault in accelMD
- Selecting GPU for namd2
- Self-Assemble Monolayer--Periodic Boundary Conditions
- Separate water coordinates from graphite
- Set exact molarity in cell
- Setting constraints for SMD simulation
- setting the polarizabilities for the Drude force field
- Setting up membrane protein simulation from existing conformation?
- setting up namd simulation in IBM Blue Gene/L
- Sevoflurane parameters (psf file)
- SHAKE or RATTLE algorithm
- Sherical BC energy conservation
- Shift (or offset) of the lipid bilayer along Z axis during equilibration
- Should I use a precompiled binary?
- Should PME be used for electrostatic interaction energy calculations?
- Siginificant speedup by updating nvidia driver
- Silent crash NAMD-multicore-CUDA
- Simulated Annealing for a polymer
- Simulated Annealing/ Cooling
- Simulation at different time-steps
- Simulation at high pressure
- Simulation continuously crashes after minimization
- Simulation crash during NPT equilibration
- simulation crashes frequently with "atoms moving too fast"
- Simulation Do not Run in the Cluster
- Simulation in Collective sub-space
- Simulation in NPT ensemble
- Simulation of a membrane protein with large extracellular domains
- Simulation of a protein and calcium ions
- Simulation of a protein and ions
- Simulation of Protein with Ions
- Simulation of the membrane protein
- simulation options available with GPU
- Simulation results from NVT has a cavity
- simultaneous simulation for protein in water and SMD
- Single point energy calc with gaussian/namd... log file interpretation
- slice of water box
- Slow vacuum/GBIS simulations (time to completion keeps increasing)
- SMD and torque application
- SMD constant velocity not constant
- smd force is too high
- SMD pulling speed
- smd simulation
- smd tcl script - problem atoms id
- SMP vs Multicore
- sn-1 tail order parameter
- SOD topology with CHARMM36
- solvate plugin watsize value
- solvated system for minimization
- Solvation in non standard solvent
- SOLVED: Fatal Error by charmc.../usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lsrfftw. Please help!
- SOLVED: Issues with the "Keep Water Out" tcl script
- Solvent Box
- Special constraint on MD simulation
- Specific Heat Calculation
- spectrum simulation
- Spinangle with refgroup : Warning: discontinuous rotation!
- src/ComputeNonbondedCUDA.C:1022: error: thread-local storage not supported for this target
- Steered MD along detected routes
- Steered MD with the RMSD colvar
- Steered Molecular Dynamics tutorial
- Steering colvars to defined points in space
- Step size in FEP calculation
- Strange glitches when performing energy minimization in MDFF simulations
- strange result using implicit solvent
- Stray PME grid charges on increasing number of replicas and T-range with T-REMD
- String method in NAMD 2.10b1?
- Structure size limitation in NAMD
- Subject: Simulated Annealing/ Cooling
- subscribe
- subscribe namd-l
- Sudden jumps during FEP
- Suggestions on parameterizing a ligand to simulate in NAMD
- Suggestions while building a GPU-machine (CUDA) for NAMD use!
- suppressing LBD output
- Sutton-Chen potential
- Switching function while using AMBER force field
- symmetry restraints
- Symmetry restraints break IMD handshaking
- Tail order parameter
- Targeted and Steered MD: Why must the initial and targeted PDBs have identical # of atoms?
- tcf forces and ccordinate wrapping
- TCL command "run" erratic
- tcl-related segfault in NAMD
- TclForces and efficient PBC corrections
- TclForces wrapmode FATAL ERROR: Setting parameter wrapmode from script failed
- Tct script for energy estimation
- Teflon New Residue
- temperature for lipid-protein assembly
- Temperature reassignment
- Tetraphenylphosphonium
- the dielectric constant use in pairwise interaction energy calculation of ligand and protein
- the difference of PCA and EDA
- The short range nonbonbed force charge after load balancing
- The water box shrinks at the start of the MD simulation
- Thermodynamic integration questions
- thernodynamics integration in NAMD
- TI analysis script
- tilt colvar
- Timeline
- tools for Charmm
- Topology and parameter files for some engineered residues
- Topology and parameters for nitrate and nitrite ion
- topology file for ligand
- Topology for lysine bouding in Epsilon
- topology/parameter files for biotin
- total charge of the system - rounding error ?
- Transferring bond list to new molecule
- transmembrane protein simulation - hydrophobic thickness and NAMD membrane plugin
- Trouble loading frames from large DCD files
- Two dimensional ABF
- Two GPU-based workstation
- two O atoms in CTER are unusually close
- Umbrella Sampling in NAMD
- Umbrella Sampling of Sugar Pseudorotation
- Umbrella Sampling Replica Exchange Simulations
- Umbrella sampling tilt with respect to Z-axis
- Umbrella sampling using colvarconfig file with dihedrals
- Unable to read corrupted binary DCD trajectory file
- Uncovering the Elusive HIV Capsid with Kepler GPUs Running NAMD & VMD
- understanding the lone pair section of psf files
- understanding which is which with GPU cards
- unrecognizable code in the output file of ParseFEP analysis in VMD 1.9.1 under the Linux system
- unsubscribe
- unsubscribe from mailing list
- unsubscribe namd-l
- unsubscribe please!
- unsubscriber e-mail office pool anybody?
- unsuscribe
- use of colvars to restrain the absolute positions of all atoms in a large system
- useGroupPressure
- using CHARMM-format Amber parameters in NAMD
- Using CNS parameter file to create NAMD topology and parameter files
- Using CosntantArea in membrane simulation
- Using negatively charged phopspholipids and no neutralization, membrane expands in the xy direction .......
- Using negatively charged phospholipids and no neutralization, membrane expands in the xy direction .......
- Using nodelist file causes namd to hang
- Using position-dependent diffusion to simulate long colvars trajectories
- Using the CHARMM36 forcefield with NAMD
- Using volmap to calculate the water density around certain residues
- utilizing mic coprocs on Stampede
- vacuum minimisation-reg
- variable force constant
- Various questions
- VDW component: NAMD vs. CHARMM
- VDW energy is negative but total energy is positive
- VDW energy: positive or negative?
- vdW-only fep between two ions
- vdwForceSwitching and PME
- velocity manipulation
- Very long simulation
- vibrational modes calculation
- vmd-l: About PLUMED with NAMD VMD
- vmd-l: Accelerated MD (aMD)
- vmd-l: citing SODIUM program
- vmd-l: Error with show_replicas.vmd
- vmd-l: FFTK Atom types
- vmd-l: ffTK problem: OPT.Charges
- vmd-l: fftk-charges
- vmd-l: making psf files
- vmd-l: membrane lipid involvement of cholesterol
- vmd-l: NAMD energy calculation
- vmd-l: Suggestions on parameterizing a ligand to simulate in NAMD
- Volume Entry
- VRPN cannot connect to Falcon
- VRPN compilation error
- warnings while using amber files
- Water density in the solvate plugin
- water layer in membrane protein modeling
- water-protein interation
- WG: questions regarding the source code in NAMD
- WHAM analysis for Umbrella sampling
- What does "outputSystemForce" output?
- what to do with this error
- which namd versions compatible with CUDA 5.5 and other CUDA woes
- whidth value of orientation in colvars
- Why CPU Usage is low when I run ibverbs-smp-cuda version NAMD
- Why does my volume suddenly expand as I increase temper ature.. .
- Why does my volume suddenly expand as I increase temperature.
- Why RDF increases as r increase instead of constant
- Widom test particle insertion in NAMD
- Will there be a NAMD2.9 for IBM AIX UNIX?
- Window for FEP calculations
- Workshop on GPU Programming for Molecular Modeling, August 2-4, 2013, in Urbana, Illinois
- Workshop on GPU Programming for Molecular Modeling, in Urbana, Illinois, July 22-24, 2014
- Workshop on Very Large System Simulation Workshop, Urbana, IL, August 11-15, 2014
- wrapping a protein
- wrapping in two dimensions
- wrapping option in namd
- write pdb
- writedcd problem
- Xeon vs i7 and ECC vs SDRAM
- xplor psf used for namd
- XY constraints with center of mass movements
- zeroMomentum for water droplet
- zinc finger with ASP
- RE NAMDEnergy: FATAL ERROR: Please add +idlepoll to command line for proper performance
- 回复: Shift (or offset) of the lipid bilayer along Z axis during equilibration
- 崔幼恬 自动回复: Multiple input and output files
- :
- 答复:RE: NAMDEnergy: FATAL ERROR: Please add +idlepoll to command line for proper performance
Last message date: Tue Dec 30 2014 - 07:38:36 CST
Archived on: Wed Dec 31 2014 - 23:23:10 CST
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