From: sunyeping (
Date: Sun Feb 23 2014 - 20:29:02 CST
Dear NAMD user,
I am using CUDA accelerated VMD and trying to run
NAMD Energy using NAMD Energy Plugin graphical interface. I am getting
this error:
FATAL ERROR: Please add +idlepoll to command line for proper performance.
In namd mail list here Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer used to give comment to the error. He suggest changing the namdenergy.tcl script and insert it everywhere namd is executed, But I cann't understand it. Should I put the vmd scrpit namdenergy.tcl into the directory which contains namd2 command? I have tried it but it doesn't work?
Could you help me with this? with many thanks.
Yeping Sun
Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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