Re: Current bias values

From: Ajasja Ljubetič (
Date: Wed May 08 2013 - 02:54:11 CDT

This is because you have

*outputVelocity on*

in your colvar config. The columns are finite-difference velocities. *

On 2 May 2013 03:39, Siri Sndergaard <> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm running replica exchange with metadynamics and I would like to know
> how to get the current bias values. Does someone know where they are?
> Also, in the colvars.traj-file there are 5 columns (I have two CVs). The
> first is step, the second is the value of the first CV and the fourth is
> the same for the second CV. I'm not sure what column 3 and 5 are? The
> header says v_'CV-name'. What does this mean?
> Kind regards Siri

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