From: Jérôme Hénin (
Date: Tue Aug 31 2010 - 10:22:06 CDT
You could implement both TMD and the distance restraint as colvar
biases - see "Collective Variable Calculations" in the user's guide.
On 31 August 2010 15:25, dhacademic <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I meet this "FATAL ERROR: Due to a design error, GlobalMasterServer does not
> support individual atom requests from multiple global force clients on
> parallel runs" problem when I run TMD with TCL force. I have searched the
> mail-list and found that someone else also had this problem. It seems that
> two user defined forces (TMD and TCL force) can not be used at the same
> time.
> In my system, TMD is applied for segment A and a distance restraint is
> imposed for segment B (by using TCL force). In NAMD, is there any
> alternative that can fulfill this requirement?
> Many thanks for any suggestion.
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