From: liupeng012 (
Date: Mon Jul 26 2010 - 02:59:34 CDT
Dear Everyone:
I am trying to run a simulaiton on tianhe-1 system. However, there is some problem.
The job manage system is wiered one. it has been told to submit a job use the word "yhrun". I download the precompiled namd namd as "Linux-x86_64-ibverbs".
If i run the command "yhrun namd", it works very well. However, in the single cpu mode.
If i run the command "yhrun charmrun namd", then it will informe that "Couldn't find rsh program 'rsh'". However, i don't have the permition to configure the file at each node.
If i run the command "charmrun namd", then i can not have the resource from system. because my count can not access the node except the console.
what's wrong? what should i do ?
Any help is apprecated! Thanks!
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