From: Jian Liu (
Date: Thu Feb 18 2010 - 04:09:25 CST
Dear Drew.
As far as I know, there are some bugs about TclForce commands (such as loadcoords,
loadforces and loadmasses) on NAMD2.7b1/2_windows. I suggest that you change you
computing platform to Linux or have a try with NAMD2.6_windows.
May It can help you.
Jian Liu
Master-degree graduate candidate majoring in Molecular Modelling
Outstanding Students and PhD. Wanted
----- Original Message -----
From: Drew buschhorn <>
Subject: namd-l: tutorial-l: Nanotubes tutorial - coorList(577) no such element
Date: 2010-2-18 14:45:24
Hello, ( cross posted to tutorial-l first, but it doesn't seem to be active )
Thanks for making NAMD and VMD avalible to the
public. I'm not using NAMD for actual research, so
please feel free to drop this into your low priority queue.
I’ve been attempting to complete the nanotubes tutorial:
However, in step 3.1: Submitting sim_short.conf,
I'm unable to submit my processing request. When I
execute the command, it begins processing, then the Tcl interpreter dies
with the error:
TCL: can't read "coorList(577)": no such element in array.
I know a little bit of Tcl and have tried to investigate the
error myself, but with little success. The wiki and previous digests
also don't seem to have any similar reports.
I'm not quite sure how to proceed, so if anyone has any time
to give advice, I would appreciate it. I
have included my debug information below, and attached a log of my
attempt to run the command sequence described in 3.1.
Former Inorganic ChemistDebug info
OS: Windows Vista x64
NAMD version: Version 2.7b2 (2009-11-12) Win32
VMD version: Version 1.8.7 (2009-08-01) Win32 OpenGL
Nanotubes files version:
Note: I have been successful at running the same tutorial files using the NAMD linux binaries:
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